Drono W~~~...kl i....... .iaut 4194~ Kendal Column Budding Ou t Ail Over 1You can rest assured with the success of the Windsor Casino - $ 10 million in ten weeks there will be mnany more casinos opening. With 80 per cent of those attending the Windsor glittering Gold Palace, Detroit will shortly be in thie picture. Fromt here the snowball gets larger and larger in participation. Toronto is about to take a serious look at building their own Gold Palace and I guess why not. One American Native Reserve has a membership of one hundred and has one of the most profitable casinos in the U.S. Each resident at the end of the year receives a cheque in the arnount of over $440,000 - no one c ares about an education. There is a price to pay in the end for there is only s0 much money to spend and what goes into gambiing at the Gold Palace must corne from some place else. It couldn't be done! As Jean Chretien and his liberals made plans for the future of Canada includinga revitalization of the economy prior to the last election he went back to what has been called pump-primary- giving the economny a kick start. The critics ail said it was a dangerous move to throw more money into the pot i the 1990s. The issue was cut, cut and more eut. The liberals didn't waver and they would seek the support of local provincial governiments and the local govemments to share in the planned six billion dollar project. The saysoothers couldndt imagine the provincial and local governments siding with the feds - they were broke. They did and in fact many municipalities would like to have been able to carve out a larger sheil of the $6 billion pie. This had a tremendous benefit across the country and only last week the govemments annouinced $32 million being spent under this program ini Durham Region. One million dollars of this arnounit is being spent in Orono on Station Street to Senior Citizen Lodge and new re-aligniment of Princess Street into the Orono Park. There has been.hundreds and hundreds of Infrastructure works undertaken across Canada and stili hundreds to corne. One of the larger in Durham would have to be the Ajax/Pickering sewage system. There has to be a balance between cutting and spending. Free enterprise would flot put Canada on its feet ail by itself. Their choices would bc too selective. On the other hand when free enterprise and the public sector work together much can be done. The Infrastructure prograin is working and over the next one to two years will continue to do so with co-operation from ah four levels of government. Free enterprise should 110W be able to play their part. Infrastructure Projects (Continued from page 1) park being lined-up to meet the east-west Station Street. This entranceway will bave a proper sidewallc. The project we understand wil get underway in the immediate future as plans bave been prepared in anticipation of Infrastructure approval. It will be a major physical change in this portion of the village. Also in Clarington Lawson Street in Bowmanvile aiong with se.wage connections will be undertaken. On Friday no mention was made as to approval of funding through the Infrastructure plan for renovation of tbe Bownanviile Fire Station which would then be used as a Senior's Centre. Works announced under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham tbrougb Infrastructure arnounted to $34.5 million and numbered 23 projects. Included in the works is a $6.4 million expansion of Durbam Regional Police headquarters; $11 million in roads; a $7.7 million sewer works in Ajax. Looking for siashers Region police now have a better identification of two men who are wanted for vicious slashing of cyclists who are using the Oshawa bike trails. Police believe an exacto knife bas been used in the last few incidents. by Phyllis Lowery Anothier week doser to the end of' summer, but what a lovely week it has been, warm and lots of sun. The, ramn has been threatening but we have been lucky, it only fell during the night. Saturday evening the Manse committee of the tbree churches held their barbeque and corn roast on the grounds of the manse at Newtonville, lots of hotdogs, harnburgs and corn followed by cake and coffee. Then everyone went in to the church to hear Larry Marshall. What a wonderful voice and he also tallced about how we should corne to church with joy in our hearts and to make a joyful sound with our music, we should take our music frorn the Psalrns, the hymns and the music of today. If we want young people to corne out and take part in the service we must sing songs they can relate to. 1 don't remnember when an hour of mnusic passed 50 fast, F'm sure we could have ail listened and sang along with him for another hour or two. He sings from the heart and you know that he really is feeling the meaning of what he is singing. If you ever bave a chance to hear him, be sure you ta ke the opportunity.