Orono Weekly TimesWednesday, Octoberl12,,1994- 7 K endal resident appointed ito Trent Board of Governors Wendy Boothman, Kendal resident an 'd entrepreneur, attended ber first meeting as newly appointed memberof the Trent University Board of Governors on September 3O1th. Anticipating an exciting 4-year termn, Ms. Boothman is the first person appointed from the lakeshore area, and has taken a by Helen MacDonald What's a nation te do when itfs two favourite pastimes disappear into the never-land of labour dispute? Hockey and basebal players have been locked out of contract negotiations while a nation of jocks twiddles their thumbs ... trying te figureeut what te do with the long, cold evenings stretching eut before them. The media is scrambling in its search of other news as the sports pages of our daily papers get noticeahly thinner because hockey and basebaîl celebrities are shying from the news media for fear' of affecting fragile negotiations. Just the other day, my faveurite daily carried twe feature articles in the sports pages that I actually rcad . . . and found intcresting ... about gymnasts. Eating disorders have reached crisis levels among young women starving themselves ... te be as' thin as a newspaper. To win cempetitions. Some of them are dying. Hockey and basebal -Iayers neyer starve themselves .. -thcy earn se much money that, they can afford te eat welli A host of studies are being cenductcd- by psychologists, family therapists, education experts and polîsters. One organization is studying the impact of the basebaîl and hockey shut-outs on male/female relationships. In other words.. when the guys haven't got their regular sports'fix, what happens position with the Labour Relations. Committee. "I arn aise interested in the financial status of the university, especially with respect te changing.times in which funding cuts have created even, greater need for fundraising." by Helen MacDonald te relationships? What Ido Canadian couples 'do' when they are unexpectedly thrown together? Suddenly guys notice their partners, and are getting ideas.. "Hey, honey, how about renting a mov 'ie tonight?"' He returns from the video shep wîth 'Hockey 's Greatcst Moments'. She takes eut that steamy novel and takes herself te bcd, like every ether evening. Another erganizatien has expressed some concern that domestic violence will increase. Testosterene levels are rising te unmanageable levels as men are losing that Hockey-Night-în- Canada outlet. Studies have shown that men take out their aggressive tendencies on the television as they holler at bad calîs by referees, as they wave their arms and cheer when their team scores, and as their feet and hands swing wildly like helicopter propellers as, they make that invisible save for their tearn. The upside is ne Don Cherry te agitate the sensibilities of the hometown fan. But now, having lest that release of aggression in the armchair, what will men do with tlieir unspenttestosterone? Other experts are studying the shifting trends as sports fans abandon the traditional hockey and basebaîl for other sport. Lacrosse stick companies are chuming eut more sticks as some turn te the true Canadian sport for entertainment. And still other experts are Council Briefs Counicil mnembers have been provided with a list of local sub- contractors who previdcd supplies for the new Bewmanville fire station. 1The fire station is moving along on schedule and within budget. Those involved in sub- contracting or supplying goods for the new building include Atlas Bock, Newcastle for cernent blocks and bricks; concrete fromn James Dick, Pontypool; Structural Steel, Liberty Metals, Bowman- ville; lumber and building supplies, Beaver Lumber, Bowmanville, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware and Durham Far mers' Co-op; crane rentai, Courtice, Ontario; masonry,, VanLonden Masonry, Bowman- ville; -Membrane Roof, Barr Roofing, Newcastle; Tim's Rentai, Bowmanville; insulation, Whitby Insulation, Hampton, Ontario. The Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education has approved and sent a letter of appreciatien te the Municipality of Clarington for the prompt action on dhe Board's request for a sidcwalk fromn the Orene Estates and on Liberty Street, Bewman- ville, Newtonville Read, New- tonville and Ormisten Street in Hampton. The Board