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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Aug 1994, p. 2

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m.W-2 Orono Weekly limesl, Wednescty, August 10, 1994 There is support out there Bill Stockwell is no stranger to promot ions as is quite obvious witb the plans underway to higblight the Municipality of Clarington aI the CNE on Wednesday, August 3 st. There is no doubt ibat one bas to start sorneplace to blow your own horn and the best place is where the crowd assembles in the greatest numbers. The Ex bas to be one such place and Sîockweil does know bis way around the Ex, inside and out. 0f course al the trumpet blowing at the Ex would be lost if the homet0wn brew weren't also tuned into Uic event. It would be a teeter- toIler wighted only at one end. But the way Stockwell tels it Uic hometown crowd had gotten behind the endeavour and that is obvious by the way they have supported the venture financially especially from Uic business cornmunity. It is something Ibat has been needed i Clarington - a put-up rather than a put-down tbat in the past, bas ahl too often, bappened. The Municipality bas a lot 10 offer and some good things are happening. To make il aIl work will require sorne cbanges i attitude and Ibat may bappen with a positive approacb toward thc Claringlon Day at te Ex. It is undcrtsood that hiîs is a ncw venture for thc Ex and if succcssful could weil be extendcd to other municipalities in Uic future. From wbat we saw on Thursday last tis trip 10 Uic Ex is flot something being tucked away in Uic corner. It sbould bave an impact and at lcast notcd by those in attendance. A belter profile burts no one and Clarington is now in a position to improve ils profile. Got it allfigured Just after Uic ncw sidewalk was laid into Uic Orono Estates frorn MUIl Street two kids bad to find out Uic fastest way to downtown - by the side of Uic street as in Uic past or by using Uic new sidewalk. It was a foot race wiUi both coming out of Uic Estates on Uic run and kceping an eye on one another. Tbe winncr by a safe margin was the kid using Uic old paUi along the side of Uic road. So will il be a malter of lime or safcty Uiat will decide Uic course to be taken in thc future. In Uic end wc are bctting on Uic sidewaik especially if parents and teachers bave a say. So who is Sara and Jeif? Walling Uic h Sid Rutherford park on Sunday a ncw sign appears at Uic waterfalls. Neatly painted and erected il reads The "Singing Falls" Sara and Jeff 1994. So who is Sara and Jeff. Romantics no doubt. R egional-wide election There bas been sorne discussion as 10 a Regional-wide election for the position of Regional chairman, a position Ibat bas been beld by Gary Herrerna for at least tbrce terrns. Frorn Ibis corner wc do bave confidence in the elected Regional councîllors to select Uieir own chairnian, one whicb Uiey feel Uiey will bc cornfortable working with. Il is Uic first duly of Ibose wc elect. One vote in Clarington would bc swarnped by Uic samne one vote in Oshawa if Uic election of Uic chairnian is opened up Region widc. Lecave wlfl enougb alone. Here wc are into the final rnontb of summer bofidays, we have rcally enjoyed sorne beautiful wcather. Once Uiat real bot spel wc bad in late June was over we settled mbt nice enjoyable weaUier, Uic rain carne just in lime 10 save the lawns from Iurning brown and 10 give the gardensa boost. I hope Ibat many of you bave enjoycd trips tbroughout the summrer. We haven'î travellcd 10 far, taking day trips only. We always like 10 travel east to Picton and Iben take the Glenora ferry and Iben oni 10 Kingston or up t0 Napance and borne by No. 2 Hwy. I menlioncd tic ferry t0 one person and Ibcy didn't realize that there was a ferry crossing like Ibat in Ontario. This year we also went 10 sec Uic "Big Chute" aI Severn Bridge Ibat is a nice day trip, we bad lunch at Severn River and then on to sec theni baul Uic boats up and over the highway and Iben down to Uie lower level. We really have rnany marvels 10 sec in jusI our own Province. NexItnrp, 10 sec the lock at Lindsay, didn't know there was one there. Tbe Çdoser 10 home Uic less we seeni tp know about what we have. Sunday, Adgust 7th was the start of Cburch services agaîn. Ncwtonville, Shilob and Kendal will bc sbaring scrvic9,s for the rnontb of Aubl4st and the first Sunday in September. All services will bc held at Kendal andl the tume ~ilbe 10 a.rn. A lime of felloW§hip will bc beld afler eacb seryie. Rev. Black welcorned all, Uic service opencd with tbe singing of 3 Gospel 5@ngs, "Revive. Us Again", ,Victofy In Jesus", and "Corne Dine Witb Us". Ian Savage read psalm 139: 1- 18. The bymn, "To God Be The Glory" was sung.