- On Sunday there was good attendance at Kendal Church with somne from the three churches. The electric organ 'has had a glitch in it ever since the services started in August, other Sundays the mnusic has been provided on piano, but this week al the music was played on the old purnp organ. This took us back a few years, it is nice to hear it once in awhile. I an Savage welcomed everyone, and the service began with the singing of the Gathering Hymns, "Tell Me the Old Old, Story", 'Since Jesus Carne Into My Life", and "Love Lifted Me". Ian read frorn Isaiah 49. 8-13, the hyrna, "Hlow Great Thou Art", was sung and the Prayer of Self- Exarnination and the Words of Assurance were given. Ian sang a beautiful solo, "How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds". Rev. Black read from Luke 15: 11-32. The sermon was ti tled, "The Petulant Brother". When the prodigal son returned home and was greeted by being given a fine robe, a ring, and bis father ordered the killing of a prize caîf for a feast, the eider son who had remained at home and worke-d along side the father, was angry and hurt. Ail the world loves a reforrned rake, everyone praises birn for tuming over a new leaf. In some churches the reforrned person is held up as an example. The younger son wbo lbad received bis inheritance and left home, had Formner mayor heads hospital Bruce Maekey, a former Mayor of Oshawa, bas been appointed the new Chaîrman of the Board of Directors of the Oshawa Hospital. He bas been a member of the Board since 1984. spent it ail foolisbly. now saw how foolish he bad been and returned to his home and was welcorned with joy. He did not ask for al that was done, he asked te be treated as one of bis fatbers servants, he was probably embarmassed by the fuss made. But what of the eider son, who remained at borne, worked the land, looked after the home? Tbis often bappens with older children, they are expected to stay home, give uptheir dreams, give the younger brotbers or sisters a chance te furtber their education, go out and get good jobs. The eider child may become bitter, perhaps they bad wanted to go out into the world, do other things. They may become obsessed with, duty. They feel they are destined to becorne responsible for their parents, or their younger siblings, their own dreams die. They hid their dreams, their bitterness, their sense of duty bebind a mask. Wben hope dies, they become cynicai, life loses its sparkle. Has this happeneri to you, have you sceered to stand stili, while life passes you by? The petulant brothers problern was not really with bis brother returnrng or with the celebration, bis problern was with bis life, he bad run out of love. Law, dernands duty. Love, inspires devotion. One bas to be willing to accept God's opportunity. God's love is active but God's love requires, response, involvernent, trust, a willhngness to take a chance, to move into the future. Turn to God's love and He wil fil you with love. A taped anthern, "Quiet Understanding", sung by Rev. Larry Marshall, was plIayed. The service closed with the hymn. "Pass Me, Not O Gentle Saviour". A time of feilowsbip was enjoyed foilowin g the service. Next Saturday, Kendal United Church will be one of the interesting stops on the Great Ganaraska Adventure Tour. The ladies will be serving lunch and honernade pies as long as the food lasts. The Country Cloggers willl also be presenit. If you have neyer been fi his church you are in for a pleasant surprise, the interior has been well taken care of and you sense the way those that attend now and those that attended through the years feel about this church. If you are taking the tour on Sunday you would be very welcorne to attend the service, it starts at 10 a.rn. A wonderful way to, start the day. 1 could go on extolling the rnany points of interests of this tour but, then that would take away frorn the surprises you wil find on your way. Corne on out, bring a friend, tell your neighbours. People corne frorn Toronto and other points far from here, they marvel at the countryside that we see everyday. Pretend that this is your first visit and see everything with new eyes. Quotable Quotes ...The sbortest period of time lies between the minute you put sorne money away for a rainy day and the unexpected arrivai of main. St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlim Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL1 and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL p <~CHARGE Minister Rey. David Murphy Marlene j Risebramxgh, Secretary 983-5702 Chia-ch Ofice 983-5502 SUMMER SERVICES AUGUST 28 & SEPTEMBER 4 Newcastle United Church Services begin at 10:30 a.m. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pin. 983-50091 ORONO, ONTARIO ............ ............ .................... mmmfflm(7N;ý 0 ý