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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1994, p. 10

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.mmm..umQ '10 - Orono Weekly TJmes~, Wedneeday, JuIy 27,1994 ............ gadline for Service Directory mkw.- 1 ý 'IRE w-mpýORY Friday Noon Tel. 9ý prdRVI ... . ... ..... ...... . ........... Apple B1ossorn FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don tjust specialize - We make e very ordier special. "Hair Flair" For LADIE S and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-Fis Sales and Service Hopoint -R.CA. White Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whiripool '5ood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Barnna Home Check 'Vacation Home Checkng 'Let us make your home look ived in Wedding Day Ser(ics *Rol"abe References INS4JRED Barb ShatIor - In& Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcast le, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wlda Middleton 983-9819 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Gud BAIRSTOW, John 0. - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grampie. who passed away August 1, 1992. If tears could build a stairway And memories build a lane We'd walk the way I0 Heaven, Dad And bring you home again They say "ha lime heals everything We knw that isn't so Recause it hurts as nsuch today As it did two years ago. Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. - Other lres by appointment - 86 Churcit St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 THE NATURAL NUT 5925 MAIN ST. N., ORONO Treatments A vailable by Appointment OnIy *Reflexology *Aromatherapy *Therapeutic Touch and other natural therapies please oeil Sandra Topper 983-8162 Mon. - Sat. 10 ar.. 104 p.rn. Evenings 6 P.m. to09 P.rn - Building Supplies and Hardware -'Bam Steel - Sikkens Stain 'Hemlock for Fonces and Staîls 'A Cen r f Your Bugkikng Needs' (705) 277-3381 or (905) 4346665 (evenirigs) ON HfW. 36,2 MILES NORTH S OF HWV.I115 Your concerns, thoughtfulness, and kind1 deeds, have been a great strength to oui family during, the illness andloss of mY sister. Thanks for caring. Suzanne Westheusé! and F aniiY 29,îF The faxnily of the late Mike Vogels would like to thanit neighbours, friends, relatives, and ail those who offeree1 support, prayers. and kindnefig through titis difficuit turne. It has truly been helaitwarming i@ see the effect Mike had onl others through the!r trernendous love and good, will. It is the saine love and, good will that Mike shareti with others thioughout bis 70 years. Hed be irnpressed. Sincere thanks to farnily, friends and neighbours, the doctors, nuises, and staff at Oshawa General Hospital andi Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, 911 staff, amnbulance and fixe depaitinent workers, the police officers, Father Vic andrmembers of St. Francis of Assisi, the Catholic Women's League and the Knights of Columbus, ail the girls at TOPS, the Apple Blossom Shop, the Morris Funeral Chapel, and the workers at the Bowmanville cemetery. Your help will flot be forgotten. 27,ap AUCTION SALE Grisi Mill Auction Centre Newtonville FRIDAY, JULY 29TH 6:30 p.m. Selling the attractive household contents of Howard Hamili, Port Hope; ext. walnut gate leg table; set 4 walnut Windsor chairs; Malcolm buffet hutch (provincial); several occasional tables; walnut phone table and chair; walnut chest and dresser; Eatonia cedar chest; occasional chairs; chesterfield. set; sofa beds; color t.v.; ste reo; India wool caipet; wail dlock; 'silverplate; coffee tables; kitehen cabinet; kitchen set; kitchenware; china; glass; 60 cups and saucers; Nippon; Royal Albert;~ linens; bedding; pressback rocker; queen bed; dresser; chest; also cernent mixer w/motor-, 6 in. Rockwell planer; antiques etc. Plan ta attend this interesting Auction. Ternis: Cash or Good Chaque wltli I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapieton 905-786-2244 27,ac i SERVICES Tales ToId Twice August 1971 For the first time in the memory of aiea residents, a play by William Shakespeare is being staged in the Pine Ridge Tourist Region. The Taming of the Shrew, one of Shakespeares early comedies, opens at the Orono Arena on August 17, playing in repertory with the musical, Peter Pan, which opens August 14. The actors aie members of the Orono Youth Theatre. The Durham County Holstein Club held their annual Twilight meeting on July 27th at Tamlane Farms, Orono, when around 200 were in attendance. The Orono Amateur Athletic Association is holding its annual Street Fair, Wednesday, August 1 lth. The event will feuture games of chance, bingo, kiddie rides and the usual refreshments. The wraps came off Long's Fashion Centre, Main Street, Orono, when at 9:00 o'clock Friday morning the ribbon is to be cut for the official opening. The Fashion Centre is to be operated by Mrs. Barbara Long. JuIy 1981 Newcastle Hydro in revamping the hydro system in the business section of Orono Village aie including a new lime of the west side of the street with four new concrete poles. This lime will eliminate ail hydro over- head lines on the east side, The Kendal Eagles take their tumn at the E.O.B.A. 