- L'i L 10 1 ! A.~f ~ 11~.~ê.7~,4O@4 -if w- Piglets are training hard for this year's Fair Each year for the Iast T years, the Orono Town Hall Board sponsors the Piglet Races at the Orono Fair. For the past month, Councilior Ann Dreslinski bas been leaving her day job at Town Hall to spend her evenings with her happy darlings feeding and training them using only the most sophisticated Pavlvoian techniques. As a fundraiser for the Town Hall Board, the Picton pigs have been sponsored by al departments of the munîcipality, as weli as receiving other financiai backing. Races run every 30 minutes ail weekend long. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings- Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey - Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRIcIA,.RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO 983-9679 GOING ON A TRIP??? GE1TING MARRIED??? Planning a Specîal Evening on the Town for Dînner the Theatre or the Big Game??? HOURGLASS Limousine Service will get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EARLY It is at this tinte of year that 1 always feel a littie lost, a littie bit sad. As the young scholars of today rekindie the flame of the lamp of knowiedge, 1 can't help but feel a littie wistful. I completed my educationai career two years ago. The first September following coliege graduation, I could flot help but feel the elation that'comes with knowîng that I did not, once again, need 10 retum to1 the dimly lit halls and musty classrooms where 1 had spent-thebetter pant of my life. The joy gave way 10 restlessness. To queli my desire 10 retum 10o class, 1 decided a night school course shouid do the trick. 1 decided that I needed to learnta new language. Thus, I now know how how 10 say "Please", "Thank-you", "My pants are green" and "I will have a beer", un Germai'. Somehow this simply did not quench the eternal thirst for knowiedge. For the past year and a haif, since making the remarkabie discovery, that I actually MISSED being in the sacred halls of higher education, 1 have relentlessly toyed with the idea of returning tb school. find myseif now turning g reen with envy as my friends returne d to their hallowed halls across the country. And t0 my younger sister's friends who are just now beginning to gel their first taste of life in the worid of post-secondary school. "They are sucking deeply the marrow of life and letting it drip from their tongues." I can't help but feel left behind. As though every year the candie that is knowledge and wisdom becomes a little more extinguished. I realize that there is plenty to be learned from life itself, but it is the classroom, the professor, the open exchange of ideas within a closed environment that I miss each year come September. Two years ago the feeling was a tiny pinprick. Simply the feeling that I would flot be returning t0 life that 1 had grown to know and to trust; realizing that 1 was going t0 leave behind something that had been my life for fifteen years. Recently il has been a growing feeling, starting a few months ago and peaking at tbis instant with the first crack of the binding of a new textbook. The feeling may come to pass. Perhaps I just take longer 10 adjust to the working world than others. Or corne next September perhaps The ivy wails of the some near or distant campus will find me in itfs midst. As for my friends that are returning to scbool, il is those of you that have decided to become professional students that 1 find most endearing. Hydro bill delivery illegal t is iliegal for Port Hope to hand-deliver hydro bis to sorne of its customer wbich il has been doing over the past two years. Canada Post was given the exclusive domain of postai service because it is required t0 have the resources 10 deliver mail everywbere in Canada no matter how far flung. Private couder companies are allowed to make mail deiivery but they have 10 charge more than To expand parking lot The Easton Service Station, restaurants and hotel complex plans to expand its parking by 4.4 hectares to meet the growing need in parking. The complex, although iocated in Hope Township obtain water and sewage services from Port Hope at a cost of $200.00 a month for both services. Home home on the range And the buffaloes do range on the farm of Rio Reimann in the Roseneath area. It was a start with 2 bulls and 8 cows tweive years ago. The farm is now seliing buffalo meat at $9.00 a pound at the ranch. He also seils breeding stock - $2,500 for a cow, $3,000 for a bull and $ 1,600 for yearling calves. Sign agreement for Native students The local public school board and the Alderville First Nation after 15 years have sïgned a formai agreement for the education of Native students. Most of the students attend the Roseneath School. The document sets up a full- time native liaison between the board andthe band, also sets up an eight member Native committee and re-affirms the boards commitment 10 native education themes and practices. Slight job hunt improvement According to a recent empioymeifl survey, employment should improve in Durham this fali. But the results do not appear as strong as they did earlier this year. does Canada Post., Port Hope hydro expects to carry on with their practice until they hear from Canada Post. The children are back ta school "just" and you have received their fail and winter sohedule and it is now time ta look through the new travel brochures and make a decision as to which destination you are going ta select for this years winter or sprîng vacation. This year the sky is the limit, new destinations are being off ered by almost ail of the major tour companies, and the old standby's are offering a number of cost saving options. Kids stay and eat free is a very good value for those of you with small children. Many hotels are offering an ail inclusive Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mil 623-0005 option which is very good for budgeting, and you can pay for everything in Canadian dollars. Mickey Mouse is very popular again this year and Disney has added some modestly priced hotels. Cruising is always popular and most cruise lines are off ering even better value for your travel dollar. Early booking bonuses differ from company to company and can save you a ton of money. Stop and pick up the new brochures, have a tamily conference, and REMEMBER planning is haîf the fun. TrayeZ Talk with Elizabeth Belanger-L ink lette r C TC MW ............. IIU V LU It 11IJIU YJ