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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1994, p. 10

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1<>-OonoWektyTIs W.needa1Septenbr 14, 1994 IDeadlin forService Directory Ic ur ~ î'? T T T '" '~ X e.9350 IFriday Noon cEJiiVIC.-iLD IÂÂE'Â\O'Â ]p. FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don'tjust speciahize - We make every order speciaI. "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric LI. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Barina Home Check *Vacation Home Checking *Let us make your home look ived in *Weddng Day Services ReIiabIe References INSURED Barb Shetier - Ina Cox 1NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWE RS GIETS and CRAFTS 46 King Street Easst Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5902 Wilda MddIeton!i U PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontaro 623-4473 Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9 874 Bryon rund y Custodian Maintenance Person - Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge. Job description available at the office, 200 Station Street, Orono. Inquiries 983-5404, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Duties to commence October 1, 1994. Closing date for Tender September 22, 1994. 14,ac Painter - Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge. Job description available at the office, 200 S tation Street, Orono. Inquiries 983-5404, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Duties to commence October 1, 1994. Closing date for Tender Septemiber 22, 1994. 14,ae I CLARION FACTORY DEMO CAR - 1988 Thunderbird, 5.0 litre auto, loaded, mags, new tires ($4,000 custom sereo system) $ 10,000 or best offer, phone 373-0265. tfn T.V./VCR PACKAGE, $499 for both or only $5.00 per week. No Money Down- SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, 373-0265. tffi 130 WATT~ CLARION CAR AUDIO PACKAGE, CD, Amp/Eq; speakers $599. or only $6.00 per week. No Money Down. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO 373-0265. en0 SHERWOOD HOME STEREO PACKAGE RECEIVER, dual cassette, Tower speakers, $499. or only $5.00 per week. No Money Down. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO 373-0265. tfn 1986 Olda Cutlas Ciera, blue, 4 door, V6, loaded, 132,000 kms., one owner, certifîed, $4,960.00. Phone 983-5282. 7,14, epo Dry Barley Straw, $ 1.00 a baie, Phone 983-9477. 7,14,21,28,. ap Queen size box spring and mattress, 1 yr. old, $250-00 or best offer for both. Phone 786-2609. 7,14,ac Ideal for Cottage - Admiral fridge & Moffat stove, $10000 for both. Please cal Joanne for more. information 983-5606. î4,ap Commercial space for rent in new modemn building on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for store/office. Approx. 500 sq. fi. Call 987-3211. Aug. 31-Sept. 21 c Storage Units for rent 20 x 40 with 12 x 12 doors. $250.00 per month. Located in Bowmanville. Cail 987-3211. 14, 21, ac Port Charlotte, Florida, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, luxury home, screened in pool and 1mnai. Available now dili December, -Aprîl lst and on. Canadian Funds. Phone 983-5925 after 6 p.M.- n Commercial space for rent in new modemn building on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for store/office. Approx. 500 sq. ft. Cail 987-3211. Aug. 31 -Sept. 21 ae Large air conditioned one bedroom apartmnents located ini modem building in Newcastle Village, starting at $525. per month plus utilities. Please cal 987-3211. Aug. 31 -Sept. 21 ac Wood splitter, wil split up te 24" blocks. Wîll tow with trailer ball. Phone 983-5682. Sept. 14-Nov. Z, ap SELF STORAGE UNITS For rent - from $39 "CHECK OUR RATES" Now available front 5'x 1x 20'x 40' Phone 987-3211 NEWCASTLE STORAGE Aug. 31- Sept. 21,8ec Change purse. Phone Mrs. Hublmng 983-9002. 14ap Many thanks for thte kind words and gestures of support extended to our famrily in the loss of my Mother, Frances Sanders. We are most grateful for the flo 'wers, cards and donations to the Canadian Cancer Society and Heart and Stroke Foundation. Dorothy Robinson & Famnily 14,ap 'The faraily of the late John Dennis of Orono would like to express sîncere thanks and appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friends, for flowers, cards and visitations at Armstrong Funeral Home. Thanks also to Dr. J.A. Thompson, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital Bowmanville, Armstrong Funeral Home and to Rev. lwyn Hughes for his contforting words. 14 The Woodworking Committee of -Durhamn Central Fair wish to thank those who participated in our display. Your entries were excellent and beautiful workmanship. We do s0 hope you will try again next year. There were 18 exhibitors. Special thanks to our sponsors Littie Valley Farm and Orono Fuel & Lumber. Also to Terry Matchett for ail his help. Woodworking Comimittee Lloyd & Flora Sharpe 14 ac AUCTION SALE Grist Mill Auction Centre FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH 6:30 p.m. Selling the contents front a Bowmanville home, fridge; stove; 2 freezers; 5 pc. oak drop leaf ext. table set; kitchen cabinet; wood high chair; 3 Bentwood cane chairs; small tilt top table; pr. parlour chairs; chesterfield; occasional chairs; brass lamps; chandelier; quilts; beds; chests; color t.v.; contour lounge chair (reclines, heats, vibrates); large rose carpet (11-1/2 x 18-1/2); numerous antiques; signs; advertising; wool winder; Victorian table; collectibles; glass; and unique other items including quantity of sports cards etc. TERMS: Cash or Good Choque w1th ILD. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 905-786-2244 14,ac BUSINESS OPPS. 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 year- round homes on upprea. 325' water trentage, 4 acres, niewiy updated. excel- lent opportunlty, sale due te Iliness. $400.000 irrn 1-905-662-6533. BUSINESS SERVICES $5.000 te 55,000,000 uvuiabie for yeur business through our computer mtching databuse. Ne commissions or breker tees.uit (6131 373-2835 tor deluils, CAR EER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERHING t the South- western Schoei et Auctîeneerîng. Neet Ciass: Nov. 19-25. Inormaon , contact: Seuthwestem Ontario Schoot et Au'ton- eerîng, R.R.#5, Woedstoct<, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Inceme Tax or Bookkeepîng courses by cerrespen- dence. Free Brochues. Ne Obligatien. U&R Tux Serices Ltd, 1345 Pembinu Hlghmay, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. FOR SALE SAT ELLITE OWNERS: Last montht Suce $49900. Deceder for TSN, Networks, etc. $10.00! Puy oniy subsiliont Jays, Expos. thers. (902) 477-5458. "DECODER BLOWOUT", Box 8358, Sta- tion A, Haliax, N S. B3K SM1 DEUTSCHE! SRG, ORF, ARD, ZDF, 3sat, SWFi Emptangen 5Sie Deusehes Femsehen mit keiner Antenne (80 cm.) LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: EMUS, Ostrich, Rhea. 93 and 94 chicks avaîluble. DNA Sexed. Start with quaIity toundation stock. Hîgh producing EMU Breeder pairs uvuiluble. 3 ers ratite experience. ABter Sale Ser- vice and advice. Eric Bennett, R.R. #5. Campbeîttord, Ontario, KOL ILO. (705) 653-4345 Fax (705) 653-5336ý PREMIER OSTRICH PRODUCERS - Top quaîhty ostrieh, 1011w-up service, beurding, incubation. Eggs te breeders avaluabto. For intonmation cati: 1-800-567- 0262. Birds guuranteed for ene yeur. MEDICAL OUT-OF-COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Dont risk inanciai iess by travelling eut et Canada without Medicai coverage. National Auto Leagues Heuth pue gises our members the peuce et mnd te travel worry ree. Boy the most flexible cover- uge avuituble starting ai $49.00 tor year round ceveruge. Caii 1-800-387-2298 - 8:00 a.m. te 8:00 p.m. EDT. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24,000 in prîzes yeuriy. Possible publication. Send one originat poeem 20 linos or ess. National Ltoutry 01 Poetry, Box 704-1363,-Owings Mils, Md 21117. MUSICAL INTER EST PARENTS: BAND INSTRUMENTS lut sehool. BesI prices - ail instruments. Set instructienai vîdeo tapes. Free catalogue. 