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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1994, p. 11

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âOrono WeeklY Times. Wecinékday, Octob à.r 19. 1994 -11 December 1981 Mrs. Carol Mostert, member and exhibitor of the Orono Horticultural Society, was prescrnt ed with, the Presidents' Award for winning the most points in ail shows sponsored by the Society during thc year. 1A joint promotion by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club aud thc Orono -Downtown Businessmen wiil briug a Christmas Party and Sauta to thc Orono Town Hall on Saturday, December l9th. 1Briar Ransberry, caughtcr of Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ransberry, Orono,, along with ber brother Scott picked the winniug number for Uic Kiduey Foundation Quilt Draw. The aunual draw in aid of the Kidney Foundation raised $440.00. The hand-made quilt made by a senior citizen from> Bowmanville as won by Chris Fudge, Oshawa. New street lights are being installed on Uic western -extension of Station Street to the Durham Senior Citizens complex. The Art, Craft and Antique sale in the Orono Town Hall featuring local arts and crafts people will be open from 10:00 a.m. ta 9:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday. St. Francis of Assisi are holding a New Year's Eve dance in.the Church Hall, Newcastle. Music by Ross Jackman. Buffet supper. Tickets $20.00. December 1971 The Orono Hydro Commiission on Wednesday decided ta hire their own manager and to continue dic local operation similar ta that of the past few years. This move climinates any hope of a joint manager and construction scheme with Newcastle as suggested as a possibiity by Ontario Hydro. 1Clarke High School on Sturday evening waspresented a shield by the Canadian Red Cross Bowmanville. The shield was presented ta the school as having Uic best record of schools in Uic area giving blood donations. Carol Lovekin, president student council aud Glenda Tennant past president student council receîved the shield on behalf of Uic school. Since early in October, a small, but dedicated, group of volunteers bas been at work preparing the second floor of Orono's new library for use as a museuim for Clarke Township. The museum which will contain articles from Orono, Newcastle, Port Granby, Starkville, Kirby, Kendal, Leskard and Newtonville will be 'open ta the public December 14 and 16 from 6'30 pm. ta 8:30 p.m. following a pý te opening December 10. t will then be closed tii the New Year when it will bc open every Thursday evening from 6:30 p.m. ta 8:30 p.m. No admission. Miss Barbara Kordas was valedictorian at Uic Clarke High School Commencement exercises held on Saturday, November 27. The Orono Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Family Christmas Party thîs Sunday at the Orono arena with activiies for old and young alike. The party starts at 2:30 p.m. with public skating, skating, demonstrations, carol singing, and an appearance by the Orono School Baud. Santa wiil arrive at 3:00 p.m. with bags of caudy for the youngsters. .A draw sponsored by the Orono Museum Board washeld Monday evening when Mrs. John Breen made the following lucky draws: first prize, the doli with ber complete wardrobe was won by Mrs. Jane Boughen, Orono and the hockey game was won by Susaune Hall, Orono. The weeks winner -of the T urkey Draw at Cornishs Red and White was Don Stephens draw by Mr. Rekkci. Isii'rakm As the nights start ta get a little nip in the air; we are reminded that faîl is arriving. The new travel brochures are arriving daily; and the dreams are being made of that special holiday for the caming winter. At the same time as dreams are being made by you, there are other people out there wha are making plans for your maney alsol Now is the time that you will start taO see a number of SCAMS INCLUDING TRAVEL.1 Be aware, that when dealing with travel agencies that_ are praperly registered by the Ontario Govertiment; your travel plans and funds are protected by the Ontario Travel Compensation Fund! That should immediately alert you ta the fact that if you are NOT dealing with an Ontario Based Travel Company then yaur funds are not protected. Scams corne in aIl shapes and sizes such as some of the following we have encountered; Remember wheni you thinik of TrayeZ, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRi"DE Vý,anstone AMIi 623-0005 FAMILY TABLE TALK "I'M SURE THAT TIIESE PRECTOUS MOMENTS WE SPEND TOGETHER AT MEALTIMES GIVE TITEM A RÉAL FAMILY SPIRIT. IT'S THE BEST HERITAGE WE COULD LEAVE TIIEM!" If, b y chance, you should make a detour in your neighbourhood eind cross paths with the Jones fflmily, ask them to tell you the secret of, the happiness which permeates their home. They'11 tel ,you, without hesitation, that tlieir secret is the 'family meals. î The Jones' have made meials a family tradition ever Sicc their first child was born. "Even fhough Richard and I both woilk," says Susan, "twe always niake sure that we're with the children at breakfast and glupper, -because these are speciâll moments We share together." Karen, like most five-year old children, spends most of her time at sehool or playing outside with her friends. "Mealtime is one of the few moments when the whole famnily i oehr Richard and 1 can talk to our children, see Ihow their day (Coftinued page 13) a littie ad in the @assified section of the paper offeriflg a cruise for $299.00 cail (xxx) MxxxxxX a mailer telling yPu ta corne t aa presentation and you have won a trip for two... .no ýýbligation! a phone cail statiIOg that you have been selected aS a finalist for a trip; do you have ý- credit card? or something as harmless as filling out a form at the (;NE. In ail cases they have something in côommon . . . they sound too good ta be truel The other factor thât they have in cammon is that theY will inevitably ask for your credit card number in order ta put a smý1' deposit ta hold your special cabin or space. The rest is as they sây . story or experience. 1Rememb er, ydUr travel agent Is in business for ydV; ta prtect your investment and ta help share in your dreams.1 If i doubt, caîl yaur agent first for soffi advice. Remember ii it sounds toa_ good ta be true . it is! 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC MZ 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING PUBLIC NOTICE NATURAL ICE RINKS The Munîcipality of Clarington's Community Services Department is inviting any organizations and individuals interested in providîng natural outdoor ice rinks this winter ta volunteer their services. To provide a natural ice rink requires the combined effort of a committed group of volunteers. Initial assistance wil be provided by the municipality. Please volunteer today. INTERESTED GROUPS MUST VOLUNTEER NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 31ST BY TELEPHONING 623-3379 EXT. 232 ja, MUICIPALITY OF ONTARIO Date of Publication- Wednesday, October 19, 1994 P.O. 4864 '4 Do you know one? Do you know a young person, aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthw hile community service or a special person who is contributing, while living with a physical or psychological limitation? Do you know a youth who has performed an act of heroism? The, Ontario Community Newspapers Association, with Bell Canada as the patron, is looking to recognize these "good kids"; the young people of our province who show a commitment to making life better for others. To nominate an individual or a group of young people for the Ontario JuniorCitizen of the Year Award, please contact this newspaper or the OCNA at 905-84 4- 0184. Nominations for this year's awards will be accepted until- October 31, 1994. Every 'nominee will receive a certificate and up to 12 individuals and one group will be the recipients of a plaque presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year lapel pin, $200 and a family portrait with the Lieutenant Governor. NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contacting this community newspaper or OGNA at 905-844-0184 £3 Ontario ____newspapers Sassocia tion Bell Tales1TId Twc ~.N Northcutt Elliott i]Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE-& CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements- Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuiers - President Tr ave l TaE with Elizabeth Belanger-Lînkietter CTC Reduce, Rý Recoe

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