Sidewalk construction underwlay Last week a Municîpality of Clarington crew froin Public Works commenced the construction of a new sidewalk linking thé Orono Estates soutb entrance to the Mill Street sidewalk. The project will be. completed mid week. The construction came after concernis were expressed that cbildren walkng to school from the sub-division were using the rond side as no sidewaiks existed. Througb negotiations between the Board of Education and the municipality the work was approved. .For a portion of time last year the Board of Education provided busing to the Orono Public School from the sub-division. It was tbe intent at the time that busing would be discontinued wben the sidewalk was con- structed. A sidewalk is also being installed in Newtonville south down to the scbool. have offered a sumrnmr computer camp and kids have, swarmed back for the experiefice of improving computer knowledge and the challenge of Some of the games. Want more about tourism The mayors of the munici- palities in Durhami Region have a concern that enough is being spent on Tourism. Tbey are suggesting that the $48,000 tounist budget be almost doubled for 1995 and that a that $234,000 wil bc needed by 1998. New bandguns in September Regional Police will sitart turning iniibeir old band guns in September for the new issue of .40 calibre pistols. One bundred are to arrive ini September with a further 200 in November. The final delivery of 300l will bu miade ini April of 1995. The guns are costing $290,000. The new Glocks hold 15 rounds of arnmunition. To consider new user fees The City of Oshawa is to consider possible changes in user fees for sporting faciities ini the city wbich would include rentals of bail diamonds, facilities for soccer, swimming, skating and hockey. Some of the present fees do not corne near paying for the maintenance of the faciities. Studying lakes zebra mussies Biologists are conducting studies in Rice Lake on Zebra Mussels. The projeot following the appearance of the Mussles in the lake last summer. A detailed study hasbeen undertaken ini the lake noting the relationship between the mussels and the plankion they eat. ORCA reviews ownership of Authority lands The Ontario Region Co'nservation Authority is about to undertaken a review of the 10,000 acres of conservation lands in their ownership. The elimination of the Conservation Land Tax Rebate program by the province is one event caling for the review. The Autbority is faced with a tax bill of $70,000 for the lands it owns. In the early stages of the review the ORCA deemed fifteen parcels of 41 to be environ- mentaily sensitive and they will not bu considered for disposai. 'Me revÎew continues. Durham appoints new planning chief The Region of Durham has appointed a new Commissioner of Planning who succeeds Dr. Mofeed Michael who has been with tbe Region since its inception and as Commissioner since 1978. The new commissioner, Mr. Alexander L. Georgieff takes office on August 22, 1994. He cornes to Durham from Hamilton- Wentworth wbere he held the position of Director of Regional Planning. He graduated froin U of T i 1973 and from McGill witb a master of Planning in 1975. He bas worked witb the consulting firin of Proctor and Redfern Group prior to taking up bis position with the Haxilton/Wentworth Region. underused Statistics provided by the Ontario Health .Ministry suggest that Cobourg and Port Hope bospitals are underused. The occupancy rate in Cobourg of beds has been set at 68 percent wbile that at Port Hope rests at 44 percent. The resuit is that there is not the need for the num ber of beds that existed in Lhe past due to day surgery and out-patient work. Township sets standards for address signs Hope Township has estab- ished the size of their new address signs whicb the Township is to instail on ail properties. The signs are to be double- sided with 7.5 centimetres numnbers in white. The background of the sign is to be burgundy, the Township colour. - Weed Spraying - Fertilizing - Insect Spraying - Ants &Trees -PIug Coraeration See the Difference Ouality Makes LAWN3~ 983-5598 (Grona , Newcastle) Federai offices move in Oshawa A number of federal offices in Oshawa including the Canada Employmnent Office, the Human Resources Developinent offices and others now located at 44 Bond Street bave moved to 78 Ricbmond Street, one block north. Councillor faces lawsuit Stouffville based Pachino Construction bas filed a $1 million siander lawsuit against a Whitby councillor, Marcel Brunella. Thle Panicho firmr lost their bid for a sewer coîtract in Brooklin even though they had the lowest price. Aax water plant gets approval 'lie Region of Durham have 'ýIvi their starnp of approval for the construction of a $65 million water plant in Ajax. ,Work is expected to get underway in the spring. But others concerned witb the location of the station in relatîonsbip to tbe Pickering Gencrating plant are flot too sure of a spring start. Tbey contend that the Region bas not comrple"e al the necesary studies that had buen asked for by the province. B$oard aismisses workers' complaints Somne GM employees have lost tbeir attempt to collect a richer retirement incentive package a.fter claiming their union misled theni. The Ontario Labor Relations Board dismissed two complaints from tbose feeling tbey should bave been able to be part of a later denlthtat provided better bunefits. Feeder plant shut down A rhemical spill at Woodbridg-e Foam sent seven workers te bospital lut week and forced the auto supply firm to close down for most of thie day. One worker was kept overnigbt at the Oshawa Hospital wbile tbe other six were released the saine day. Cars being stolenltorched Four cars stolen in Oshawa have been found torcbed in a secluded area of the Oshawa Creek bike trail. The incidents ail happened ibis month. Kids rush back to school Kids take to scbool even during the summer bolidays and one of the interests that take tbem back to the classroomn is tb computer. Six Oshawa public schools