6 - Omno W.okIy Tlmes~ Wdnesday8 Juno 22,~ 1~O4 From A ro*ý;,:::u:,,>nd....ý, The R egn Costs rise for graduated licence Graduated licensing for new drivers is an attempt by the Ontario government to improve safety on bighways. Under graduated licensing new drivers will have to complete more, tests, tban in the past. The cost of a new licence also increases to $ 125.00 from the former $31 .00. Household hazardous waste drop-off 560 households participated in Port Hopes hazardous waste day. Automotive products, paints, and pesticides were brougbt in to a specified drop-off point. There was no charge. 'IMe county intends to bold two more drop-off days for bazardous waste. Ali products are either recycled, reused or bumnt. Grant paying for operetta director Tbe Victorian Operetta Society and Cobourg Opera and Draina Guild are able tbis year to bire a p--rofessionmal director for their staging of "The Pirates of Penzance in the spring of 1995., The group bas been in existance for the past four years and this is the first time tbat funding was available for a professional director. Board to renovate offices Work is to start this summer for the renovation of the bead offices of the Nortbumberland Clarington Board of Education located in Cobourg. The project will start during a two week closing in July and tben proceed again next summer. Proceed with $400,OOO for dump Northumberland County council gave quick approvai to an expenditure of $400,000 to establish a work plan design for a new county dump in Haldimand Township just east of Cobourg. 1A last minuteautempt to stall the progress of the dump plan failed. Tightrope walker thrills crowd They recreated a bit of Port Hope history a week-ago Saturday wben a tigbt rope walker performed on a wire in Memorial Park in tbe Town. Nicky Dewhurst;, brought over froni England, will perform bis higb-wire act in the play The Great Farini to be presented starting July 6th at the 4th Line Theatre south of Mîillbrook. The Great Farini was a Port Hope native who years ago earned fame witb his high wire acts. Dewhurst had his audience spellbound witb bis performance of juggling torches, doing the split, dance, run and ride a unicycle across the wire. The Kids' Safety Village The Rotary Club of Oshawa and the Optimist Club of Ajax bave started construction of the new Kids' Safety Village beside the Kathleen Rowe Memnorial Scbool in Whitby. The Safety Village wiIl be available to Durham Regional Police to teach cbildren of Durbam about safety. The Village is expected to open this fail. Tbe Village will be complete with roadways, sidewalks, street lights, railroad crossings and battery operated small cars. The children are expected to visit the Village on three occasions for the program of safety. The third visît will include the use of BMX bikes when hand signais will be tested. There is a lot of excitement over the project and the kids haven't even heard about it yet. Hope Township to lend support Hope Township bas been opposed to belping to pay for psycbological services which bas cost tbe local public board some $468.000 annually. 1Hope Township bas taken the position that psychological services are not a responsibility of school boards. The Township bas decided to back a challenge by tbe Ontario Public Scbool Boards' Associa- tion to tbe part of tbe Ontarios Education Act whicb requires scbool boards to provide psychological services to students and employees. The OPSBA argues that the service is flot one that tbe boards should bave to foot the bül. Comrnunity-shared agricultural plan A Hamnilton township couple wbo operate a 40 hectare organic farm north of Cobourg are hoping that a community-sbared agricultural programn will be a successful venture for their part. The plan bas been in operation for the past tbree years and does away witb the middleman, the wholesaler and retaiîng. Tbe couple have signed up some 20 shareholders to this point. It is expected the annual féee will be $25.00 and tben a subsequent weekly $20.00 for every basket of produce taken fromr the farm. Tbere is a gamble for both sides. A lean crop year reduces the size of the basket wbile a bumper crop stuffs tbe basket. Island residents voice objection It bas not been an easy make for the Mississuagas of Scugog over their planned bingo bail and Monte Carlo licence. Some 130 residents of the island and the area attended a meeting last Tbursday objecting tbe plan wbich bas been supported by Gord Mills, M.P.P. Durhamn East. The Save Scugog Island Commiftte said tbey will seek a court injunction to force an environmiental assessmnent and social imnpact of the plan. It has been reported that Scugog council bas told Premier Bob Rae that they are alarmed that the province did flot see fit to çonsult witb the municipality over the issuance of a gaming licence and granting a tbree year permit to the Mississuagas for exclusive use of 100 acres of Crown land on tbe shores of Lake Scugog. Cbief Gary, Edgar has stated that everyone will be entitled to the use of the bingo bail and that revenue from the hall wil assist organizations and groups in the area. June S, 1944. The beginning oet the' md off the mvii dàrknmss. 1994. The darknmss thrmatmns the good once again. 50 years ago, thousands of Canadian soldiers stormPed the beaches -of Normandy. They fougbt the National Socialists (Nazis) and biought honour to Canada. 50 years ago, these young men and boys fought and died so as Canadians and the Worid may be free frorn tyranny. Free fiom a government that had invented many a lie to support their dlaims and justify their actions. They lied about the Jews, using themt as scapegoats to re-direct the anger and frustration of citizenry. They lied about the guns ciaiming that citizens didn't have a legitimnate need for guns. Now, once again, Canadians stand at the edge of the darkness. Once again, lies are being told. This time by the left wing Socialists, both in and out of the government. Citizens don't need guns. If we remove hand guns and semi-automatic rifles, the left wing version of an assault weapon, crime will go away. The truth is, as confîrmed by various goverument statistics, legally owned guns play little or no part in crime in Canada. The truth is there are no assault weapons (full auto) legally for sale in Canada. Let's understand this completely "There are no assault weapons legally for sale in Canada." The truth is that the left wing within the Liberal party, a large portion of the media and others of the darkness wish to dlaim that some semi-automatic rifles are assault weapons. Why? Because they look different. They may be all the same inside, but they look different on the outside. What they don't tell you is that many a hunting rifle is se mi-automatic, many a duck gun is semi-automatic. The differences are only skin deep. But truth and honesty is and neyer was important to the darkside. What is important is - little by little we will get ail the guns. First the false assault guns, then the semi-automatic hand guns. They wil then collect the rest of the hand guns. AIl the time this goes on, the rest of the sbooting sports and hunters will be assured that they don't want their guns. It is of paramount importance that they keep the shooters and hunters calm and divided. Mien they get the first group they can then turn on the rest, and they surely ivili. The dark side of the media to which many of these politicians pander to will insist. First the rifles, lien the shot guns. Then and only then xii the darkness feel complete. Then and only then, wili we realize just how many young men and boys died in vain. lt's tîme now for the good to stand together We 'caîl upon the liberal politicians to tumn away from the dark side within your ranks. To stop pandering to the left wing media flants that seek to control the Country without benefit of election. To reject the shock troops )that exist, only to fight against guns, perpetuating myths and lies. We cail upon the Liberals that have lost their way to return to the middle ground. That great expanse of land where the majority of honest and decent Canadians exist. That area that has made the Liberals great in the past. We caîl upon the Liberals and aIl politicians to be true to their Country and make iaws that truiy address the eica us-esof -crimeqand voene We cali upon ail politicians and the rest of Canada to remember june 6, 1944. The beginning of the end of the evil darkness. t.et it not retumn. REPRINTED, WITH PERMISSION 0F EASTWAY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC., BY THE ORONO FISH & HUNT CLUB 5751 OCHONSKI ROAD, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1 MO iiitm biBi