Orono Horticulture hosts garden tour A view of Fie and Lloyd Sharpe's gardens which are mncluded in the Orono garden tour Saturday, July 16th was a beautiful day for our first time ever Garden Tour. 'he following members hosted the open garden tour, Dave and Sandra Hinton, Peter and Shelley Etmanskie, Laverne and June Heard, Orville and Isabelle Challice, Gord and Lorna Atkins, Thanks te ail those who took Cor and Carol Mostert, Eric and the trne to host the tour and ail of Patricia Bales, John and Pat you that came eut te view the Windatt, Bill Tomlinson, Emil gardens. ht was great fun and it and Helen Schmid and Lloyd and sure beats talking pelitics. Our Flora Sharpe. Among the many club is always open to visitors vis itors were people from and new members. Scotland, Toronto and Lindsay. Thursday, August I lth is our There were many compliments Summer Flewer and Vegetable and exchanging of hints and tips. Show. Corne eut and iet's talk This is what horticulture is ail garderiing. about. cnanges in ownershlp and operation of smnall local airports there are questions being asked as te the future of the Oshawa airport as te ownership. The announcement could mean major changes for the Oshawa airport which up to this year was cons idered a regional airport which made it elegible for federal monies. Mayor Nancy Diamond says that niodernization of the airport in Oshawa is now underway and it is on track with the federal government. She also said she has been assured the twenty year lease between the federal governiment and Oshawa is te continue. Alex Shepherd, Durham M.P. has said ijiat the Oshawa airport may end up as part of a Toronto airport authority. On schedule and below budget A Durham Board of Education $33 million education centre and associated high school for 800 students will open on time in Whitby. The Centre will house 450 staff members and the move to the quarters is now under-way. The high school wiil be open for September classes with a staff of 60 to65. The centre and school is located on a 21 acre parcel of land on Taunton Read in Whitby. Trent University at Durham College FaIl 1994 Comiplete a degree, part-limie or fuLI-tirme, n any of the followig subjects: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economnics, Englisit, I-istory, Political Studies, Psychology, Sociology for information or a brochure cal:- (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 Ini considering some of the planning for a motor trip te Bayfield on Lake Huron on Saturday we had te be mindful that Our grandson Jamie would be travelling with us. Going back inte history it was generally a plan to have something for the lids te do on a long trip be it new picture books, looking for cars with out-of province licence plates and of course the popular sing alengs and rounds. Maybe taking a pilow se they would go te sleep. For Jamie on Saturday we decided he could sit in the front seat being the navigater and' Donna could remnove hersef from the front te be the back-seat driver. 1 must say, Mdont get excited." Tlhere was ne problem with the system. It worked. Jamie did have te leara that 1 needed a two block wamning of an upceming turn and Donna was te tell me prier te a dnriving errer rather than after the fact. We didn't get lst nor did I drive through any red lights. It was a dlean run te Bayfield and back te attend the annual Forrester picnic at the Robert McVies, pessibly 30 te 40 present. We did have another little game fer the trip and it came about as a result of a scrap of paper on the kitchen table with D4STER witten on it. Being that it was in Donna's hand writing I1 asked the auther what it was all about. Sure enough it sounds eut D FORRESTER and Donna is hopeful that it is te be her new licence plate identification. DONNA F, DONNA W and other DONNAS have ail failed in the past due te the fact they have been already alotted te ether Donnas, It was decided we would look for other possible identification name plates on the trip te Bayfield. IL wasn't that long that RUTH SG was found but after that we either missed any interesting IDs or there weren't any. There was one exception, 81 LADY flashed across the plate of a 1994 white Corvette that still has us wondering especially since we couldn't agree whether it was a man or a weman driver. "'Watch where your drivmng came from the back seat". It is tee bad that it was necessary years ago te use both letters and numerais te record ail the licence plates that are now issued. Prier te that the licence plates centainied only nuimerals and it was possible te make use of the numerals te play a stripped-down gane of cribbage as you travelled along the highway. Those days are long gene. About Bayfield - a pretty litle cemmunity on the shores of Lake Huren with one of the largest municipal ly-owned recreational harbours and a big tounist trade ini a great number of speciality shops and eateries. The specialty shops are located in what had te be a residential area adjacent te a sizeable town park and treed with large maples. It wouid be my quess that it surpasses Unionville in size of the teurist trade arca The Forrester line-up dees get another year eider but ail of 1993 and more made it for 1994 except for the Orono Fire Chief and his family - duty calis. Seeks to open crisis care faciity. The Bethesda House of Mercy has made application te Claringten for an arnendment te the Municipality's Zening By-law te allow a crisis care facility offering lodging and support for abused wornen and their children. The site fer the proposai is in the south of Bowmanville on Liberty Street north of the Baseline Road. The group previeusly had seught te locate such a faciity on Ontario Street off Church Street. but withdrew the application when opposition te the proposai rnount(ed. In addressing council on Monday Robert Pinheiro on behiaîf ef Bethesda House of mercy saîd that funding was available for the purchase as well as funds for sorne renovýatiens. He aIse said thiat a Security fÙrm had been obtained te provide property Securing. The heuse has four bedrooms with Outdoor'space and a suitably sized kitchen. Mr. Pinheiro said the group was ready te moýve on the project as soon as appreval is given by the municipality. A report te ceuncil from planning neted that neighbouring preperty owners had been notified ef the application that te date there had been ne objections registered. The application was referred back te Staff for precessing. Mayor Harare said they could net give appreval at the meeting on Monday as the planning process had te be followed but said that the application would bc fast-tracked by staff. There was stilla waiting peried of 21 days for the registration of objections te the plan. CALL (905) 983-5647 M OBILE (90)4243 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL - En vironmentally Friendly - Owned and operated by Dwayne and Alvin Souch. Municipality of Clarington Community Services Department invites APPLICATIONS FOR SEASONAL/PART-TIME WORK in BOWMAN VILLE RECREATION COMPLEX DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE FITNESS CENTRE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS - JULY 27,1994 Ia, MUICIPALITY OF ONTARIO Date of Publicaion: Wednesday, July 20, 1994 P.O. 4842 -m24 E. SýERMIQýE Ï-