(,~Qmni~ Weoldy Times WcIne.ç~~y ~eptomber 7 i~94 - _____ SALLY STAPLES associate broker qhlinkt:ng of seffûng? Cat( me for afree appraisa( - take aévantage of thle best markt conitionsin yas 623-6000 REIMAX, GORNERSTONE 623m6000 REALTY LTD., REALTOR 24 hr. pager COUNTRY PARADISE Don't miss this beautifully cared for brick bungalow with spacious, bright eat-in kitchen, huge dining room with hardwood f Iooring, four bedrooms, two baths, fully finished walk-out basement with fireplace and woodstove - ail on a very peaceful and private half- acre lot with sparkling inground pool. . .$1 92,500 CLA SSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS COLLECTORS 0F POTTERY, Moorcraft, Worcester, Doulton, Wedgewood. Don't miss Canada's Premier Poftery Show. Canadian, American, UK Dealers. Sept. 16, 17, 18. Sherafon Toronto East. (416) 609-2236. OUTDOOR ANTIQ UE SHOW National Capital Antique Show af the National Capital Equestrian Centre, Moodie Drive, Ottawa. Antiques and colectables. Saturday September l7th, 7:00 a.m. Admis- sion $4.00. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY T.L.C- PET FOOD - The finest Super Premiium Pet Food available. Buy refait or wholesale. Delivered to your door. Hear complefe story - free - I -800-575-4TLC Code 2828. 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 year-round homes on approx. 325 water frontage, 4 acres, newly updated, excellent opporfunity, sale due f0 ilness. $400,000 firmn 1-905- 662-6533. CAR EER TRAINING A NEW CAREER! Learn Income Tax Preparafion or Basic Bookkeep- ing. Ta x deductible certificate, courses. For free brochures, no obli- gation: U & R Tax Services, PO. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territories. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem School of Auctioneer- ing. Nexf Class: Nov. 19-25. .Infor- mation , contact: Soufhwestern Ontaro School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FOR SALE HYDROPONIOS. Everyfhing you need for indoor gardening - lights, books, nutrient etc. Canada's oldest specialty store. Free 3 6 page cata- logue, fast shipmenf. BRITE-LITE 1- 800-489-2215. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: Emus, Ostnich, Rhea. 93 and 94 chicks available. DNA se xed. Sfart with qualify foundation stock. High producing EMU Breeder oairs available. 3 years ratite experi- -,ce. Affer sale service and adJvice., n-jc Bennett, R.R. #5, Campbellford, IOntario KOL 1iLO. 705-653-4345, fax M ISC ELLA N EUS POETRY CONTEST $24000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or less: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1364, Owings Mils, Md 21117. "FIREFLY FABRIOS" mail-order cat- alogue, $428. Sales representative inquiries weîcome. Phone 1-902- 477-7695 or Fax 1 -902-477-8879. MUSICAL INTEREST PARENTS: BAND INSTRUMENTS for school. Best prices - aIl instru- ments. Self instructional video tapes. Free catalogue. 1-800-361- 3323. PERSONALS TALK LIVE f0 our gifted psychics on questions of love, success, career, soul mates, self heîp, and more... CALL 1-900-451-3530 Ext. 8181. $299 per min. Must be 18 yrs. New- caîl, LTD. (602) 954-7420. MEET LADIES f rom Orient & Word- wide! Frtendship Office, Box 42117, Acadia P.O., Calgary, Aberta T2J 7A6 REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take if! Amen- ca's largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS QUONSETS 25'x30' $5,462.00, 30'x4' $6,593.00, S35'x5O' $8478.00. S.SERIES STRAIGHT- WALL S25'x 32' $5,922.00, S30'x4' $6999.00, Endwalls and Sliding Doors included. Caîl Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. VACATION/TRAVEL TRAILER OWNERS! Want a beauti- fuI spot, great neighbours and a spacious site? Before commifting for next season, please caîl (613) 587- 4860. WANTED TO BUY STUDIO 737 seeks consigniments early Canadian original works of art. Our collection includes: Riopelle, group of seven, other prominent artisfs. Paying auction prices plus for good quality pieces. 613-478- 3059. *It's Affordable a tsFast Its Easy a One Bill Does It Ali - Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Call this paper for details! Imnperial Hell Drivers at Orono Fair Sept., 8 lie imperial Hell-Drivers will be appearing at the Orono Faîrgrounds on September 8 at 8 p.m. The team leader, paul Riddell, on his 42nd annual tour and the one armed lady driver, Toby Thibodeau will be driving 1994 Mustang GT's. This wilI be her 13th year with the team. Dougz Hennessy, who began with Paul Riddell in 1961, and Patrick Darbyson, a rookie, member of tbe team will bc driving 1994 Toyotas. Joe Bogg s and John Buttery will round ont the teamt performning Crashes. Tbe truck to be diven on two wheels will be a 1994 Ranger. The rider of the CR 250 motorcycles will ,be Serge Beaulieu. This rnotorcycle maniac will leap over tbe entire fleet of Imperial Hell Drier cars. .Greg Riddell, Pauls son will return as Ko Ko the Krazy Klown. He bas bis mini clown car, and be attemnpts to duplicate stunts performed by the stunt drivers with bilarlous resuits. Ail newfor 1994 is a gigantic cannon. This 147, foot long, monster will bave a car sbot tbrougb it. Not one of tbe new cars, but ratber an older model junk car supplied by D&R Excavating of RR. 1, Port Hope. After going tbrougb the cannon the car mrill no longer bc fit to drive. Keeping the show moving along witb bis commentary will -Weed Spraying -Fertilizing -Insect Spraying -Ants & Trees -Plug Coracration See the Difference ,Quality Makes ILAWN0I~ 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) be Ron Hanly in bis sixtb season witb the team. At a few Frencb speaking venues, tbis cbore is ably handled by Gaston Auger. Dont miss tbe ail new Imperial Heli Drivers at the Durbam Central Fair in the Orono Fairgrounds on September 8 at 8 p.m. exciting, clean entertailument for tbe entire family, the wildest show on wbeels. Increase in cafeteria prices There will be some increases in cafeteria prices in the five secondary scbools in wbicb tbe public board operates the cafeteria. Last year the board Iost $76,500 in tbe operation of the five cafeterias. -Cbocolate milk for a 500- millilitre container goes up to $ 1.05 while al bot drinks are increased to 60 cents. SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "W(zere ~Profssiona( £tiquette is Important' Funeral Directors Paul R.,Morris, Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE 4 Col: ' 0' e to buy or self ... Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones S983-6013 flpJty-Net ASSOCITES 0(DURHAM)Inc. 1050 SIMCOE STN. #103 -OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 NEW PRICE, $1 28,900. SPACIOUS 4-LE VELS ON 113 ACRE! .................