expresses the view that in all this had improved the safety of the students involvcd ini the varieus schools. A letter has been reccived by the Municipality that Newcastle I Limited Partnership and Newcastle Il Limited Partnership (fermerly knewn as Stolp Homes (Newcastle) Develepers Inc.) arc asking that their proposed amendmcnt te allew dcvelopment in South/West Courtice bc rcfcrred te the Ontario Municipal Board. The letter notes that the Municipality at a meeting of the General Purpose rcfcrred the proposal back te staff with ne time limit for it te be brought back ote cocmmittce. The proposal weuld add an additional 5,000 te thc Courtice area and there were conccmns as te fire protection' and te traffic increases. Rogers Cable TV Limitcd is again premoting its Pumpkin Patrel. The pregramn utilizes staff volunteers and the firm'sred cable trucks te act as guardians on Hallowe'en cvenmng. This year Uic trucks will visit Oshawa, Newcastîec, Bowman- ville, Orene and Whitby. The area is ýdivided into territories for surveillance. The trucks will bc identified with a anticipa ting the resurgence of another national sport which suffers neglect during thc basebal a nd hockey scason . .. but, weIll have te wait fine months te sec if there is any accuracy te their predictions. Thinking About Having a, Baby Two prepregnancy seminars for couples, sponsored by the Durham 1 Regien Health Department have been planned for November 9 and November 16. The location wil be the Ajax Pickering General Hospital Conference Room (ground level) from 7 to 9 p.m. The evenings are planned to provide information on factors that couples should consider if they are planning a family. if both parents are as healthy as possible, they will give their baby the best chance for a good start in life. On November 9 Dr. A. Gardner from Oshawa General Hospital will address the topic of genetics. Dr. L. Panaro from the Health Department wil discuss environmental hazards related to preconception and pregnancy. sign "Pumpkin Patmol". The trucks will radio Roger's Dîspatch station if they corne upon problemts. The dispatch centre will notify police of such problems. The trucks will bc on the road from 5:30 p.m. until 9:00 P.m. The decisions involved in, becoming parents will be presented by S. iPhillis, Public Health Nurse. On November 16 guest presentor Jan Silverman from .Womcn's College Hospital will spcak on fcrtility awarencss. The importance of hcalthy eating will be e addressed by Milly Ryan- Harshman, Public Health- Nutritionist.,L. Corneal from 'Addiction Research Foundation will discuss alcohol and drug use. There is no admission charge, please register in advance by calling the Health Department at (905) 723-8521 extension 2111. ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN YAWDS We're Iooking for the good kids" of Ontario Contact this community newspaper for details. Deadline for nominations is October 31 st, 1994. ~~nt~s Bell REMEMBRANCE DAY RESCHEDULING AND YARD WASTE AND LEAF PICK-UP The Municipality of Clarington will colleot 3YARD YWASTE AND LEAVEr2 (plants, grass, brush, etc.) in CLEAR PLASTIC BAGS commencing Monday, October 17, 1994. Yard waste and leaves may bo placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m. on the following days: Monday, Octo ber 17, 1994 Monday, October 24, 1994 Monday, October 31, 1994 Monday, November 7, 1994 Monday, November 21, 1994 Monday, November 28, 1994 Prior to October 17, lbaves must be stored by the householder. Do flot put leaves out with other refuse for collection. Yard waste and leaves placed with regular refuse WillLDot be collected. Grass clippings mill pot be collected with the yard waste and- leaves. REMEMBRANCE DQAY REFUSE RESCIJED2ULINQ Because of the closuro of the Brock Landil Site on 'Remnembrance Day, Garbage normallypicked up on Friday, November 11, 1994 wilI be rescheduled for pick-up on Monday, November 14. Please have your refuse at the curbi ensure pick-up. Browning- Ferris Industries (B.F. I.> Eastern Lakes District P.O. Box 2398 Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 7V6 433-5075 ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, October 12,1994 Wednesday, November 9, 1994 no later than 7:00 a.m. to Municipality of Clarington Public Works 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 623-3379 P.O. 4365