OCrono We-kIy TimesWednesday, August 17, 1994 1 i.u for Service Directory ~f T T > J -r (T X DedIneriday Noon -L X IUI~IIX~ ~1 J X Tei. 983-530 RFINSURNGEeý 83 Kng Street West Newcastle, Ontarno L B 1 L2 Telephone (905) 987-3200 Àî Matthews &Aosociates INSURANCE 8R04<ERS LTD Pauline Mte, AL.I.C., CA.B. Branch Manager g HAMILTONS MINSURANCE SERVICE ~~334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1 MO 1-905-983-5115 Fax 1 -905-983-8228 MERCER HE ATING -Furnace leaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service Over 21 Yms Exporience cALL 983-5541 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING& HEATING Pump Repas & lnstalation New Work *Repars; *Furnace Cleanng *Free Estmaes For riendly Expert SendIcs CALL 983-6214 We're here te serve yoU ROBERT E. JACKSON HEATINO - ELECTRICAL AIR CONDITIONINO, Repairs ta Ai makes of Heat Pumps and Air Oonditioninig May Tag Appliance Repairs 4 Duchess $t. 983-5293 Orono, Ont 983-6221 BYAMS Plumbing Heating Incrparated Sales and Service 24 Heur Bumer Service Gulf Finanaing Low Interest Rates 263-2650 PARTNERS PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont. Gould Pumps & Water Systems Septlc Beds Plumblng Installations Generai Repars Free Estimates Fonnerly Harvey Partner Ltd. For $1 7.00 annually You Could, SUBSCRIBE to the ORONO TIMES jusi by caffing 983-5301, C',OTTONWOOD Cia thlng, Fabrlcs, Gft s, and Notions, 85 STATION ST., ORONO Free Estîmaes ALISTAIR ROZARIO 983-9167 ORONO BUILDING &DECORATING CENTRE P.O. Box 180, Statian Street Orana, Ontaro LOB IMO Bus. (905) 983-9167 Res. (905) 983-5344 O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Womeni in Abuse ReIationships For Help Cail "The Denise House"t For Women and Children Toli Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731il Confidentially Assured If you want to drink, That's your business. If you want te stop, That's ours. Cali Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 rut, ImpnJving your odds - agamnsi HURT ,'Cnla's AND S11RO - FOUNDATION '1 kiiler M3 Years Experience ADVERTISING PAYS! Por $3.75/wk. a. on) you could advertise ln this section. Drop into the office at 53 10 Main St., Orono or for more frfornutn on advertfstng rates cout 983-5301 ACME HOME RENOVATIONS Hame Improvements Specializing in Stane Facing Raafing -Renavatians Camplete Windaw & Doar Replacements FREE ESTIMA TES MIKE BONNEAU ORONO 983-9005 435-4181 (mabile) IVAN JONES - TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licenaed - 25 Yeara ExPerienice HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES Ail Carpentry Related Work Orono 983-5303 Courtice/Hampton 433-4700 "Work Wantedu CUSTOM FENMNG CUSTOM CHAIN SAWVING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 Homelite String Trimmers C.W. LEMON SmaII Engines Phone 987-5200 3rd Line east of Hwy. 115 Newcastle Aug. 10 -3 1, ac WESOQ Smnali Engine Repair We Do It AU SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING You NA ME IT WE DO IT 5105 Main St., Orana For service ca/I (905) 983-9772 tfn NANNY WANTED (Part- timne) - Senior high school student or homemaker wanted to corne in and care for our 3 children (ages 2, 4, & 8 yrs.) on Saturdays and occasional evenings. Must be dependable, have own transportation and love children! To start A.S.A.P. Please cali Lily at 786-2929 (H)/885-2929 (B). 17,24, ap Oddfelow & Rebekah FUNDRAISING SALAD SUPPER & EUCHRE in Orono Oddfellow & Rebekah Centre Wed., Aug. 24, 1994 6:00 p.m. Advance Tickets Only - $8.0 Cali Connie 983-5725; Lomna 983-5608 or Violet 983-5212. July 13, Aug. 10, 17 ac REGISTER NOW FOR Durham College Continuous Learning Fail Courses " cali to register with Visa or MasterCard (905)I 721-3000 or toll-free 1-800-461-3260 " cail for free course calendar (905) 721-3052 " weekend college " shiftworker scheduling " correspondence courses Cail for more informnation (905) 721-3052 17,ae CORN ROAST and GOSPEL MUSIC Saturday, August 2Oth "PSALMS, HYMNS & SPIRITUAL SONGS" The Music by Larry Marshall, classlcally tralned tenor soloist Newtonville United Church, Newtonville CORN, HAMBURGERS, HOTDOGS - 5:00 P.M. outdoors, weather permitting LARRY MARSHALL CONCERT - 7:00 P.M. indoors Bath for anly $1 0.00 per person Children under 12 - $5.00; under 6 years _ no charge For tickets cal! 786-2950 10, 17, ac DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL BARBEQUE & CORN ROAST Wednesday, August 3lst 4:00 p.m. -- Dusk at the Blackstock Fairgrounds South of Hwy. 7A, 8 miles east of Part Perry Al Welcome - No Charge For more information contact John Wever 723-3840 Orono Town Hall Board CHRISTMAS CRAKI SHOW November 18 & 19 For information please cal! 983-5847 tfi GARAGE SALE 3643 Conc. Rd. 7, Kirby west side of 35/115 Hwy, August 20th & 2lst 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Toys, furniture, etc. Rain or Shine 17.ac YARD SALE 22 North Station St., Orono Saturday, August 20 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Some antiques and collectibles 17,ac SHERWOOD HOME STEREO PACKAGE RECEIVER, dual cassette, Tower speakers, $499. or only $5.00 per week. No Money Down. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO 373-0265. fi S'HJNE! with Apple'~s no wax finishAP E ~~ POISHING SYSTEMSauob -Exterior Cleaning - Restoring - Polishing - Protecting Interior - Engine Shampooing - Written Guarantee 404-6273 (mobile) Orono «YOUR VEHICLE GARE EXPERTS" Welcome to Fruit Marpket HwY 115, South Orono 983-5628 For Home-Grown Sweet Corn Fielci Tommtes and New Potataes Pick you own BEANS $1 5.OO/bushel $1 .9516 quart Also available, PEACHES and PLUMS WI LEY 1 00%/ FRUIT JU ICE and FRED'S PURE APPLE JUICE Z mm Construction, -(e\eýair Decoratînqýý'.-, :.