Kinsmen d( to local Baton Club Lar ýst denied by Conservation Authority weicomie. The group is lookingf to beinig part of tlic Santa parade in Rowmanville,î group. have in the past. )uld be A cheqàe in the amount of $250.00 is presented by Jim forward Carter of the Kinsmen Club to) La Claus Trish Scholz instructor and as they promoter of the Silhouettes. Thie Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority on Thursday evening of last week voted 7 to 4 to, deny a request from Cobourg that 15 acres of Conservation lands be used for a major bail diamond compiex. The land under consideration is a portion of the thirty acre Conservtion Area in Cobourg that is also known as James Cockburn' Park or Rotary Park. The Cobourg Conservation Area was designated as such some years ago by the Queen on a visit to the Cobourg aiea. Cobourg witb agreement firom the Conservation Authority have made use of some lands for a soccer pitch and bail diamond which lias beent used for such sporting events since the 1980s, Most recently the Town of Cobourg approved plans for the development of a major bal diamond comprex of three dia- monds, a change and confec- tionary building, lighting and somne parking facilities. The complex was to be built on 15 acres of the 30 acre Conservation Area land with a portion of the proposai within the f1ooàplpain. Support in. the community appeared evenly split between those wanting a major bail park and those wishing to have the land remnain mrore or less in its natural states of conservation lands. A series of three public meetings were held in which mnany submnissions were received both for and against the proposai. The Authority at their regular meeting last Thursdlay again reviewed the issue and on calling the vote the proposai -wentý down to defeat by a vote of 7to4 Permanent storage in danger of elimination Mifler on the gracious veranidah lending fthe an, appropriate miitary touch to utons the proceedings in honour of the vith a part these familles played in the reaq's Ward of 1812. rulis, Mark Jackman, were Curator/Administrator, Clarke ber 2, Museum a nd Archives welcomne A. the families to the ceremony. Truli, Charles Tawes, Curator, were Bowmanville MUSeUM, or the introduced the guest speakers and lid O reiterated how proud rstors Bowmanville was of the three ton i fouinding familles. The first speaker, Dr. Douglas adets Truil, said, "the unveiing of the Guard plaque and the recognition whicl it gave to the three founding famnilies was a great moment in e his family history." He recalled a e remark -which his great-great- great-grandfather, John W. Trul 1, was known to repeat: "Seek ye e the roots." Dr. Trul said that if d one looked up the definition of Truil in the dictionary, one wouid find that the meaning was ï, "Prostitute". This gave him his d first inkiing intlo the family's d perseverance and comïmitment tc e the cprofessions. John W. Tril was pressed intc s service on a Man of War out of a e harbour on the Isle of White ai h the age of 13. In 1782 he jumnped ship in New York Harbour and settled in Harper's Field New York. t was he(e he met and marnied Lydia Casey. In 1794 he heard that Govemor Simcoe was granting free land in Upper Canada to United Empire Loyalists. In 1794 the Trull family in company with the Burk and Conant families left New York on September 1 and headed for Canada via the Mohawk Valley and Oswego and ianded at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) arriving at Barbour's Creek on October 2, 1794. Herm the family built log cabins chinked withi mud and thiatchied roofs. Lydia became the first practitioner of medicine in the area treating patients, native and white ali-ke, with her herbs and mots. Dr. Truil donated John W. Truil's sword he used in (Continued page 5) The Town of Port Hope has taen a step toward accepting its own low-Jevei nuecear waste providing that Deep River begs out of the position of a being a hOst comimunity for the waste in Port Hope, Hope and Clarington. The Task Force's option of shipping waste from the three local centtes to Deep River for permanent storage is ini danger of being eliminated due to public, political opposition ani concemrs expressedJ by the AECL who own the property that was beiag considered in Deep River. Port Hope has re-affirmed a resolution passed some three years ago in that it wants to rmain a player in the Siting Task Force's co-operative process. The passing of the resolution opens the way for discussion with the (Contiued page 1lP t was a happy moment iast week Rowan for Save The Oak Ridges when Dave Climenhage, Orono, Moraine organization and a Packaging Envîronmental Affairs further similar cheque to Elva Manager, DuPont Canada Ic and Reid for the Save IÉhe Ganaraska team leader of the DuPont RE- Again organization. NU program presented cheques in the amount of $2,000 to Niva (Continued page IP> edupon founding familles Hapenings.. Correction Last week we reported an oil seepage into the Wilmot Creek in the Leskard area. Wlýe had said that it "apparently came from a slight spili at the Gerrow home on an oil ,, livery," There was no spili due to the oil delivery. If our âýric1e caused concern we do apologize. Last Day Friday, Octobecr 141h is dhe last day to register as a candidate seeking election as Mayor or Côuncillor for Claringlon and the Region, for Public or Separate School Tfrustees or Commnissioners of the Claring ton, Hydro Electric Comission. Registration forms must be ini the hands of the Clerk, Municipality of Clarington prior to 5 p.m.