- Cron. W..kly Tlmes5 Wednesday, October IZ 1*94 November 1971 Sometime around 4 a.m. Sunday, the Orono-Clarke Fire Department received a caîl toaa fire just south-east of Newtonville. Fire Chief Mercer stated that the building, an aid abandoned home had not been used for sometime. Cause of fire not known. Durham County Sales Arena, Orana held their 14th annual Stocker Sale an Manday, October '5th with 450 head being offered. Highest price given during the day was 43 cents a pound. Misses Karen and Sharon Lowery and Ruth Chater attended the miscellaneous shower in honaur of Miss Karen Stec in Orono on Tuesday night. the hostesses were the 4-H Club at the home of Elaine Vagg. Kirby Home and School are holding a Euchre Party at the school on the 2Oth, this Saturday. Early Thursday morning, around 2:30 a.mn. hieves naade entry into Armstrons IGA, but were foiled in their efforts resul'ing i arrests of two Oshawa youths. On making entry into the store the alarm was soundedi and the Provincial Police were on the scene before those making entry were able ta leave i their car. Coaches, managers, and umpires connected with the summer program of bail under the jurisdiction of the Orfono Amateur Athletic Association were guests of the management of the New Dutch Oven Restaurant for dinner on Saturday evening. Following dinner a social evening was spent together. The "Museum People" are in high gear these days, with the "Clarke Museum and Archives" due to open to the public on Tuesday, Deccînber l4tli. The log cabin, and agricultural displays are on the "L-oom - room", Archives and Old Curiosity Shop. Caming Event - Plan ta attend Heather Social Club Bazaar and Tea, Saturday, December 4th at 2:30 p.m. in the I.O.O.F. Hall. The Rebekahs are making their delicious Christmnas cakes so order ahead cali Mrs. Gordon ýî Watson or Mrs. Jim Major. November 1981 Five maple trees are planted in the Orono business section on Monday with iron guards being placed around each tree. It is al part of 'the beautification undertaken tIs summer between the Town and the Orono *businessmen. It was a momentoils occasion for the Orono Arena Fundraising J Committee and Comrnunity as a whole on Saturday evening when after a four year period a few minutes were taken to burn the mortgage on the Orono Arena and Community Complex. The Orono-Lockhart's Public School students on Halloween - collected a total of $325.00 for the UNICEF fund during their rounds of the community, Dan Mclvor, vice-principal presented Robert Blight with a certificate in collecting $25.00 for the fund and John Reid, principal presenteu IDavid Nicicerson witn a certificate for raising $27.19 for UNICEF. Last Wednesday the Bethany Hunt Club took part in a hunt from the Stapleton farm north of the Village. Close ta 30 toak part travelling over miles of terrain. Another hunt was held from Mr. and Mrs. Glen Clark on Sunday east of Orono. Last week two Orono girls, members of the Orono Softball team, were pre-gented with the Most Improved Players Award. The presentation was made by Mrs. Cunningham, convenor for girls softball in Orono. Kellie Buckley and Kathy Mathwick received the awards. A new gmoup has been formed in Orono * this year and now meet every seconid'Mondlay at the Orono Public School. The group with an enrolment of seven is known as First-Orono (Pineridge) Pathfmnders Unit. CANADIAN BRÏEAST CANCER FOUNDATION MONTHLY B)REAST SEL-ExAm- IN THE SHOWER. Raise one arm. With fingers fiat. touch every part of each breast, gently feeling for a lump or thickening. Use your right hand to examine your left breast. your left hand for your right breast. BEFORE A MIRROR. Wth arms at your sides, then raised above your head, look carefully for changes in the size, shape, and contour of each breast. Look for puckering, dimpling, or changes in skn texture. Gently squeeze both nipples and look for discharge. LYING DOWN. 'Place a towel or pllow underyour right shoulder and your right hand behind your head. Examine your right breast with your left harid. Fingers fiat, press gently in small circles, starting at the outermost top edge of your breast and spiraling in toward the nip pie. Examine every part of the bredst. Repeat with left breast. With your arm resting on a firm surface, use the samne circular motion to examine the underarm area. T his is breast tissue, too. cdli your physician if you have any concernis. CANAIAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION 261 Davenport Rdi., Suite 202 Tel. (416b) 927-9354 Fax (416) 927-1708 k.Charitable Registration No. 0770065-13-13 SEVIG DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "iiere orofssionia( Etiquette is Important' Funeral Directors Paul R. Moris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 H1OURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Children and Aduits NwVàiikrbIe Martial Arts Supilies Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK< REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOBI1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 . À 0 M A BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 N Northcutt Elliott LE Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives ta Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kupers - President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanvilîe, Ontario LiC 2Z8 OFF STREET PARKING LLldny p>,6boeought 1156-GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT 'UTJLR XDAERFR nvile 401 Phone ahoad or by chance 1 *ý, x N(905) 983-9540