Orono I'eeky'ie Serving Orono, Newcastle, Newtonvîlle, kendai, Starkville Vol. 58, No. 38 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1994 Orono gun enthusists attend Ottawa rally A busload, 47, members of the Orono Fish and Hunt Club travclled with another 12,000 to 1S,000 from across Canada on, September 22nd to an Ottawa rally opposing proposed changes ini gun laws. In spealdng with Veru Sargent, secrctary/trcasurcr of the Orono Club, she said that rather than have the government extend registration for rifles and shot guns thcy would pr efer more crime control and smuggling of guns into the country. Mrs. Sargent said that the Minister of Justice, Alan Rock, The Orono and Area Lunch- Ouit prograie for seniors was held last Wedncsday in Uic basement of Uic 'Orono United ChurchwiUi some forty in attendance which was, most encouiraging for those sponsoring the program bcing held on thc fourth Wednesday of cach month, A modest charge is made for the dinncr that is scrved by 1By appointing a Courtice Complex Architect/Project Co- ordinator on Monday Clarington council bas taken further step in providing Uic Courtice commru- ity with a library facility, a swimming pool and comýrmunity centre complex. The library component of Uic total complex, according to a staff forecast, could have an members of the church community. The program is also, supported by Carington Com- munity Care. On Wednesday, following Uic dinner, thc group was entertaincd by Uic above Happy Trail Singers from Trinity United Church in, Bowmanville. The group is lcad by, Ray. Taylor and Jean Sumersford. operational impact in late -1995 while Uic first impact for Uic core facility would not happen until 1996. The capital cost of Uic llbrary is estimated at $1.872 million with the core facility of swimming pool/community centre> is estimated at $4.585 for a total cost of $6.458 million. A total of $4.258 million is The singers arc interested ini obtaining more members'for the g roup and anyone intcrested may contact the group through the church or through Community Care. The musical program was well received wîth most familiar songs being offcred from the musical shows and from the mwenties and thirties. presentiy available from reserve funds now held by the municipality. t is currently anticipatcd, that a debenture cal of $2.2 million would be rcquired but which would be paid back using future Reserve Develop- ,ment Charges and would not apply to the gencral tax rate.', The operational impact could add an average $18.00 to the average residential tax bill over the period of 1995 to 1999. The 1999 additional charge in itself for oper ation is estimatcd at $25.00 for ail Courtice facilities. With a drop in garbage cost per residential unit of $40.00 it is expected that a drop in the residential tax rate in 1995 of 1.6 percent is possible. The 1994 residential tax rate and garbage cost rcsts at $576.00 for the average residential dwclling. This cost could risc to $644.00 by 1999 with the additional cost of the Courtice operation and along with a possible twin pad for the Bowmnanvillc Recreational Centre and thc proposced additions for Uic fire dcpartmcent governcd by Uic tcrms of an agreement with Ontario Hydro,. The ncw garbage contract approved at council on Monday whcreby garbage collection coss wiIl bc rcduced by $40.00 per residential Unit wihl hclp offset rising costs as will be associatcd with the additional facilities in Courtice. has called for a "Gun Free Canada" and with this objective and with registration of rifles and shot guns the list of legal fire arms could be reduced until no one could own a rifle. It was pointed out that at thc present time ahl hand guns must be registered and it was law that' ahl guns be equippcd with a triggcr hock and storcd in an arca, locked, and other than whcre thc ammunition is kcpt. Mrs. Sargent said Uic Orono group felt that the federal government was impressed with (Coninued page 2) Many show îenterest ilocal Waterfront Trait by Loma Milier The chili main failed to dampcn Uic spirit of Uic crowd gathered at the Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area on Saturday, October 1 to celebrate the omp1tio-~ft'le firsi phase of Clarington's section, Bonhcad to Darlington Provincial Park, of Uic 275 km., Burlington Bay to Trenton, Waterfront Trait. The day began with an 8 a.m. Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Optimist Club of Bowmanville. In Uic shelter of Uic yellow and white canvass pavilhion elected officiais, dignitaries and citizens cheerfully chewed on pancakes and politics while waiting for Mr. Franklin Wu, Direetor of Planning and Development, Municipality of Claington and Uice Master of Ceremïonies, to begin Uic proceedings. The Watcrfront Trail began as a dreami of the then-Mayor-of- Toronto, David Crombie. Initialhy hie was concemced with Uic future of the Toronto Watcrfront. Howcvcr, in Uic final report of thc Royal Commission on Uic Future (Continued page 11) Opens Video Store in Orono The latest new addition to Uic Orono commercial section, 5 Star Vidco,' opcncd on Saturday in the Partner Block. In speaking-with Mrs. Bonnie Jackson they carry a good sehection of vdo along with the ncw releases and of course Vidco games. The store is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. tf11 10 p.m. If you drop ini be sure to enter their draw which continues until October 6th. Two prizes being offered. Pictured abovc, the daughter/mother teams of Lisa and Bonnie Jackson. Orono and Area Lunch-O ut group entertained Council hires Courtice Complex' Architect for $6.4 million projeet Happeningsý. .. Play Groups operating in the area A number of children's play groups are operating ion the area including a Monday, Wednesday, Friday group in thc Orono United Church from 9:30 a.m. til 11:00 a.m. Cail 983-9107. A Kirby group mecets evexy Wednesday at he Kirby United Churcl i fom 9:30 aw. tili 11:00 a.m. Cali 983-5734 A Newtonvile group also meets every Wednesday in the United Church from 9:30 a.m. tîil 11:00 a.m. Further information by phoning 786-2593 or 2627. Public, Works support United Way -larngton Public Works personnel held a barbecu Saturday ithaid of the Whitby/OshawW/Claringtoni United Way. They raised $208.75 for their efforts. Benefit Musical Concert The concert is being held in the Orono Town Hall on Suinday, October 23rd fcatuiring Eric Lambier and Waynec Heinrichs. The event commences at 7:30 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will be supporting the Denise House in Oshawa for Abuse Women and Children. Eric and Wayne will provide a prograii tune with most tastes. Tickets $8.00, children $2.00. Tickets availaible from Margaret Henderson 983-9608.