Clarke Museum celebrates it's Thîrd Annual Harvest Hallowe'en Clarke MuseunVs next special famnily fun day is fast approaching. On October 30 the Clarke Museum will be hosting the third Annual Harvest Hallowe'en Party at the Museum in Kirby. During dhe 1830's and 40's, the Powers Family hosted an annual harvest gathering known as a Pumpkin Bee. They gathered al of the settlers from the local area and held a day long party te, slce and dry the pumpkin crop. Once divided up, the dried pumnpkin would provide ail of the settiers withi a source of fruit fibre throughout the long winter that could prevent outbreaks of scurvy. The day was also a time for the settiers to gather one last timie before the winter would isolate mnany of them. It also provided the young settiers with a chance to court prospective spouses. Pumpkins as a source of fruit was leamned from the natives in the area who grew and harvested pumpkin s. The pumpkin provided early settiers in Ontario with both fresh and dried fruit until the apple orchards became establishied. Once apples becamec the primary fruit crop in the area, pumpkins declined and by the mid 1800's most Pumpkin Bees around tie province hiad died off. Since the Clarke Museum sits on) part of the Powers original farm where the Pumnpkin Bee woul c have taken place in late October we have resurrected this past celebration and tied it into another traditional late October celebration, Hallowe'en. In addition to pumpkin drying and carving demonstrations, this family fun day will include traditional games and contest for bothi young and old alike. Over 18 different activities Will be ongoing throughout the aftemnoon including sack races, apple bo bbing, ghost & gnome gamne, slow motion race, three-legged race, nail driving, shuffle relay, over & under relay, poke relay, centipede race, hopping relay, broomstick relay and much more. There will be a costumned story-teller for the little ones, a pumpkin pie contest, jelly bean contest, face painter, and refreshiments. To enter the pie contest, you must cali the Museumi to register before the day of the event. Al enitries must be received on October 30 betweeni nooni and 1:30O p.m. Judging will take place at 2:00 p.m. and be based on taste and appearance. Entries imust be received in a foil plate and al entries will be sold by the slice following the judging. There will be hot apple cider over the outdoor hecarth and popcorn making too! Try your hand at popping corn over the open f ire. Mayor Diane Hamire will be on hand to announce the winner of the Clarington Leisure Services Committee promotion 'Discover Clarington'. She will also be helping with the jelly bean contest and presenting the winning prize for the child who guesses closest to the correct amount of jelly beans in our giant jar. This is a fun day for ail. We suggest you corne dressed f'or the weather and games. Costumes are optional but welcome! This special day has something for everyone! Admission Aduits $1.00; children 50 cents. Famnily rate $2.00 (There is no limit to the size of your family). For more information cail 905-983-9243. Please Noteý - Pumpkins Needed The Clarke Museum is seekinlg donations of pumnpkins for the third Annual Harvest Halloween Party on October 3th. Our crop didn't tumn out as ,vell as expected and we are seeking donations of pumpkins both pie .pumnpkins and Jack'O' Lanterns for our demonstrations. If your garden exploded and you dlon't know what to do withi those extra pumnpkins, bring themi out to the Museum in Kirby anytime(., Tuesday through Sunday betw,,een Il and 4 p.m. Ail donations of pumnpkins are greatly appreciated and wiiI hielp us to make this family fun day, a great success! Everyone who donates pumpkîns to hielp us out will receive a free family pass to Harvest Hallowe'eni. (Happenings. .. Celebrates 160 Anniversary St. PauI's United Church, Bowmnanville, celebrates thecir I 60thi Anniversary on Sunday, October l6th. Part of tie celebrations will include a concert by the "Torchmien", a nis gospel group) to bc held at St. Paul's, 178 Church Street on Saturday, October l5th at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 each and are available by contacting Glenin Prout 623-2918 or the church office 623-7361. Orono Town Hall Euchre There were ten tables of Euchire out at the Orono Town Hall on October Sth. Higli scores: Charles Foster 81, Aleck Moffat 79, Clara Meuleman 78, June Wilson 76, Edgar Milison 74. Law score to Martha Clark. Draw winner were George Mercer, Lil Bolderstone, Elva Poster, Sharon Casey and Kay Beggs. The Euchres are held 5etS ýa W vr YOUNG PEOPLE make, a tlease contact measurable t is communityv difference in our newspaper î oday ,. town. To nonmale The decadline for a oung person, agcd nominations is 6 to 18 years, for a October 3l1st, 1994. 1994 ONTAiRIO A joint commundîy prject of: JUNIOR CITIZEN 0F THE YEAR BeMIl AWARD âsî.§,, B l