For details phone 983-5786 12,ac Kirby Co-op PLAYGROUP wviII be meeing Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. - 11: 00 am. at Kirby United Church For more information cal Karen at 983-5734 f( c Si ai H n Cox 996 ' R 1993 Sonoxna pick-up, 5 speed, 36,000 kms., blue on blue, phone 983-9293 after 6 p.m. 12,19, ac T.V.NVCR PACKAGE, $499 for both or only $5.00 per week. No Money Down. SHOWTIME T.V. & STERBO, 373-0265. crh 130 WATT CLÀRION CAR ÀUDIO PACKAGE, CD, fr0 Cornejoin in the fun! 5,12,ac Storage Space - Winter storage available for cars, boats and Kendal U.C.W. traîlers at the Orono Afternoon Tea, Fairgrounds. Cail 983-5556 Bazaar & Bake Sale for info. 5,1219,ac October 15th Port Charlotte, Florida. 3 1:00p.m - 400 .m. bedroons, 2 bath, luxury home, 1:00 p.mUNIT4:00 p.m. screened in pool and lanai. Cratts, Vegetablos and vialnoGIDembr Noariy New items April lst and on. Canadian 28,5,1~2 ap Funds. Phione 983-5925 after 6 p.m. ifn - Large one bedroom apartment with air conditioning located in modern building in Newcastle Village. Starting at Brownie dress, scarf and sash $525 plus utilities. Cal $22.00; Port-A-Potti suitable 987-3211. Sept. 21-Oct. 12ac for cottage or trailer $18.00. Cal 983-9845 after 5 p.m. Commercial space for rent in' 51,cn new modern building on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for Sea blue tufted matching sofa Store/office. Approx. 500 sq. and chair, $350.00. Phione ft. Call 987-3211. -lebditchi 983-5196 1219 ap Sept, 21-Oct. 12ac Storage Units for rent 20 x 40 SHERWOOD HOME with 12 x 12 doors. $250.0 ;TEREO PACKAGE per month. Located in RECE1VER, dual cassette, Bowm-anville. CalI 987-3211. Tower speakers, $499. or only scV, 21-Oct. 12,ac 5.00 per week. No Moniey Take the kids to Disney World )own. SHOWTIME T.V. & for Christmas; 2 bdrm. mobile, TEREO 373-0265. tf sîeeps 6, only 1 tir. away from :LARIN FATORY al major attractions. Available ýLARlN FATORY until January lst. Inquiries DEMO CAR - 1988 983-5014. 12,19 cpn Fhuderird 5. lir u tno. loaded, mags, new tires ($4000 custom stereo systemn) $10,000 or best offer, phone 373-0265. U Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. - Other imes by appointment - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont, 983-6408 Large executive style one bedroomn apartment in downtown Bowmanville. Complete with air conditioning, dishwasher, washer/dryer, 20 f t. ceilings and cathedral windows. Available November 1. Cost $750.00 per month plus utilities. Cali 987-3211 for more details. 5.12,ac NG EVENtÉ,, SHEET METAL DESIGNS S Custom Made Shoot Mtal Work Galvanized, Stainess Steel or Black Iron Tig and Arc Welding e Barclay Crozier Stephen Crozier 983-9311 983-6301 *IF YOU CAN DRA WIT, WE CAN MAKE IT )el --1ýB.M. Bradley WELDING ITE (905) 983-675~3 "Mobile Service Truck" GENERAL REPAIR - HEAVY EQUIPUENT CUSTOM FABRICATION - GENERAL CONTRACTING LEY ORONO1 W le - - MAR KETPLACE "Advertîse Across Ontario or Across the Country" Wood splitter, wil split up to 24" blocks. Will tow with trailer bail. Phone 983-5682. Scjf. 14-Nov. 2 ap SELF STORAGE UNITS For rent - from $39 "CH1ECK OUJR RATES" Now available from 5'x 10x 20'x 40' Phone 987-3211 NEWCASLE STORAGE -OcI. 12,ac AUCTION SALE Grlst MlIi Auction Centre Newtonville FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14TH 6:30 p.m. Selling the contents front a Port Hope home; 5 pc. pine pedestal table with 4 arrowback chairs; 5 pc kitchen set; chesterfield set; kneehole desk; numerous antiques; single beds; 3/4 beds; household goods; microwave; Filter Queen vac; 2 double shotguns; gas mnower; heaters; garden tools;, sport cards; and numerous other items. Another large auction - plan to attend. TERUS: Cash or Good Choque wlth I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 905-786-2244 12,ac FLEA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613- 283-8448 every Sundoy Bam-Spmn year round. A reaf insde fie. market, goodt dlean mrchandise troro craîts f0 col- fectiblos, slid wood fuirilure. ARTICLES FOR SALE SIT BACi<i RELAX! Gis for evegyono - fowar Ilhan refail. FREE CATALOGUE. SHYLCO Specially Producfs, 3-1750 Tho ODueonsway, St. 1246, Elobicok., Ontario, M9C 5H5, 416-23i-9635 MAKE YOUR CHILO A STAR.,esnl izodIlChildrns Boots - ec esnl ized lhovghout wilh chid s vame aId Impotant In[rn .Io[1cIoor and hord bound w8lh plastic coobing. 