OOO ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 241994 Vol. 58, 1No. 32.~,.****,---- Trip off to Clarington CNE Day August 3l1st yý $29.6 million in Infrastructure projects announced by government for Region Orono is te get a new entrance into the Orono Park south from Station and Station Street will be rebuilt from Main Street to the Durhamn Seniors Complex east of Orono. -Both the federal and provincial govemnments jointly announced a $29.6 million Infrastructure project for Durham Region and a further $5 million of works to bc undertaken in Clarington, Ajax and Uxbridge. The Orono project will see Station Street from Main Street to the Senior Citizens Lodge widened along with as sidewallc. A new culvert wilt also'be restructured for the Orono Creek. The present Princess Street entrance into the park will be closed off with the entrance to the - (Continued page 2) Set aside August 27th and 28th, and plan to participate ini the Great Ganaraska Countryside Adventure. Once a year you are given the opportunity to discover what is in your backyard, as the farm and garden gates of the Ganaraska swing open. Twenty- thr ee of the locations are new to the tour this year, you will find even more food, entertainment, and demonstrations than before. The Clarington Concert Band will be in fuît force on Saturday as Orono closes off Centre Street. Mayor Diane Hamre will bc assisted by Councillors Ann Dreslinski and Dave Scott as they underline their goal to serve the people, this trne they are serving corn on the cob on behaif of the, Orono DBIA. The Grange hosts a quilt exhibit with over 65 quilts dating from the turn of the century. Thèse quilts trace the creative heritage of the women of this comrnunity up to the present (Continued-page 8) Board passes recommendations resulting from Outreaclh Project In the fait of 1992 the Staff Public Relations committee of the N orthumberland and Clarington Board of Education initiated the Outreacli Project ini response to a' growing public concern about the quality and cost of education. The intent of the project was to engage in a dialogue with staff, students, parents and comm unity wo develop a better understanding of the issues facing public education. The project would also ask a consensus on the strenguli of education as welt as proposed solutions or recommendations to address identify concerns. T hose involved in the, Project process would bc asked to build a consensus around their recommendations. It was the intent that the board hear a, diversity of opinions and hear those concerns in some detait- and depth. Through the process the board heard fromn their staff, students from various tevets and fromparents and others at 'selected forums held through the board's jurisdiction. One of the forums was held at the Clarke Higli School for the Clarke Family- of Schools residents. The board in June 1994 passed a number of recommendaions resualting from the Outreacli Project. Thlere is w0 be a review in the failtet review the recommendations withi possible followup action. The administration is to investigate the possibility of establishing an annual consultation forum wîth students on educational issues. The schoots are to involve students and parents when developing policies or practices dealing with student behaviour. The recommendations from the OutreachProject are to be divided into three groups as: (Conitinued page 7) The sounds of summer were blowing in the breeze Happenings.. TMois Saturday is Customer Apprectation Day The Orono D.B.I.A. will be sponsoring a Customer Appreciation Daythis Saturday, August 27th at the corners of Main and Centre Streets, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mayor Diane Hare and Councillors Ann Dreslinski and David Scott will be on band serving free corn on the cob, as well the Kinsmen wil serving hot dogs anid pop at a cost of $1,.00 and the Clarington Concert Band will be performing on the library grounds from 11:30 to 12:45. Another sidewalk project Thie Municipality of Clarîington lias completed another sidewallc project in the village on Centre from Church Street east. The sidewalk project in Newtonville to the Public School along the east side of the Newtonville Road has also been completed. Orono Fair Dance The Orono Fair Dance will be held Saturday, September iOth, with the band 'ChaserX For information or tickets phone 983-5554, Last Thursday evening the in front of some 100Opeope at the downtown Orono, 11:30 a.m. cvening skies were filled with the Town Hall in Bowmanville. Clarington Day at the C.N.E. on pleasant sounds of the Clarington Up-coming events for the August 31 and the Orono Fair the Concert Band as they performed Band inctude this Saturday, weekend of Septernber 8 t 11. Follow the trails of G anaraska August 27th& 28th Thne Ganaraska Adventure happe ns this weekend. V-1 Co Kid% Q* 1