8- Orono W.kly Times, Wednsday~ June 18, 1O#4 *i mmmoeioemiiimoeoeoeoei I From the Rain Forest Grade Nine students, true to the school with ail activ some stands now being taken by schedulcd at different pet youth, bad the rainforests on their during the evening. minds for their project for the '94 This giant Dragon Fiy edition of Self-Expression at centre court in the the midstc Clarke High School. The event rainforcst . was held on Thursday evening at A al fte id "I Love'Canada Canada S.Canada" Patriotism apart, Uic song of Uic Whitc-Throated Sparrow is assoeinted with mnny of the natural features of Ontario that we Mnost treasure. It symbolizes our lakes, our forests in Uic north and our spring migration. The song of Uic White Throat is well recognized with I Love Canada Canada Canada" or as sorne say "Old Samn Peabody Pcabody Peabody". As a mile Uic White Throats maketheir presence know along with their compatriates Uic White Crowned during the spring migration. Thcy can bc heard rustling through the dry leaves scratching for food as Uiey travel north. -, The summer range for Uic bird is mostly in northern Ontario but at Urnes we do hear thc bird sing out froin the forcst thickets of. this area and such wan Uic case on Sunday ast at Uic Pigeon River Conservation Area north of Pontypool. But this maie White Throat with his eye spots of yellow was sorne more friendiy than usuai and camne to Uic side of Uic trail ta perch in full view flitting from dead tree fimib ta dead tree irnb. He was in no hurray to leave and had even brought aiong one o recent offsprings who wa busy an thc father. They appe- oblivious of humans being sent we did have time to ct Uieir presence. It is unfortunate that rei records have it that the popula of Uic White-Throated Spar han declincd fîfty percent ove past Uree decades. The bird' a growing list of birds Uiat being registcrcd as in declir this province. A wcek ago last Sunday Bunting and I placed ourse north of Kirkfield on a two. ruttcd trail which went on over seven kilomneters witho sign of human life with exception of a couple of o bird wntchers. The number of Blue Birc this particular area would hav indicate a rcturn of Uic specie thcy werc, about as commoI wcre Uic number of Sparrc The rond is lincd on both s w ith some sixty nest boxes b utilities both by Biue Birds Tree Swallows. There seemns twbc a t dcvcioping Uiat two boxes placed close tagether and that will lbc usetu by n Swallow 'm the other ana then bc used1 Blue Bird. Neither specie nest close ta one of its own but Uic two can make home condo arrangement. Student suspended from Clarke High School A sixteen year old student at Cilarke High School has been suspended after being charged by Durham Regionai Police with aggravated assauit to a fellow student. Durharn Regional Police were called ta the school last Tuesday when the incident happened between thc 16 year old. and a l3year old student. 'Police Sergeant Sandy Ryrie caled the incident a serious matter and "this was no school yard fight". He said they didn't know what iead to thc altercation. Pauline Janitch, a spokesperson for the Board of Education said thc two students invoived in thc incident are in a Section 27 Ciass. The class is a cornbined educational and rehabilitation program for students with behav- iourai probiems. It is mun'by Uic Frontenac Youth Services in Oshawa. Mrs. Janitcb said thc 16 year oid boy has been suspended from school. The iength of the suspension'and Uic possibility of further discipiinary action will be determined ni an investigation by school staff. The 13 year oid boy required surgery for a broken armn at Uic Oshawa Generai Hospital. by John Veidhuis The Clarington Comrnunity Liaison Group is still very active. i We arc putting the finishing touches on severai reports. The cdean-up criteria subgroup wiil soon have its surnmary report cornpieted for your review. It is a very interesting document which is easy to rend and gives you a, vities clear picture what thec dean-up rods The Remedoial Action group is f ok working on a RAP 4 report which oftooe provides a good ovcrview of Uic ofUc mcthod of rcmnoving Uhc low level radioactive wnstes in the Port Granby site. A ncw tank han been given ta, the Clarington Group reccntly. This tank is ta describe, study and report on the best options for transporting Uic wnstes frorn Uic present site to its new location. )f bis' Tis report and programn han just Ls as been given to thc group, therefore ared your views andu comments are pre- cxtremcly helpful., ýnjoy At this ime we are planning ta lift the low leve! radioactive ,cent wnste inta containers which can ation bc scalcd. These containers rro would then bc carried by light rail .r Uic to a ncw siding north of Uic site joins and when enough of these tare containers have been ansemb lcd ne in into a, train, they will be transportcd by' rail ta their final Bull distination in Deep River.. Ives The Clarington. Group is also -tire working on a summary report and ifor recommendations for you and thc )ut a Council of -Clarington. This ,the report. wil bc of special interest ther toalal stake-holders, residents and citizens. It will provide s in recommendationis for, dean-up, ve to rernoval rnethods, background sfor n as )W5. ides reing ;and rend sarc .one whilc by a will kind in a This is an interesting part of the country and wc wer able to add to our list for dhe day, other than the common birds, a pair of Evening Grosebeaks, a Rufous Sided Towhee, a pair of Common Snipes and their young, Sege Wren and'a number of singing Brown Thrashers making their presence known from the top of trce spikes. There were others but this group was enough, to make the trip weli worthwhile. studies, baselines, transportation issues, health concerns and remediation procedures. The Clarington Group has accomplished an enormnous task. There stiil are some issues to be resolved but we do have some answers where we only had questions, we do have facts wherc we oniy had opinions and we do have a plan which is carefully. considered and technically defensible plan to rmove the low. level radioactive wastes which have been with us since 1955 inia safe, environmentaily sound way. Please call 987-7786 if you would lilce to know more details. Stouffville Co-op adds others After thirteen months of operating tbe Uxbridgc, Cedar Valley, Sutton and Claremont Co-operative businesses the members of Stouffville can finally call thcm their own. The sale and lease agrements between Stouffville and the other Co-ops were complcted last week. The members of the Stouffville Co-op raiscd $ 170,000 to kecp Co-ops in the other centres and to strengthen their own Co-op., Ontario hockey meeting (Continued from page 4) league team too enter tournamnents the coach and trainer must be carded. - 'Me coaches have to take a 4 hour reclassification course every 3 years starting in the 1997/98 season at a cost of $25.00. - A 30 second trne out wil be grantcd to ail rep teamns in al playoff gaines. - Wýhere a stick mecasurement is asked for and granted, the referce shall do the measuring at the Lime keepers box. Ail players wili be, sent to their benches except the captains. - In playoffs the goalie does not change ends after regulation time but will after each overtime period. - Referees mileage rate increase from 21 cents to 25 cents per km. Note: There are 20 other ruie changes that were cither defeated, referrcd or out of order. 5) Registration report - Rcp Hockey team 29024 players - House league tcamns 58744 players - total 87768 players 6) As of June 1, 1994 the OMHA has becomne a ful mnember of the OHF. OMHA Contact Ray Bester PORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL Unique Waterfront Seting EVERY FRIDAY 5 P.M. TO S8 Ex Seafood Buffet '14.95 (A La Carte Menu Availabe) Reservations Appreciated 905-623-4925 Take Lake Road off Liberty St., South 50 70 Port Darllngton Road Bowmnanville Dance in the Brig Sat. Nights Play Pool ln Lounge Nightly Community Liaison Group Update 24)1k. SERICýE CALL (905) 983-5647 MOBILE,(905) 432-4834 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL -Environmentally Friendly- Own ed and operated by Dway ne and Alvin Souch. ............... ........... ............. ... ......................