ilnM(NO- ONTARlIO. WFflNEflAY.SEPTEMBER 7,1994 Mayor presents plaque to CNE president Orono Reconstruction Bld cornes in ove r estimate The total cost of the reconstruction of Station and Princess Streets and construction of Leigh Street has been set at $1.120 million following a construction bid of $881,469.50. Elirpo Construction of Pickering submitted this low construction bid. Contingency allowance, design and consultation costs, tendering costs, hydraulics and hydrology reports along with utility relocation and construction administration brings to total cost to the $1.120 million. mhe project is to be undertaken through the federal/provincials infrastructure program.' The project was accepted with an engineer's estimate of $870,000.00. Staff have recommended that the project proceed with interim funding of $250,000 coming from the Public Works Lot Levy Réserve Funds. Upon completion of ail the approved Infrastructure programs an application will be made to reallocate unused funds to offset the intérim boan for the project. This item came before the General Purpose, committee meeting on Tuesday of this week, and wil be further considered at Council at Mondays meeting. Mayor Diane Hamnre presented of the CNE last Wednesday, at the Canadiani National a plaque to Sam Kotzer, President commemoratiiig Clarington Day Exhibition. Newcastle OPP detachment moves to Whitby The moving of the Ontario Provincial Police Newcastle Village detachmnent to Whitby is but another sign of the times. mhe doors of the detachment office located on Miil Street at 401 Highway were closed on Monday. Staff at the Newcastle office now have their headquarters at Whitby, a facility which has been under-utiiized-over the past few years. The Beaverton detachment faility will be closed in October. plans to close te two facilities were announced earlier this year. The ciosings wil not result in any curtailment of services or be cause for any layoff of staff. It has been stated that when the two detachments are consolidated with Whitby service will be expanded in Brock Township. In the recent past Beaverton could oui>' provide 18 hour service on provincial, highways in Brock Township. The closing of the two offices is due to somne extent of Durham Regional Police taking over m'ore of the general poiicing in the, Region. Duties for the O.P.P. has mainiy been reduced to the patrol of provincial highways. Blue Box program to expand to rural areas New provincial 3R regulations becoming effective January 1, 1995 will expand Bine Box stervice to ail residents in a municipality who are provided with a curbside garbage collection. In the Municipality of Clarington to meet the conditions of the new regulation it wil require the expansion of the Blue Box program into the nu-al atem that are now not served by Blue Boxes. At the present time 10,041 Biiue Box stops exist in Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Courtice. To meet the conditions of the new regulations the BlueC Box program must be expanded into the rural areas of Clarington (Continued page 2> These youngsters enjoyed Grandma Eleanor 's teddýy bears The Great -Ganaraska Countryside Adventure has something for everyone! Whii e their parents nibbied on cucumber sandwiches and sipped ice tea, these littie darlings Dylan O'Neii, 3-, Sylvie ONeil, 1 and Jacob Magder, 2-1/2; enjoyed a cuddle with Grandma Eleanor's handmade teddy bears at the historic Floradale buiît circa 1865. ORONO FAIR SEPT. 8 -u Hý-iappenings... New Bleachers The new Rodeo/Horse, ring is now surrounded by rebuilt and renovated bleachers. The bleachers were purchased and brought to the Oronolocation by the Rodeo promoters. Work crews have been busy over a number of evenings rebuiiding thebeahr with new lumber and painting. Fireighters Pancake Breakfast The Orono Firefighters will be holding their Pancake Breakfast this Saturday morning at the firehail from 6:30 - 10:30. Pet Show at Orono Fair Big Brothers wil be hosting their annual Pet Show at the Orono Fair on Sunday, Sept-. il at 1:00 p.m, for children 16 yrs. & under. erienced Returning Officers and Poli Clerks needed -Calling ail experienced Deputy Returning Officers or Pol Clerks from the Municipality of Clarington. You are needed for the Municipal Election to be held on November 14, 1994. Please contact Marie Knight at 623-3379 during business hours or complete an application form at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvilie. il joi. 58, No. 34 UMUNU, y, ?-a 120 kl- OA 'ý1-