'B' play downs this Thursday evening in Whitby when they face the Whitby squad in the bid for the chaïnpionship in the 'B' Division. Mrs, Isabelle Challice was honoured last Thursday evening wîth a surprise presenitat.ion of a Service Award from District 17 of the Ontario Horticultural Societies. The residents of the Orono Senior Complex will be observing their second anniversaiy this Thursday with a beef barbecue and an evening of musical and other entertainment. JON STORY SCOTSTORY 905-983-5491 LA ND SCA PING INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 'WATER PONDS- PERENNIAL GRES CONSULTING CLASSUFIED MAR KETPLACE "Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" COMING EVENTS WAYLON JENNINGS- George Fox - Asleep et the Wheel - Goods Valdy - Murry McLauchlan- Crow- bar - Cassandre Vesik. Aug 12-14 Havelock Country Jamboree and Trade Show. Jack Biakeiy 1-800- 539-3353. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES, 2 yeer-round homes on apprax. 325' water trontage, 4 acres, newty updated, excellent oppartunity, sale due ta ilness. $400.000 fîmm 1 905- 662 6533. T.L.C. PET FOOD- The fîneat Super Premîium Pet Food avaîlable. Buy retail or wholesale. Delîvered to yaur door. Hear camnplete story - free - 1 800 575-4TLC Code 2828. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Soutbwestem School of Auctioneer- îng. Next Clxxx: Nov. 19-25. Infor- mation , contact. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctîoneering, R.RD#s, Waodstock, Ontario N45 7V9. (519 5372115. FOR SALE QUALITY TRAMPOLINES Factory Direct. 13' Sq. Spiash Eounch, 16' Round Mega Bounce. 1-800-663- 2261. Parts, Repairs: Al riiakes. SALES HELP WANTED A MOTHERS DREAM, Stay at home. Love weîgnt. Make maney .1 - 800-615-5077. MEDICAL OUT 0F COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Don't risk tînanciai loss by travelling out ai Canada wthout Medîcal cavemage. National Auto Leagues l-eaith Fac gîves aur members the peace ai mimd ta trav- el morry free. Buy the mast flexible cavemage avaîlable startîng ai $49.00 for year round caverage,, Cali 1-800-387-2298 -8.00 a.m. ta 800 p.m. EDT. MISCE LLAN FOUS POETRY CONTEST $24,000 in pnizes yearly. Passible publication. Send one original paem 20 uines or less. National Lîbramy Of Paetry, Box 704-1362, Owîngs Mlis, Md 21117. PER SON ALS LADIES MEET MEN' Men meet Iadiesi Datelîne Canada, Cxli 1-900- 451-4010 #3420. $299 per minute, 18yrs+ One 900 Canada 1-800- 454-6362 LONELY? DONT BEI Make trends' or aovers, cali 1-900-451-401 0, ext. 3999. $2,99/min. l8yrs +. Inquiries 1-800-454-6362. GCCC SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection problems caused by aglng, medications, surgery, dia- betes etc. Get the tacts: Perfor- mance Medîcal, Box 418, Vale- mount, B.C. Tol-tree 1-800-663- 0121. GAIN MORE CONFIDENCE. Buy and read "Dianeties: The Modern Science of Mental Health" by L. Ron Hubbard, and if's Home Study Course ($31 .00), Cxli 1-800-561- 5808. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- sliip/tmeshare'? We'll take i! Ameni cas largest, oldest resale clearing- bouse. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Cxll 24 hou rs a day. STEEL BUILDINGS CUONSETS 25'x30' $5462.00, 30'x40' $6,593,00, S.SERIES STRAIGHTWALL S25'x 32' $5.922.00, S30'x40' $6.999.00, Endwalls and Sliding Doors includ- ed. Cali Future Steel 1-800-668- 8653. ROCK EOTTOM PRICESI Guonset buildings, . . igh sidewalls. Lirnited quantities. 25x34 $2,470.00, 30x40 $3,490,00, 35x52 $6,279.00, 42x60 $7669.00, 47x80 $10.999.00, 52x 104 $16.944.00 .. Ends option- ai. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type- not quonset - 32x54 $8.505, 40x72 $12.887: 50x90 $18,378.; 60xl26 $28.150 - other sizes available -Msc. clear- ance- Paragan 24 hours 1-800- 263-8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS: If you feel quality is as important as a good price, cxli the sfraighfwalt building specialîsts, aenas, stables, workshops, industriel, commercial, Contractîng avaîlable, 1-800-561- 2200. VACATIO N/TRA VEL STORYLANI3 PAMILY PARK, 30 acres of advenfure. New for '94 Jump 'n Bounce, Karioke for Kids, and Puppet Show. 10 km wesf of Renfrew 1-800-205-3695. CAMP FOR FREE UNTIL THANKS- GIVING if you pay tor a 1995 Sea- sonal Campsîte at Moonlîght Bey Trailer Park, Wiiberforce. Cxli Ranger Rîc et (705) 448-2525. *It's Affordable - Its Fast - Its Easy - One Bill Does It Ail -Norilhern Ontario $63- Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario S162- Central Ontario S168 -'Ail Ontario $381) -National Packages Av.ahtc ' Call this paper for details! SHEET METAL DESIGNS Custom Made Sheet Metal Work Galvanized, Stainless Steel or Black Iron Tig and Arc Welding Barclay Crozier 983-9311 Stephen Crozier 983-6301 - IFYOU CAN DRA WIT,WE CAN mAkEÉir j B.M. Bradley WELDING LIMITED e l (905) 983-6753 "Mobile Service Truck" GENERAL REPAIR - HEAVY EOUIPMENT CUSTOM FABRICATIONl - GENERAL CONTRACTING BRUCE BRADLEY ORONO s Simpson Memorials 111 Toronto Rd, Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope M (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions î 'Indoor / Outdoor Dispiays 'Ex collent Prices *Guaranteed Workmanshîp 'Etchings - Personal and Scenes Try us besfore you decide by Vis iting our rtew facilities, or cati us col/ect and arrange for an appoinîmnt in the comfort of your home. ................ - . . . . .............. ýM .............. . .. ............... )83-5301 ....... .... ........... ...... .... ............ . ............... .......... -e.-...e. ...ý.ýý - - :.:.: . . ...... .... ........ .......... ... ......... .

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