2- Orono Weekly 1imes~ Wedn~~ny, Oçtober 0,1994 KeniaI Colu'mn Building a Network Rornona Rickard, chairman of the Clarington Public Library Board presented council on Monday with a three-year phase-in period operating plan for a new library branch in what she called the West Area Branch Courtice).. 1é 1-The plan is devised so that no existing area suffers due to the extension of library service to the west but as well is to make sure that the service to the west is rneaningful and brought into line within the dmre year period. Operating costs for a branch library is by no mean a minor cost and according to a summary of costs it abnost doubles the cost of operation of the swimrning pool and other core faiities. Clarington cannot ignore the need in Courtice for library services and other recreational faiities. The municipality opened its doors to residential development and such as the plan of a branch library faciity and other facilities is the cost that has to be paid for the development. Residential developmnent bas neyer been known to be a money- rnaking proposition. The su mmary sheet on capitol cost shows no monies coming into the system for the facilities from the community of Courtice. This however may be one of the new changes that will happen now and in the future as developrnent charges due from new development are intended to be used for the provision of services such as the capitol costs of libraries, swimrning pools, arena. t rnay be sometime before the real picture begins to show up in the planned development of services for Courtice. rHappenr"tings.... Oro.o Euchre Resuits There were 12 tables out for euchre at the Orono Town Hall on September 28th. High scores: Bemice Moffat 86, Hilda Caswell 83, Velma Jakeman 81, Aif Pigott 81 and June Wilson 81. Low score, Sharon Casey. Draw winners: Hilda caswell, Tom Wilson, Minnie Taylor, Martha Clarke, Marion Sears and Jean Allen. Celebrates 2160th Anniversary St. Paul's United Chu4rch, Bowmanville, celebratestheir l6Oth Anniversary on Sunday, October l6tb. Part of the celebrations will include a concert by the "Torchmen", a rnen's gospel group) to be held at St. Paul's, 178 Church Street on Saturday, October 1Sth at 7:30 p.rn. Tickets are $5.00 each and are avaiable by contacting Glenn Prout 623-2918 or the churcb office 623-7361. Roast Beef Din ner The Orono United Church are holding their annual Roast Beef Dinner on Saturday, October 22nd in the church hall. Sittings are at 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.rn. For tickets contact Patricia 983-5208 or June 983-5169. Oil spili runs into Wilmot Mr. Bruce Blight of Leskard, who along witb his cbildren were ooking at the salmon in the creek bebind their house in the mid afternoon on Saturday, noticed evidence of an oil slick on the waters. On tracing the source to the north it apparently carne frorn a slight spili at the Gerrow home on an oil delivery and had trained into the ditch and hence into the creek. Both the Orono Firefighters and the Mfinistry of the Environment investigated. The Ministry was to check the situation again this week. Clarke grad makes University Volicybail team Congratulations to Clarke HiEgh School graduate Kirby Eady in making the University of Windsor Varsity Women's Volleyball team. Rookie Kirby is making a switch this year from the Offside position tu the Setting position. Kirby' height and the fact that she is left handed will be a defmnite asset in her role as back-up setter. We expect great things ftom Kirby in the future. by Robyn Ryan,. University of Windsor Orono Fish and Hunt attend rally (Continued frorn page 1) the number that travelled to Ottawa to object to further gun restrictions. A decision is expected to bc made sometime in November. 1In the meantime the Orono Club which opened its shooting range, in 1968 bas been working with the local M.P. Alex Shepherd. "We have to keep the pressu re on", said Vcrn. by Phyllis Lowery This past Wpçkha5 vrtain1y tried it's best to make up for the lack of rain w've had since early August. Tbe Iawns have ail turned green again ready for aIl the leaves to corne down, then cornes snow. They say that the snow has already feil in sorne places in the western provinces, hope it stays out there for awhile before heading east. Righit now tbe countryside looks like a rainbow, 50 rnany colours. Sorry to hear that Audrey Gauthier of tbe Crooked Creek school bouse bad a bad faîl this past week and broke ber ankle, we wisb ber a speedy recovery. \ Sunday was World Commrunion Day, it was good to sec 50 rnany children out anid also sorne new faces arnong tbe congregation. Rev. Black welcomed everyone to worship, the opening hyrnn was, "In Christ Tbere Is No East or West." The children then went out to