J2 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Sepbr 281994} Ward Three bas played its part When it cornes to the tourist and recreation aspect of the Municipality of Clarington Ward Three has piayed its part over the past couple of months. Walking into Mabel's Cafe this week Mabel was bubbling al over having had a busy busy Sudnay morning for a full five hours. No doubt some to do with the rodeo group at the fair grounds as well as the locals. The saine has been reported froin ail the recent events from the Ganaraska Adventure to the Orono Fair and now the recent Rodeo. They ail appear to have been successful and we have yet to hear of any real negative aspects of the promotions froin those in the municipality or in nearby location as the Orono Fair Grounds. The three events have been a cause for an influx of recreational money into the community and on the other' hand surely we do want to live in a community with some life and activity. People do become involved and that is great. Yes Ward Three plays its part. A blow to nulear waste disposai For a number of year it appeared that there may be a solution for the removal of low level nuclear- waste froin the three municipalities, of Clarington, Hope- and Port Hope. The final selection was expectod 10 corne early in 1995 but as to recent events it might ail have added up to a wild gooso chase. Atoicj Energy of Canada Limited han written a letter to the federal siting task force saying ithas serious concerns with the preferred Deep River site. The Deep River site is located on AECL land. The letter not only expressed concerns with the site itself but was also critical of the site selection process and with the hydrogeological data that han been gathered. What is left to object Io? 1Froin ail quarter s it wan thought that the AECL would be a supporter of the Deep River location but the recent letter bnings about great some doubt. A public meeting in the Deep River area also arousod a lot of opposition with some doubt that the municipality will hold a referendum in 1995 as to receiving the waste fromn the south. There has been a lot of money and lime spent ini the process by ail parties and that would include the Municipality of Clarington with trips to Ottawa and legai fées. Mter atending a local CGL meeting in Newtonvile earlier this year we have had some doubts as to just how dangerous this waste is and if the cost of removai that is expected could be justified. The coffers do not flow with cash these days and serious consideration should be given to whether or flot the removal is required. The money spent to date possibly would have provided adequate storage faiities. Hvrappenings.. rHalloween Dance Tickets are now available for the Orono Firefighters 2nd Annual Halloween Dance to be held Saturday, October 29th, tickets are $45. per couple, withmusic by D.J. - Magic Power. For tickets cail 983-6310 or 983-6068. Card Party Resuits Orono Town Hall euchre results for Wednesday, Septembe-r 21, with 14 tables in play: Scores - LiI Bolderstone 91; Sharon Casey 86; Hilda Caswell and Aleck Moffat each with 80; and Arthur Bedwin with 75. Low score Jean Jilisen. Draw winners Alva Foster, June Wilson, Myrtle Alldread, Edgar Milîson, George Mercer, Carolyn, Reg Elliott. Cards are hield every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Lunch provided. Opening first section of Waterfront Trail The Waterfront Regeneration Trust, Region of Durham, Clarington and Lake Ontario Conservation Authority invite ail to the opening of a section of the Clarington Waterfront Trail this Saturday at the Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area in the south of Bowmanvilie. Pancakes will be served at 8:00 a.m. with presentations at 10:00 a.m. Kendal Column 1 by Phyllis Lowory Another week of nice weather and we are now officially into'- faîl. The lawns have been showing the effects of this long dryspell but with the nain we had Monday night thelawn has once again tumned green. 'm sure that those attending the Rodeo were glad that the rain held off. After church we decided to drive north and east up to Coe Hill and thon down Hwy. 62 and back across Hwy. 7, the colour of the trees was beautiful, every possible sha'de of red, orange, yellow and pink. 0f course when we go for a drive we always manage to take a road somewhero along the way that we have neyer driven before, sometimes that can get a little hairy. Yesterday we decîded te take the Old Hastings Road south froin Ormsby, it winds up and down over some pretty steep hills, at places the road is lower than the water and only the build up of dirt keeps the road from being flooded. You drive praying that you won't meet another car and that the hydro line will continue te parallel the road. One feels that if it disappears the road will end. Finally after many false hopes you corne to 2 or 3 houses close together and you feel you have