1-800-361-3323. PAY TELEPHOGNE SERVICES *A cost mii be incurred ATTENTION NATIONAL LOTTERY PLAYERS! Lt us help even your odds of winnîng millions. Computer generuted number pîcks. 1-900 595-UWIN(8946). 18 yrs. plus. $3.99/ist min. $1.99/ min aller Inq. 1-800-276-4160. CLASSIFUED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" questions et love. success, career, seul mates, self help, and more... CALL 1- 900-451-3530 Eut. 8181. $2.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Newcali, LTD. (602) 954-- 7420. THE RIGHT PERSON Is wating for you. Send and receive voice mail. Dateline Canada 1-900-451-4010 #3940. $2.99/min, Mast be 18 and oser Inq. 1- 800-454 6362ý PERSONALS GOOD SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection probiems caosed by aging, medi- cations, sargery, diabolos etc. Get the tacts: Pertormance Medicai, Box 418, Vatemoont, B.C.,Toit tree 1-800-663- 0121. SINGLE? Il yoa beel therels someone botter than people yeusve been meeting and ired of the places yeusve been look- ing. Cali TOGETHER Todayt 1-800-667- 01 17 REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'l take ft! America's iargest, oldeat resale ciearing- house. Resort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Tîmeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 heurs a day. $CASH REBATES$ When baying/seiiing property, botore yoo cati a reatlor, CALL US FIRST! Hundreds/Thousands in cash rebatos, you pay os nothingt Real value fromt Fîrot Team Marketing Ine. Cai 519- 856-2517. SERVICES H-1W TO PLAY Popular Piano. New home stody course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! FREE inormation. Poputar Musc Stodio C2, 103-1054 Eltîs, Kelore- nu. B.C. V1Y iZI. Cati 1-800-667-0050 Eut.-770. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Strait- watt Type - nt quonset - 32x54 $8,505; 40x72 $12,887, soago $18.378.; 605126 $28,150 - other sizes avaitubte - Mise. clearance - Paragon - 24 heurs 1-800- 263-8499. QUONSETS 25x30' $5,.46200, 30'x40' $6,593.00, S.SERIES STRAIGHTWALL S25x 32' $5,922.00, S3'x40' $699900, Endwaiis and Sliding Doors inctuded. Cati Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top Ouaiity Straighitwati, Wood/Steel & AII/Steel Buildings, CSA Certitied. Wortr- shops, Brns, Arenas, Stables, Etc. Large or Smuli, Contruettng & Finanicing Availubto, 24 heurs 1-800-561-2200. "-ROCK BOTTOM PRICESi" Quonset buildings. -Hlgh sidewatis. Final clear- ance. 25x34 $2.470., 30x4O $3,490., 35x52 $6.279., 42x60 $7,669., 47x80 $10,999., 52x104 $18.944...Ends opio- ai. Poneer 1-800-66-5422. VACATIOIN/TRAVEL STORYLAND FAMILY PARK, 30 acres et adveritore. New tor '94 - Jump 'n Beunice, Karioke for Kîds, and Puppet Show. 10 km west et Rentrew 1-800-205- 3695. VENDORS WANTED VINDORS WANTED FOR FLEA MAR- KETS. The 400 Market - Barrie. The Weliington Market - London. The Bure Market - Peterborough. Culi Rose ut (705) 728-3313. eItIs Affordable - t's Fast - lt's Easy - one Bill Does It Ail -Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 -Western Ontario $162- Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Cail this paper for details! SHEET METAr-&L DESIGNS Custom Made Sheet Metal Work Galvanized, Stainless Steel or Back Iron Tig and Arc Weiding Barclay Crozier 983-9311 t Stephen Crozier 983-6301 -YOU CAN DRA W T, WE GAN MA KE W J ~ JON STORY I SCOTT STORY 4~SERVICES 905-983-5491 LA N DS C A PING INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WATER PONDS- PERENNIAL GARDENS' ÇONSULTING B.M. Bradley WELDING LIMITED (905) 983-6753 "Mobile Service Truck" GENERAL REPAIR: HEAVY EOUiPMENTr CUSTOM FABRICATION- GENERAL CONTRACTING BRUCE BRADLEY ORONO FOR SALE STA FF, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Kin st. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT OF TOWN CALL TQLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITEfflNUMENTS MARKERSand CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTIVIENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REOUEST Cali today for pur free flower vase. VISA ACCEPTED After Hours Cail Oshawa 579-1116 TERMS AVAILABLE

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