10. - Orone Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 9s 9 CÏUIIQ1 UE A newv colunut from the wriIer of 'Yhe Hottom Uine", PhlUi FeIzham Tho $1.3 million softball complex in the Cobourg Conservation area struck out recently at the hands of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Auflhority. Good! The conservation area is excellent for nature walks, perfect for just laying in the grass and listening to the sound of nature. Probably the best part about it is the streanis in the park. T./ris is what makes the park unique. By building *a softball complex, you have to start dealing with a pile of complications. A lot of people will go to the bail gamnes and that means there wil be, more garbage laying around. The fence surrounding the complex would look unattractive. Trees will be destroyed therefore animals will Jose their homes. IL will bc- very hard to enjoy nature because of ail the people. Everything the Conservation Aiea was know for would be totally wiped out. It's harder to replace a tree and a river than a bail diamond. Concemns have been expressed by pecople who want the complex, and 1 sec where these people are coingii from. A basebali comnplex is needed, though not in the conservation area. 1 think that the complex is a great idea, but build where it won't disturb nature. IL wiil make eve-ryone a lot happier. Rebuttals: 1 want to hecar your views, just write to . . . Phili Feltham, c/o Orono Weekly Times, P.O. Box 209, Orono, ON, LOB IMO. Justin Simpson won the Showmanship category for the 8 year and under category and was presentedi with a trophy compliments of Windview Faims Other prizes awarded at the Fair included: Best Caif 9 to 12 years, Bryan Holmes, who recejved a medallion compliments of Homestead His, Orono and prize money compliments of Wal-Mar Nursery, Newcastle. 9 - 12 years, Showmanship, was Jason Malcolm who was received a trophy compliments of L & F Woodworking, Orono, a Inc., Newtonville; and a vest donated by Marie & Friends, Hamilton, as well as prize money compliments of Sun Brier Stables, Newcastle. vest compliments of Marie & Friends, Hamilton and prize money compliments of Gerry's Place, Orono. 13 - 16 years, Showmanship wýas Scott Nesbitt, who received a trophy compliments of Windview Farms Inc., Newtonville; prize money compliments of Little Valley Faim; and a vest complimnts of Marie & Friends, Hamilton. TUESDAYS Fish Dinner $11.95 Fish Dinner for Two $21.95 WEDNESDAYS Chieken Dinner $11.95 Chieken Dinner for Two $21.95 THURSDAYS FRTDAYS SATURDAYS Wing Night Pork Chop Dinner Pork Chop Dinner for Two Steak Dinner Steak Dinner for Two $12.95 $22.95 $13.95 $24.95 Prices doûflot include taxes or gratuities. Ail dinners include salad, potato, vegetable, dinner ril. dessert, coffee/Lea. Reservations recommended 623-3373 ~ Dinner Served 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Flyoing Dutchian Hotel 401 and Liberty St., lrngton QUOTATION CLAINGONHYDRO-ELECTRIÇ COMMISSION INVITES QUOTATIONS FOR Service Center and Substation Snow Clearing, Salting and Sanding Contraci Quote # (SR 94-10> for the winters of 1994-1995 and 1995-1996. Sealed quotat ions shall be submittecf no later tlhan 9:00 A.M. Wednesday, October 26, 1994 to: Mr. R.W. Plain Claringlon Hydro-Eleciric Commission P.O0. Box 103 2849 Hwy.# 2 Bowmanville, ON LiC 3K9 Quotation documents can be obtained from the office between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday to Friday.