ruechet civilization and then you sec a sign Murphy's Corners. Funny, you just passed that sign on your first side trip off Hwy. 62, oh well you know where you are now, let's get back to the well travelled roads and find a place te eat. Now that ail is well and we are at home, one realizes that it is these little side trips that make the trip. Driving through that bush, on an old gravel, and sometime sand road, we saw the countryside as it must have appeared to our ancestors and the colours were worth seeing, I saw thein ail over again in my sleep iast night an I drove that road again. Sunday was the Third Sunday of Creation, we were pleased to welcome Carol Gardiner as organist as the regular'organist was away. The opening hymn was, "Ali People That On Earth Do Dwell". Rev. Black gave The Invitation to Worship and led in thePrayer of Approach. The hymn, "Amazing Grace" was sung. Ian Savage led in the Prayer of Soîf-Examination and the Words of Assurance. Ian sang a beautiful solo,' "Myý Faith Has Found A Resting Place". The chiltiren were called forward, Ian asked them what he hati in his'hand, they ahl knew il was a tape, he asked themn what was on it, îhey didn't know, it only said Ian's tape. It could be a movie, muisic, or just taling. Ho asked them would they put il in the VCR and play it without checking with thecir mother firsk? It could be something they shouldn't sec. Ian tolti themn that they should always check with their parents before trying something, that is why God gave us parents, to protect us from doing wrong, so we would follow in the way of God. The ch-ildens hymn was, "The Family of God". Ian read frorn Joshua 1, his sermon was,, "How to Conquer Sin". Rev. Black has been preaching about Human Dignity, the past few weeks. Abusive behaviour by parents 10 children, battered wives, verbally destroying another's confidence. Sin is the problem, teday people eall sin, a mistake, they make excuses, I was young, I was stupid, I didn't think. The Bible does flot categorize sin, sin is sin. We have Sin promises pleasure -and gives pain. You can't have one without the other. Sin can flot be coverod over but, must be forgiven by God, only God can blot it out. We live with sin daily. In the story of Joshua is the story of the subjugation of the land, from this we can loarn, we must bc strong, we must start a war on sin and wo must be strong enough to finish the war. There will always-be temptations, always be people there to say, it doesn't matter, but God said to Joshua, bc strong. Joshu a was often afraid but God was with him. The batie of sin in our lives is God's battle, God gives us the samepromise as He gave Joshua, to conquer sin, we need to bc steadfast, it won't happen overnight. You can't have instant gratification. The real battles in life are won by perseverance flot by discouragement when not won instantly. One must help chip away bit by bit, and little by littie our lives return to God and we can live the life God promisod. SThe hymn, "For The Healing 0f The Nations" was sung, the Prayer of Thankfuiness and thec Prayer o f Concern andi Commitmoent said. The closing hymn was "Guide Me 0 Thou -Great-Jehiovah".' The meeting of the Central Board of the Newtonville Pýastorate, will be helti at Newtonville, on M onday,- October 3rdat 7:30 p.m. On Tuesday, October 4, the Ladies Fellowshîp Group of Newtonville, will have a special speaker, Cory Kuipers, of Northicutt Elliott Funeral Home, he will be speaking about-funeral arrangements and preplanning. This will bc held at Newtonville U.C. at 7:30 p.m. Ail women welcome. This is something that we shoulti ail learn about, the death of a loved one is strossful enough to bear, having to make ail the arrangements in a short time only adds te the stress, how much easier it.would be on the whole family if ail you had te do was make one phone cail. The U.C.W. will be holding an Afternoon Tea, Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, October 15, i p.m.- 4 p.m. The Anniversary Services of ail 3 churches will, soon be coming up, plan to attend one or ail of them. Sunday, October 16, Shioh U.C.; Sunday, October 23, Kendal U.C; Sunday, October 30, Newtonville U.C. Quotable Quotes "We experience moments absolutely free from worry. These brief respites, are called panic." St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAy SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.M. ORONO PASTORAL CHLARGE. Miinister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 993-5502 SUNDÀýY, OCTOBER 2ND Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church il:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, September 28th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, September 28th 1 p.m. at Kirby United Church meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. End of Summner Clearance-Table 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO l