6*,noWelck-ly Tige Wedne'y~AJU~219- SALLY STAPLES associate broker qIninkng of seffng? Ca-tmefor afree appraisal - takje acvantage of thie est markt coruftions in gears! 623-6000 REIAXCORNERSTONE 62-3»6000 REALTY LTD., REALTOR 24 hr. pager CAD LASSI FI ED MARKETPLACE uAdvertise Across Ontario or A cross the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 year- round homes on approx. 325' water frontage, 4 acres, newly updated, excel- lent opportunlfy, sale due f0 iliness. $400,000 frm 1-905-662-6533. BUSINESS SERVICES $5000 f0 $5000000O avalable for your business through our computer matching database. No commissions or broker tees. Cali (613) 373-2835 for details. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING a the South- western School of Auctioneering. Nexi lass: Nov. 19-25. Information , contact: Southweslemn Ontario School of Auct ion- eering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontaro N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Income Tex or Bookkeeping courses by correspon- dence. Free Brochures. No Obligation. U&R Tax Services Ltd., 1345 Pembina Highway. Winnpeg, Manitoba R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. FOR SALE SATELLITE OWNERS: Lat month! Save $499.00. Decoder for TSN, Nefworks, etc. $10001 Psy only subacriplon! Jays, Expos. others. (902) 477-5458. 'DECODER BLOWOUP, Box 8358, Sta- tion A, Haifax, N.S. 63K 5M1 DEUTSCHE! SRG, ORF, ARD, ZDF, 3sat, SWF' Empfangen Sie Deutsches Femsehen mit kleiner Antenne (80 cm.) LIVESTOCI< FOR SALE: EMUS, Ostrich, Rhea. 93 and 94 chicks available. DNA Sexed. Star with quality foundafion stock. High producing EMU Breeder pairs avalable. 3 Years raite experience. Ater Sale Ser- vice and advlce. Erc Bennett, R.R. #5, Campbelfford, Ontario, K0L 1iLO. (705) 653-4345 Fax (705) 653-5336. PREMIER OSTRICH PRODUCERS - Top qualfy ostrich. 10110w-up service. boarding. Incubation. Eggs to breeders avalable. For Information caîl: 1-800-567- 0262. Bhrds guaranteed for one year. MEDICAL OUT-OF-COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Dont rsk financlal loas by travelling ouI of Canada wthout Medcal coverage. National Auto Leagues I-ieath pac gvea our members the peace of mnd 10 travel wonry free. Buy the mot flexible cover- age avalable starting et $49.00 for year round coverage. Cali 1-800-387-2298 - 8:00 ar.. 108:00 p.m. EOT. MISCELLANEOUS POETRV CONTEST $24.000 ln przes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poemn 20 Unea or less: National Lbrary Of Poetry, Box 704-1363, OyAngs Mlis, Md 21117. MUSICAL INTEREST PARENTS: BAND INSTRU.MENTS for school. Bet prices - ail Instruments. Sef Inaructional vldeo tapes. Free catalogue. -800-361-3323. PAY TELEPI4ONE SERVICES *A coat wll be lncurred ATTENTION NATIONAL LOTTERV- PLAVERS Let us help even your odds of wnning millions. Computer generated number picks. 1 -900-595-UWIN(8946). 18 yrs.' plus. $3.99/1sf min. $1.99/ min ater. Inu. 1-80-276-4160. TALK LIVE f0 our gifted psychics on questions of love, auccesa, career, soul mates, self heip, and more... CALL 1- 900-451-3530 Ext. 8181.-$2.99 per min. Muat be 18 yrs. Newcalî, LTD. (602) 954- 7420. THE RIGHT PERSON la waiting for you. Send and receive voice mail. Dateline Canada 1-900-451-4010 #3940. 32.99/min. Must be 18 and over. Inq. 1- 800-454-6362. PERSONALS GOOD SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection probiema caused by aglng, med- icalions, aurgery, diabetes etc. Get the tacts: Performance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C., Toll-free 1-800-663- 0121. SINGLE? If you teet there's someone better than people you've been meeting and tired of the places you've been look. Ing, Cati TOGETHER Today! 1-800-667- 0117. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPOROUNO membership/timeshare? We'll take if' Americas largesi, olest resale clearing- house. Resort Salas International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. $CASH REBATES$ When buyinglselling propeuly, bat ore' you catI a realtor, CALL US FIRST! Hundreds/Thousands ln cash rebates, you psy us nothIng! Real value f rom First Teamn Marketing lnc. Caîli 519- 856-2517. SERVICES HOW TO PLAY Popular Piano. New home study course. Fast . easy method. Guaranfeed! FREE Information., Popular MUSIC Studio C2, 103-1054 Ellis, Kelow- ns, 8.C. V1IY iZi. Cai 1-800-66j7-0050 Ext.