15 Trics now availoblo For Iinfrmoion sond S.A.S.E. Io Ciiden's Books, 11960 Dépoli, Monitrmoi, Ouetoc H4J 1WV5. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES T.L.Ç. PET F 000 - The inest Super Premir Pet Foo-aoabeBoiy rotail or whlosoire. Home dlivery. Pets preler T.L.C. --01sf rt"islrs hpy valbl.Cou Ray (613) 284-8339. START YOUR OWH homPe-b.od busi- ness! Wolkins is I100095 est business opportruffy! For FREE irdormation con- tuet - Indepoodi(ent IMrkolinglDiroctor, 218 Mgund C,., alo, SK S7H 4Z6 (1-800-26i3-2995) 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SIT ES. 2 year- ron d homois on appros. 325' oo ront age, 4 acres, newiy updated, excel- font opp.riunity, sle duet. iliness. S400,000 firh-, 562-53 A UNIQUE BUSINESS OPP0RTUJNITY wfth North Amnericas Firt Direct Con- sumer Maketing Comfpony. No riot. No lnventory. No cralil, Genoerous compen- sation plaon. For inormation (613) 596- 1947. CAREER TRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTrTUTE c.f Vancouver ffers correspondence cours- es for the certf iicateo f Sounsoiling Stuid- les f0. begin the 151h of the monlh. For brochure phon: 1-800-665-7044 A NEW CAREER' Lourn Incarme Tus Proporaf ion or Basic Book k eoping, Tas doduclibie certilîcale courses. For fre0 brochures, ns obligation: U & R Tas Ser- vices, F.0. Box 605;2, Lorndon, Oftais, N5;W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144, Eniquire about exclusive franchise territories. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the South- western School of Auctioneering. NosI Cfass: Nov . 19-2F, Inlonvoltion , contact: Soufhwesforn Onaro Schol of Aucthon- eering, R R45, Woodsloci<, OsIoris N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. HELP WANTED TRAVEL AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES N EEDED. Earn income and en(oy Iravel benotts. Poal lime or fulil ime For unor- moation, flephone 3613-525-0525. $ATTENTION STUDENTSS mako a lot .f money seltng chocola. bars n your ore n your spore hamo. Nofhing ta psy in advanco, f ast deliveny 1-800-38-DELUX EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. Three positions avoulable: news oditor, graphlc art sf, composilor, for targe, lwice woeldy newspopor. Resomés, Sauit This Week, Box 18E, S S. Marie, ON, P6A 5L6. Fam 705-942-8596. LIVESTOCK BOER GOATS for sale - Piremier Sock Emnbiyos, lmpontsd 0005, Pure- bred Kids for 199S. Curlous aboaut this e xciing ogdiculturolaalernative? Pho.o Weslwind Acres (403) 556-2538/556- 2285. OSTRICH OPPORTUJNITY 7 yeo.r .1d ArIcon Black breding ris. 5, yeor old Blueneclt breeding pair. 1 112 year old Arican Block trio. Breeding and lsying records uviluble. Delivery avoulable. (403) 352-4990. MEDICAL ARTHRITIS SUFFERERS: Amozing n0w Drs roomt. Formula dlevelopod by group ~impson Memorials :È g 121 King St. E., Bowmarwille - 623-6581 IS: 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Indoor 1 Outdoor Dlsplays - * Excellent Frices zz * Guarantoed Workmanshlp *Etching, - Pesonal and Scenes -Wooden Sandblasted Signa Try us bef are you decide by visitlng our new Sales Office, or cail,! u and arrange toroan appoinUnient in ù». comfort of your home.; L tJON STORY ~tIttf!)CItSCOTTSTORY SSRVICES 905-983-5491 LA N DS CA PIN G INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCu WATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS * CONSULTING With LDEFor LAISand GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric of doctors. Now avaflable f0 relieve pain from aihit is of icints, muscles and ten- dons. Ask your local pharmacist about Dr s Cream. Dsrbut or: Oxford Dislbu- tors, Box 513, Truro, NS, B2N 507, 1- 902-893-4603 orFax 1-902-423-6115. %ISCELLAN0U'S FREE SAMPLE. i! yoo re panning to build or rè are the magazine tor y. ýFo,sapl. copy: H- -e- & Co- tages, 6557 Mssissauga Roue Unit-O, Mississaoga. Ontario, L5N 1A6. (905) 567.1440. Fax: (901) 967-1442. ARE YOU A SUR VIVOR 0F CHILO- HOO SEXUAL ABUSE? Are yoo trying f. cop. alone? HOPE IN HEALING, an mspiring, supporIvo, informative $10 bookiet is 00w availobie. Written by sur- vivors ot.sexuai abuse fn oasy-to-read and reassring stye, Ifs se8t-healii o ch niques are a oStai companion for your feliing jorney. For information call 1- 416-5;37-7245 (Mox cost $100 from any- whore In Canada). MUISCAL INTEREST LEARN TO PLA y MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS fthe niew, easier way wilt h Soli Teaching Vides Topes. FREE cataowe. Best prces on ail musicalIinsruments. Moicare se 1-800-361 33231 PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES A dot 'ai be ncurred. TALK LIVE t. our giffed psychics on questions ofl ove, succeos, career, sout maies, soif heip, and more... CALL 1- 900-451-3530 Est. 8181. 52.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Newcaii, LTD. 602) 954- 7420. PERSONAL G000 SEX for s.nior. Overcomno ait erecf ion probiems caused by aging, med- cotions, sorgory, diabefes et c.Gel fthe tacts: Performance Medical, Biox 418, Voiemount, B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1-800-66- 0121. WC)ULD YOU LIKE f0 correspond wth unaitfched Chistian peopte acros Canada for componionship, or marnage? S.A.c E. ros Intormoffon. State age. Ashoýrove, F0O. Box 205, Chos, tiC., VOE iMO. WHAT MAKES PEOPLE TICK? Find out! Buy DIANETICS: The Modemn Science of Montai Helth - AS SEEN ON TV - $39.59. Cou1-0-51588 REAL .ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- shiip'timesfrore? We'I f faIretir Americas largesl, ofdesf resale clearînghouse. Resort Sales international 1-800-423- 5967, Tinrmeshare renfofs noeded. Catit 24 hours o day. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS 25Sx30 52179.00. 33'x36' $3,741.00, 3550' $6,0317.00 , 42x56' 7,157.00, 45 x66 57,894.00, 48 x80 510,588.00, S0xlOO 5S14,970.00. May tu choose trom. Ends optionol. Future 1-80-668- 8653. STEEL BU;ILD!INGS. VOUR CHOICE.. Sfraightwalis w8ih Quonset Rosi or High Sidowall Osonsefs. Facfory Direct - No Mddlemsni. Example: Straightwalf 30 'WV40'L now $4,899.00. Ends opional. Others. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD.- Top O0a016v Sfraighfwalf WoodSteel AlSIeel Buidings, CSA Cortflied, Work- shopo, Barns, Arenas, Stables, Etc. Large or Sicoli, Contmdting & Fînancing Avoulable, 24 hours 1-800-561-220d. A-Z PRE-ENG BUILDINIGS INC. Farm, sior, n'commercieIlindustriel. New Typ ,s, steel'.oc, quonset, cladding. Frrtfue value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures, Clip- save. VACATION / TRAVEL FLORIDAS GULF COAST. Nineeen day escortod coach tour f0 Clearuater Beach, $1,399 per person. Dofails: 1000 stands Tours -ri., ToII free 1-800-207-0497 or 382-3226. .... ..... . ... STAf . FORD rv!*Nu:mÉNts i7l 43 King St. E. àow, ïPh e 69àý-ý ýý-CALLlPLLFREE 848 1; NUMENTS RKERS and ETERY LETTERING ORIVATE HOME or POINTMENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS .,..,.:.REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REOUEST Cali today for your free flower vase. VISA ACCEPTED -Alter Hours Call Oshawa .579-1116 TEFfNIS AVAILABLE 1 ' R. R.