Qr" oeekly lme1 Wednesay September 7, 1994 - 1. SERVICE DRECTORYf ROLFE BEV I INSURANCEI ~~ WAKEFIELDI '~4~~» 983-9438j 83 King Street West Newcaste, Ontaro Li B 1 L2 y IL Telephone (905) 987-3200 %xMatthews &Associates INSURANCE BROIERS LTD Pauline Moto, A.1.1.C., C.I.B. Branch Manager HAMILTONS NSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO ~Ii~ 1-905-983-5115 Fax 1 -905-983-8228 Women in Abuse Relaionships For IIelp Cal "The Denise House" For Wornen and Children Toit Frec 1-800-263-3725 or 728-73 11 Confidontially Assured If you want to drink, Thats your business. If you want to stop, 'Mat's ours. cali Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 agaitisi AND STKOKt aÙ" FOU NDAMN~ ~1kle e e '.e, >'ne i jS MRAR Honielite String Trimmers C.W LEMON SmaII Engines Phone 987-5200 3rd Lino east of Hwy. 115 Newcastle, Aug. 10 - Sept. 28, ap PIANO AND TIIEORY LESSONS Registered Music Teacher Ages 4 IoAdult Beginner to A.R.C.T. Ail theory subjects. 983-5413 Aug. 24 - Sept. 7 ap WES'S SniaIl Engine Repair We Do It Ail SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENNG YOU NAME IT WE DO IT 5105 Main St., Orono For service cail (905) 983-9772 Girl Guides of Canada are looking for mature volunteer leader for a Guide Company in Kirby (girls age 9-12 yrs.). Meets Monday evenings. Shared leadership, varied programi. Cail Marg Crashley, District Commissioner, 983-9698. 31,7, ac Nanny requi red to cone in daily. home in Orono, experience necessary, CEC an asset, 1 child, cail Monika 983-6007.7,1,a ORONO7 BADMINTON CLUIB Start up date Tues., September 13 7:30 p.m. Clarke Hight School Hwy. 115 For more information cali Joyce 983-5373 71ap Famnily and freinds are r nvited to the 80TH BIRTHDAY Open House for Leonora Stapletoni Sunday, September 18 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Kendal United Church Best Wishes Only 31,7,14, ap Orono Town Hall Board CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW November 18 & 19 For information Please cal! 983-5847 0 Pineridge Girl Guides REGISTRATION Attend and Register at isi Meeting Cost $2500 Sparks 5 yrs; Brownies 6-9 yrs; Guides 9-12 yrs; Pathfinders 12-15 yrs. Monday, September 12 ai 6:30 p.m. lst Orono Guides - Orono Public School 1 st Orono Pathfinders - St. Saviours Church 1 st Kirby Brownies - Kirby Public Sohool 1 st Kirby Guides - Kirby Public Sohool Wednesdlay, September 14 ai 5:30 p.m. lst Orono Sparks - St. Saviours Church Wednesday, Septomber 21 ai 6:30 p.m. 1 st Orono Brownies - Orono Public School 2nd Orono Brownies - Orono United Church 31.7.ac JOYCE ROSSEAU, C.D.A. invites you to join the fun offolk art & decorative painting. OPEN HOUSE & REGISTRATION Wednesday, Sept. 7th - Friday, Sept. 9th 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 - 9:30 pa. Saturday, September lOth 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. only Ail instruction books 50% off during registration. Poen & Ink waterc-olour, fabric painting, porcelain and many Christmas projects. January & February 1995 Colour Theory, Strokework Clinic for ail levels and Cailigraphy. 86 Church St., Orono, Ontario LOB IMO 983-6408 31,7, ac 1lst Orono Beaver, Cubs, Scouts REGISTRATriON September 112, 1994 17:00 p.m. Orono Unted Church 31,7,ac SEPTEMBER is Big Brother Month Volunteer Todaiy!î For more information cali Big Brothers of Clarington 623-6646 Aug. 31 - Sept 28,ac SHINE! with Apple's no wax finishAP E POLSHING ~~ SYSTEMS aSbog -Exterior Cleaning - Restoring - Polishing.- Protecting Interior - Engine Shampooing - Written Guarantee 404-6273 (mobile> Orono "YOUR VEHICLE CARE EXPERTS« ,%(JWelcome ta FrMtaru-ket Huvy 115. South Orono 983-5628 This yearls apples now avallable MELBA, VISTA BELLA, PAULA RED Aiso fresh picked sweet corn everyday PEACHES & CREAM $2.50 dloz. SWEET YELLOW CORN $2.00 dioz. Ontario Peaches H-ome grown Tomatoes Wviley's 100%/ Pure fruit juices ............ - ........... Tel, eMý-WI .. .........