Oronc Weekly TMmes, Wedresay, JuIy 20, 1994 -9 S'zALLY STAPLES associate broker 623-6000 ESTATE LOT! HOBBY FARMI Ride off this hobby horse farm wih terrific 8 stall barn right into the Ganaraska Conservation Area - the four bedroom home cornes wth breathtaking view and crystal clear pondl This rolling ten acres, wvith ever present cooling breazes cornes with comfortable, spacious 4 bedroom renovated farmhouse - real country kitchen with woodstove and large barn with paddock! KENDAL HILLS! Don't sizzle in the summer heati With central air and a super, shady backyard this elegantly decorated, upgraded bungalow, on mature haîf acre lot is an excellent choicel SUPER STARTER! Why pay rent when you can own - and have a smaller monthly payment - aven including taxes! Cali for details on this economical, aluminium sided, three bedroomn home! HAMPTON -.38 ACRE! Enjoy a huge, private, country lot backing onto a f ield with a convenient village location 1 - Yvith four bedrooms, 2 baths and dîning room walk-out to covered deckl SUtitme to enrol in Durham College courses Enrolment in first year post- secondary at Durham College is up 9% according to MaryLynn West-Moynes, Director of Public Relations. Last year at this time there were 1763 confirmations for first year programns compared to 1903 confirmations this year. "One reason for the increase can be attributed in part to thrce new programs that Durham is offering this year," said West- Moynes. "Human Services Counsellor, Mechanical Engineering Technician and Mecbtronics have been added to the post-secondary programs offered at Durham College." "The Human Services Counsellor, two year diploma program has been filled, but there are still openings in the new two year Mechanical Engineering Technician diploma program as well as the new three year Mechtronics diploma program. Other Technology programs including Civil Technician (2 years), Electrical Engineering Technician (2 years), Environmental Technology (3 years), and Food and Drug Technology (3 years) stili have some openingsavailable." There are also openings available in many other Durham College programs. Food and Beverage Management, a two year diploma stili has limited openings. The General Arts and Science program which can lead to a one year certificate or a two year diploma has been expanded to accommodate more students. This program is ideal for those who are entering college as mature students, those who want a general education diploma, or for those who have not made a career choice yet. Business Administration programs leading to both two and three year diplomas, still have some openings available. Durham College also allows direct entry into second year of some programs for university graduates, as well as credits for courses taken previously. e Durham College programn credits are accepted towards university degrees through the many partnerships that Durham College has with universities, including Trent, Ryerson, Wilfred Laurier, and Guelph. One partnership with Guelph University allows graduates from the Food and Drug Technology, program at Durham College to enter directly into second year of the Food Sciences degree program with 15 credits. The partnership also reserves 15 spaces for Durham College transfer students.11 Durham College post- secondary programs are open to high- school and university graduates as well as mature students (assessed on an indivîdual basis). For more information on Durham College programns cal the- Admissions Office at 721-2000. Its summer time, and that means that raspbenries are adding vibrant colour to the countryside throughout Durham Region. The local farmers are starting their annual harvest, and pick your own markets are anticipating another busy season. For those who are heading out to pick their own little jewels, don't forget to phone ahead to ensure they are open for picking. Also check to sec if the market provides containers, if not, make sure to bring shallow containers tw preventcrushig by placinig to many bernies in one container. Wear clothing that is cool, loose and washable; bring your hat and sun block. Ra spberries come in two different colours: Red such as Boyne, Comet, and Festival, that range from light to dark red, and small ta large in size; Royality is purple in colour, very large and very sweet in taste. When you are picking, select firmn, dry beiries that have good colour for their variety, and avoid berries that are overly soft, blemished or mouldy. When you are choosing raspberries that have already been picked, look for dlean unstained containers. To store your raspberries, place in a shallow container, loosely covered, on the top shelf of your refrigerator to reduce the chance of absorbing other food odours. Just before serving-, rinse the berries under cold water and place on paper towels to drain, if sandy. Bring your own home-packed meal to enjoy amongst the park's natural surroundings or spoil yourself and your family with hotdogs and soft drinks at a nominal charge. Volunteers are still needed to join the team already assemnbled ta mun the day's activities. Anyone interested in helping out is asked to call Celebrate Durham at (905) 430-1302. Watch for more information on this event in the coming weeks. Eat, drink, and be menry at the Celebrate Durham '94 Giant Family Picnic. Raspberries are a favourite on many summer and faîl menus such as: snacks, garnishes, with ice cream, yogurt or cream, pies, jam, and bread pudding. Soon ta hit Durham ... the- gSgest picnic of 1994. Claringtons ,Enniskillen Conservation Area is the location of the Celebrate Durham '94 Giant Family Picnic on August 14. From 1 to 5, people of all ages can mndulge themselves ini an awesome day of fun and frivolity. Organized in association with the Tourist Association of Durham Region, this mammoth event will help celebrate both the Region's anniversary, and the International Year of the Farnily. First-rate readings for children will be presented by Children Can Excel. A variety of bands will provide non-stop musical entertainment through the afternoon. There will be games for the little ones, plus face painting, and pony rides. Television's Green Ranger wîll be making a special appearance. An assortment of displays and demonstrations Will make it a day for each member of the family. Raspberries are available from now until September, so head out to prepare your favourite dish with their beautiful gift from nature. Many raspberry growers and markets can be found in the Durham Region Farm Fresh Guide, for your free copy please cali the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs office at (905) 985-2003. ,- S7ERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'Wh4ere 1rofessionablEtiquette is Important' Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN-VI LLE RE1MAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTDU, REALTOR Djurham moves to pienie at Enniskillen Con. area ME