-770. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Strait- wall Type - not quomset - 32x54 $8,50S; 40x72 $12,887; 50x90 $18.378.; 60x126 $28.150 - other sizes available - Misc. clearance - Paragon - 24 hours 1-800- 263-8499. GUONSETS 25'x30' $5,462.00, 30x40l $6,593.00, S.SERIES STRAIGHTWALL S25'x 32' $5,922.00, S30'x40 $6,999.00, Endwalis and Slldlng Doors Included. Cai Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top Ouality Straightwalî Wood/Steel & AII/Steel Buildings, CSA Cettif led, Work- shops. Barna, Arenas, Stables, Etc. Large or Small, Contracting & Financing Avaflable, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. "ROCK BOTTOM PRICESI" Guonset buildings... Hlgh sidewalls. Final clear- ance. 25x34 $2.470., 30x4O $3.490., 35x52 $6.279.. 42x60 $7.669., 47x80 $1 0.999.. 52x1 04 $18.944... Ends optIon- ai. Ploneer 1-800-668-5422. VACATIONITRAVEL STORYLAND FAMILV PARK, 30 acres of advenlure. New for '94 - Jump 'n Bounce, Karioke for Kîda. and Puppet Show. 10 km west of Renfrew 1-800-205- 369r'. YEN DORS WANTED VENDORS WANTED FOR FLEA MAR- KETS. The 400 Market - Barrie. The Wellirngton Market - London. The Barn market - Peterborough. Cali Rose ai (705> 728-3313. The fields have eyes across Durham Region, as potato season arrives. As one of Ontario's top three revenue producers, potato farmers are gearing vegetables up for a successful harvest. A menu staple, the potato provides limitless number of possibilities when preparing. Some of the favourite uses include: sweet potatoes as "dippers" for snack trays, variety of toppings on microwaved potatoes, home fries and chips, scalloped potatoes, seasoned mashed potatoes, duchesse potatoes, steamed potatoes. Summer picnics become complete with a homemade potato salad. Potatoes come in a variety of shapes such as: "Long Types" Russet Burbank and Shepody; "Round Whites" Kennebec, Superior, Cherokee and Yukon Gold; Round Reds - Chieftain, Viking, Rideau, Rose Gold; "S weet" beauregard and Jewel. To store, keep at a temperature of 7 - 1OC/45-50F. If the product is stored at temperatures below this for extended periods of time it may cause damage like darkening or hardening of the core. Potatoes kept at higher temperatures may begin to sprout. Before using, potatoes require - Weed Sprayiug - Fertilizing - Insect Spraying - Ants & Trees - PIug Coracration See the Difference Quality Makes a light scrubbing. If peeled potatoes are not going to be used immediately, toss in a little lemon juice te keep them white in appearance. Avoid long soaking in cold water, as potatoes may lose some of their vitamins. Always choose potatoes that are fresh, firm, with no soft or dark spots, cracks or cuts. Many markets that carry potatoes are located in the Durham Farm Fresh guide, for your free copy please caîl the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs at (905) 985-2003. SIERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID '14/FiesProfessiona[ Etiquette is Important' Funerai Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williamns Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOtJR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE 2o11 i',e fo buy or seli... Orono and area's real estate rep. 4 Krystyna Jones Z *à 983-6013 ReaIty-Nalet ASSOCIATES (DURHAM) Inc. 1050 SIMCOE ST N. 103 -0SH-AWA > TEL:(905)721-2112 wm SpotlesS 4 bedroom brick bungalow with walk-out basernent on gorgeous tree shaded haif acre country lot.. $1 79,900.) l t's Affordable -* M'a Fast *-MH% EaaY * One Bill 000 K AUi a Northern Ontario $63 * Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 Alil Ontaro $380 National Packages Available* Cal this paper for details! 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) FABULOUS 2.30 ACRE LOT COMES WITH THIS HOME, $1 59,900 ow 1 i 2