by Helen MacDonald In Grcek mythology tbere are two significant groups of sisters: the Muses and the Graces. 0f the Graces there were tbree: Splendour, Mirtb and Good Cbeer. Tbese tbree sisters were always together-- a triple incarnation of grace and beauty. They would dance and sing, bringing happiness te any man. Along with tbe Muses, it was said, no banquet could be enjoyed without them. 1 attended a family gatbering this weekend at which the three graces werc present. In our family, wc cali tbemi Moira, Jose and Chrisine. We were celebrating my Uncle Waceks 75th birthday. He quietly enjoycd the company, and shyly acknowledged the family surprise. The threc Graces werc, as it is said in thie mytb, the deliglit of thie party. Cold Shandies in hand (none of the bard stuff, thank you!) they were outdoing each other with tales of mystery, suspense and fancy. This is the way it is with thc Grâces. Eacli year, the Graces travel far and wide searching for pleasure. Theirs. Playing tic roles -,,f wife, mother, grandmother, Lontributin- to the family economy and doing volunteer work, these women nced a break. While thesc annual jaunts are intended w kccp their sistcrly tics bound with love, laugliter and friendship, thcy also bring great deliglit to the entire family. Upon their icturn from their trips, wc are regaled with tales of lost luggage, misplaced purses, found items and small winnings at thc poker table. That's right -- the Graces are gamblers. They save Up their coppers and spit on thcm for good luck on the flight to Las Vegas. Upon their arriva], the town rolîs out the carpet for thrce women with English accents, laughing, taking out their rolls of pennies, demanding poker chips, and singing songs of sixpence like thrce blackbirds just released from the pie. After aIl, thc Graces sing. The Graces bring laugliter wo every party. Like tbe one on Sunday. Sipping' their lady drinks, laughing at tbemselves, my mother bragging about ber perfect winning streak, the tbree Graces share their love, laughter and friendsbip openly. These Grandmas bave cricd on caçh other's shoulders, bad barsh words witli cach other, forgiven cadi other and overlooked each others' weaknesses and failings. And, still, Uiey bave a lifetime of good humour and sbeer deligbt in cach others' company. I watched Uic three Graces-- my mother (Christine) and her sisters --- on Sunday, retclling each other tonies about their lat trip, and Uic one before that, and the one before that. Complaining about one's snoring, anothers smoking and the others organizing habits ... and pointing fingers at the one who really forgot to tip Uic server wben it was lier turn. Splcndour, Mirth and Good Cheer are always at our family gatherings. Thic mytli is reality. THE PHANTOM 0F THE OPERA is the theme of Memorial Hospital Foundation's 7th Annual Harvest Bail set for Friday, October 2lst, 1994 at the Bowmanville Lions Centre. Don't miss the social event of the year! For ticket information cal 623-1312. $75.00/ticket. Tables of 8 available. No problem in closing emergency A consultant working on the re-organization of hcalth care in Port Hope/Cobourg has stated that thc two hospitals are so close that closing one of the emcrgency operations should not pose a major problem. He suggested that one could maintain a small emergency operation along with support from paramedica ini ambulances. Receives $88,000 for waterfront trail Port Hope is to receive $88.000 for development of its waterfront trail system tbrough Jobs0ntario and Waterfront Regeneration program. Port Hope is to contribute a further $25,000 for use on the waterfront trait. The xnoney must be spent this year. A portion of the trail bas already been constructed fromi ighway No. 2 to the west beach. Curtis Chicks may move The owner of the Curtis Chick operation in Port Hope wil bave to wait anotiier month to see if bis plan flues. The conipany is proposing to move to Hope Townshiip pro- viding thc lan-d on which it now sits can be rezoned to allow residential developmcnt for Port Hope. (m-24 HR. SýERVICE (- CALL (905) 983-5647 MOBILE (905) 432-4834 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL - Environmentally Friendly - Owned and operated by Dwayne and Alvin Souch. 4