- The Scripture rcading was frorn Luke 15: 11-32. The Sermn was titled, "The Prodîgal Son Series," Part I, "The Impatient Son". This will be tbe first of a seies, Uic story of an impatient young man and bis family. He was probably a teenager who wanted 10 gel away from borne and tbe restrictions be fclt, probably looking for some excitement, a chance to be treated like an adult, a man. He wanted out from under bis father's Uiumb. We all know of a young person who bas felt like Ibis. In olden times, Uic eldest son could take off, go 10 sea, sec far away places, bave sorne freedoni and excitemenî. We ail can rernember our own youngsters taking off for Yorkville, or to Uic really exciting place to go 10 was Vancouver. That was their way of rebelling.- Nowadays witb jobs being scarce, more youth are staying at borne but to show their way of rebellion, Uiey dye Ibeir bair, gel weird baircuts, wear odd clothes, luni Ibe volume up on Ibeir ghetto blasters. Have you ever beard the saying, "You can't put an old head on a young body?" YouUi Uink Ibat older people know noIbing. Mark Twain wrote, "Wben I was 18, I tboughî rny father knew nothing, when I was 23, I couldn't believe bow mucb rny father bhad learnied in those 89 years." Even in the time of Uic Bible and before tbat, youtb did not respect age. The prodigal son was probablyjust a normal boy, Ibis is the relationship between father and son, the rclationship betwecn mother and daughter is also stormy. This boy, neyer got into trouble with Uic law, he spent bis money foolishly, had nothing left, s0 be found a job. Not much of a job, he was poorly treaîed. He Ibought of bis father and borne, he knew that the servants were treaîed better by bis faîher and belter fed than he was. He decided to go home and ask forgiveness for bis foolisbness. "Train a cbild in Uic way he sbould go, and wben be is old be will not turfi from it." Proverbs 22, Verse 6. This does flot mean tbat many rnay flot bit bottorn before tbey realize Uic foily of Ibeir ways and go borne. The upbringing of Ibis boys parents, Ibeir prayers, paid off, be carne borne. If you are the parent of a young-pers n bobasleft bonef- upbringing, do not despair, they will come borne. Maybe you, who bave bad a Cbristian upbringing, bave strayed, you feel you would ratber go ouI and bave a good time tban attend Cburch, other things arc more important in your life, but you feci an empîiness, sornetbing is missing, corne borne. Corneborne, il is neyer 100 late 10 corne borne 0o od. The hymn, "Corning Home" was sung. Evcryone was asked 10 corne forward to the Lord's table and participate in the sbaring of ic Bread and Wine of Communion. Ail did this wbile a tapeil anthem, "He HideUi My Soul" was being playcd. Tbe brcad frorn a common loaf was passeil around followed by Uic wine. Rev. Black and Ian Savage gave Uic Prayers. The closing bymn was "He Leadetb Me". Rev. Black introduced our new organist and pianist 10 the congregation, we are pleased to bave Enid Brewcr 10 lead us in thc musical part of ic devotions. A lime of fellowsbip followed tbe service, coffec and donuts were served. Plan 10 corne and join us at Newtonville, on Saturday, August 13Ui for a BBQ and Corn Roast followed by Uic music of Rev. Larry Marshall. We beard bim sing on Uic taped antbem used during the cburcb service, lie sounds excellent. BBQ starts at 5 p.m. Gospel concert at 7 p.m. Cost for BBQ and Concert - Adults $10.00, cbildren 12 and under $5.00, prescboolers frec. If you are unable 10 attend Uic corn roast and BBQ but wisb 10 corne 10 Uicconcert, tbe admission 10 that is $5.00. Tbis event is being sponsored by tbe Manse committee. Don'î forget to pbone for your tickets now if you wisb 10 go on tie bus to Fergus for the National Picnic for the United Cburcb of Canada. The bus wil picking up at Newtonville U.C. 7:30 a.m. and then on to Newcastle and Oshawa. Cost $35.00 includes bus and dinner BBQ. Saturday, August 27th. Quotable Quotes: A rnarried couple that plays cards together is just a fight that basn't started yet. by Phyllis Lowery St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARTO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL1 and YOUTH GROUF 9:30 a.m. (MONO PASTORALý *Rev. David Murphy 983-5702 Church Office 993-5502 SUMMER SERVICES AUGUST 14,21,28 & SEPTEMBER 4 Newcastle United Church Services begin at 10:30 a.m. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pan. I1~ Summer Stock Reduction SPECIALS ALL SUN PROTECTION - SAVE 25% SUNGLASSES - 50% OFF WONDERBRA PANTYHOSE - 990Wpr. FLIiP FLOPS - 39çt/ea. or 3/1.00 BEACH SANDALS - $1.99 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO ~1L~ 1 .

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