Sunday School. Ian Savage gave The Invitation to Worsbip and led In tbe Prayer of Approacb. The hyrnn, "The God of Abraham Praise." Ian Savage sang a beautiful solo, "Hear, O My Lord." Rev. Black read frorn Genesis 1: 26-28; 18, 21 & 22. The sermon was titled, "What's Wrong With Porn" - Tbe Quality of Life, Part 3. There is no disagreernent between the Jewish and Protestant scbolars, they believe that sexual enjoyment was meant to be felt between busband and wife. t was meant to bc heterosexual. Hurnan sexuality was meant to be dignified, a thing of beauty between man and wornan. To'be a gift of procreation. t was not meant to bc power of one over the other, this means the loss of dignity and integrity of tbe one over wbom the power is beld. Pornograpby is one of the worst forrns, it incites mnen and women to degrade, to exploit one or the other. t is often brutal, sbowing wornen as slaves to a man in chains, being wbipped. t is degrading and destroys human dignity and God's real rneaning of hurnan sexuality. Pornography, is big business grossing rnore than 5 billion dollars a year. Kiddy porn, is the worst kind, showing children as young as 5 perforrning sex acts. Pornograpby is evil, it teaches that man bas tbe rigbt to abuse the woman. t teaches that rnen can beat, mistreat and even kill women. Lt is evil because it destroys the God given gift of human sexuality between man and womn. As Christians, we are called to belp tbe oppressed, we mnust express the true love of body, mind and felîowship. The Prayer of Self- Exarnination and the Words of Assurance were given. While'the hymn, "He's Got The Whole World," was sung, the children carne back into the cburch to share in commrunion. Rev. Black asked tbem if they knew that ail over the world today, Christian churcbes woulId be celebrating communion? He a sked tbem wbat do families do togvthcr, somr, -f the answers were, love eacb other, go to church together, play games together, sit down to a meal together. David said that sorne do sit down together for a meal, once a day, or rnaybe only once a week. In some farnilies it is catcb as catch can but rnost familles do get together in the evening. Jesus and bis followers did this, and Jesus told them that even when He was not with tbem, He wanted them, to carry on and do the same. Rev. Black and Keith Wood uncovered the Elernents. Rev. Black then showed the children that there was bread and jiiice there. this is part of most faiies meals. He told thern that this was also what was on the table of, Jesus and His friends ... Jesus told them that wben tbey ate bread tbey were to rernember it was a symbol of His body and the wine was a symbol of His blood which He was going to shed for, them. He knew that He was goîng to die and would not be there amnong them., Today is a very important day, all ages, races, colours who are Christians are sharing in the eating of bread and drinking of wine or juice, remembering Jesus who gave HMs life for us. The Prayer of Concera and Commitrnent was given, the Elements were covered. The closing bymn was, "Now Thank We All Our God." Don't forget the Kendal U.C.W. Tea and Bake Sale and Bazaar, to be held on Saturday, October 15th from 1 - 4 p.m. TMe Food Banks are in need of canned or non perishable foods, with the corning of cold weather more and more people are in need. Why not make Thanksgiving a day they can also be thankful, bring sornething. Oops ... Frorn an Australian paper ... Kay Brien will speak at the Uniting Church on "Newness in the Nineties, not on "Newness in the Nigbties" as reported last week. St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH- GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister ~ Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russefi Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Offce 983-5502 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9T11 Thanksgiving Sunday Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m, E XPLORERS Wednesday, October 5th Kirby United Church 6:30- 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, October Sth 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church ADULT FELLOWSHIP GROUP Saturday, October 15th Pot-Luck Supper - 6 p.m. Kirby United Church ROAST BEEF DINNER Saturday, October 22 Siutings 5 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Orono United Church Aduits $9./children 6-12 $4.; children under 6 FREE. For tickets eall Patricia 983-5208 or June 983-5169. MUSICAL CONCERT Sunday, Oct. 23rd - 7:30 p.m. With Eric Lambier and Wayne Heinrichs to be held at Orono Town Hall. Tickets adults $8./children 12 & under $2. To order tickets please cal Margaret Henderson 983-9608. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. 983-5009 1ORONO, ONTARIO