Orono Weekly TMmes, Wednesey, Julyý 27, 1994 - 9 SLLY STAPLES associate broker Ihi~nkt:ng cf se(ûing? Colt me for afree appraisa( - takje afvantage cf tff e test market conditions in yearsl 1 623-6000 RE/MAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR 623m6000 24 h,. pager Public Works employees work 500 days without an injury A Little More Magic And indeed it was We bave read about and bave seen TV clips pertaining te the Famous PEOPLE Players and learning that tbey were performing in Cobourg it became a MUST wo see. First we were most surprised to find that tbis group, of national and international acclaim, were performing from the end of June to the first of August in Victoria Hall in Cobourg. It wasn't every night but almost and then matinees and evening perform- ances on Saturdays and Sundays. The last show is set for Monday AugustIlst. (905) 372-2210 if you are interested. The, Famous PEOPLE Players prescnted their show "a littie more magic" direct from a successful mun on Broadway. It is an all-ncw show for the group and as an advertisement states "next top the moon and stars tbis is the best thing te sec in thle dark". The group was founded in Toronto in 1974 by Artistic Director Diane Lynn Dupuy wbo was intercsted in challenging disabled young people te beceme productive and self-supporting members of socicty. Since that lime the group bave met the challenge and have been acclaimed for their contributions to theatre arts and the cntertainment industuy. It is one thing to read about it or see a clip on television. It's another to sec the performance live and on stage - using a black- light technique in the moving of fluorescent puppets and props and live performers illuminated by ulta violet ligbt. The programn was upbeat ail . way tbrough witb colour, music, dance having moments of seriousness, exuberance, patriotic and as weli, humour. The performers acted out Tisket A Tasket while Ella Fitzgerald sang the song and lilcewise it was Pavarotti singing the Sad Clown as it was being performed on stage. Elvis Presley and Jailrock Blues and it was the Stripper that had everyonc in stitches. What about Little Richard and Tutti Fruitti. One bad to feel there was a patriotic feeling with the audience when the group staged Oh Canada with varlous versions of the song. With the singing of "Crying" (Over You) by Roy Orbinson and K. D. Lang bodi the Canada Flag and Quebec Flag becarne emersed in thc problem of-tbe-day with separation. The audience broke out with mucb applause wben the Canada Flag cmerged with a circle of blue in the middle. One had to feel a sense of pride in Canada with thc above twe acts but then there was Bud thc Spud by Stempin' Tom Connors and Farewell te Nova Scella by Catbsine McKinnon. 1 should have taken notes on the take-off on our Prime Minister. At Uic end of thc performance Uic group displayed just bow the performances werc undertaken and it certainly answered a lot of questions that 1 bad. Two of the performers on stage on Saturday nigbî bad been witb the group since ils formation, twenty years ago. Tbey were terrific. Yes - I would go again. Port Granby waste (Contined rom page 8) features can bc protected.> In March of 1995 residents of, Deep River, Cbalk River and Wards 3 and 4 of the United Townships of Rolph, Buchanan, Wylic and McKay will be asked te decide by a referendum, whether or not îhey support volunteering for Uic new facility that would store waste from Port Granby in Clarington, Welcome and from Port Hope. The residents of the area will bc informed of the effecis ibat migbt be creaîed by the facility and will bc informed of thc equity compensation available te the community should it agree to host Uic facility. The final decision will be made by the Government of Canada. Town employees with the Public Works department have set an envious record of 500 days without an injury. 1Walter Evans, Director of Works said the employees, 53 iný number, boosted their safety record by 1,000 percent. To fit the criteria of a no lost time injury means anyone hurt must bc back on tbe job the next day. Before tbis record had been set the greatest number of days without an injury was 35 days. It is pointed out that it is much more than luck. It is a matter of workers and supervisors sharing responsibility for workplace safety. Evans said that Clarington bas two health and safety committees, one of which works with public works and the other witb the rest of thie departments. Mr. Evans said the committees have instituted training programs along with taking part in training programs undertaken in other centres around Clarington. Evans started what is called the SHARE program which has KINGSTON McLaughlin daug hter unveils plaque A $500,000 donation by a surviving daughtcr of the late Col. R.S. (Sam) McLaughlin bas enable Queen's University to, buy propcrty where Canadas largest biological field station will be located. Mrs. Hilda Pangmnan, 89, now of Toronto, unveiled a plaque recently in a section of woods purchased by the university on Lake Opinicon, about 50 kilometres nortbeast of the campus- The plaque is dedicated te Mrs. Pangman and ber late busband, John, wbo died last year ai tbe age of 9 1. The property, located next to land already owned by Queens, includes six lakes, a large wetlands, and a tract of mixed forest that is borne to the endangered cerulean warblcr. now been in place for three years and involves neighbouring centres. Every effort is made to gain as mucb information as possible on saféty and health.. -j D'Arcy Place to close Over the next three years D'Arcy Place in Cobourg for mentally-challenged persons will close and 48 residents moved out. Ibrougli provincial funding each resident will 'require an individ ual plan and will be assisted in relocating by the community and social services ministry and in Cobourg/Port Hope by the District Association for Community living. SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID »Wliere fProfrssiona( Etiqzsette is Impo rtant' Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R . Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE Caoi f .e to buy or self-.. Orono and area's real estate Tep. Krystyna Jones ReaSTyN-Net ASSOCIATES -(DURHAM)lnc. TEL:(905)721-2112 JSTLISTED...CAREFREE CONDO LIVING . .. SHOWS BEAUTIFULLY. .. $95,500! :ffl