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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1994, p. 14

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<J'4 - Ofioino Weêkly Tlmes, Wednesday, October 19, 1994 24" blocks. Wîll tow with trailer ball. Phone 983-5682. /ERS & GIFTS Sept. 14-Nov. 2, ap )no 983-9155 awa 433-2515 Take the kids ta Disney World ýn'just specialize - for Christmas; 2 bdrm. mobile, 9every order special. sleeps 6, only 1 hi-. away from ail major attractions. Available until January Ist. Inquiries " H a rI 983-5014. 12,19, cp With Flair" LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ltâ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoînt R.C A. Fiidaire Whirlpool WVood's Frceezers Magîc Che'fHoe 983-5108 Banna Home Check *Vacation Home Checýking Let us malte your home 1x>k lived in *Wedding Day Servies ReliabIe Referenoes INSURED Barb Shetio - Ina Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWVERS PLUS FLOWERS GIETS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wlda Mddeton May the most sacred heart of Jesus Be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world. Most sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us Saint Jude, Worker of Miracles pray for us and .Sainit Jude, Ilelper of the hielpless, pray foi-us. Thanks S.A. AUCTION SALE Grlst Mill Auction Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 ST 6:30 p.m. Selling a piivate collection of 75 coal oil lamps including Prince Edward, Turkey Foot, Peanut Finger, Aladdin, Ribbed Satum, Zipper Loop, colored, miniature, lanterns, parts, burners, etc.; quality glass and china, Royal Albert, Lady Gay, Blue Depression, Westward Lion; cake stand; crystal decanters, etc.; furniture; electric leaf muleher; Franklin fircplace; acorn fireplace; moped; Bolens walking garden tractai-; horse plow and cultivator; barrels; bikes; plastic pipe; picnic tables; hardware; tools, etc.; attractive Limited Edition piints; antiques and lots more. Plan te, Attend. TERMS: Cash or Good Choque wlth I.D. MACGREGOR & WEST AUCTION SALE Antiques, Collectables & Househiold Effects SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23RD 11:00 a.m. (viewlng 10:00) Auction Iocated in our new wlnter location at Ganaraska Leathercraft & Trading Post, 115 Hwy. north, 20 kms. north of 401 or 10 kms. forth fromi Orono. Watcb for Auction Signs Auction features a varied selection of antique and modemn furnishings plus rare and unique collectables and general household articles. Partial list includes wardrobe; oak desk; selction of old dressers & chests of drawers; blanket & starage boxes,; misc. tables ( kitchen, parlour, work, etc.); chair & rockers; ilfitai-y meinorabiia; mnilk boules; old coke tray; mrrirrors; Limnited Édition & Decorative art prints; quality selection of glass & china (Shelley, Depressioni, Fiestaware, Carnival Bowl, Willow etc.); 1 0C psy phone and original stand; freezer; stove; oil lamps; buggy seat; old advertisement boxes; 1922 coal oil stove; plus mnany more articles still to be unpacked due to moving 10 oui- new location. Note - This 1lst sale at oui- new winter location should prove to bc ani enjoyable sale for one & ail. Calfor ail your auct ion needsç or directions to new location. MacGregor & West Auctions Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 INTON, Margaret Isabel - At Memoriar Hospital Bowmanville on Friday, October 14, 1994 in ber 79th year. Margaret (Underwood) beloved wife of the laie Howard Linton. Loved mothecr of Florence (Mrs. Douig Allen). Loving graudmother of Don and Steve Allen. Predeceased by ber sister Elsie Woodyard. Friends were able to caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bowmanville on Sunday. Funeral service was hield inî oui- chapel on Monday at 1 Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations to the Heari and Stroke Foundation or the cha--rity of your choice would be gratefully appreciated. 19,ac SHEET METAL DESIGNS S Custom Made Sheet Metal Work Gaivanized, Stainless Steel or Black Iron Tig and Arc Weiding Barclay Crozier Stephen Crozier 983-9311 983-6301 "IFVOU CAN DRA W ITWE CAN MAKE IT* B.M. Bradley WE LDING LIMITED (0)983-6753 "Mobile Service Truck- GENERAL REPAIR HEAVY EOUIPMENT CUSTOM FABRICATION GENERAL CONTRACTING BR~UCE BRADLEY OFRONO INSTALLATION- GROUNDS MAINTENANCE *WATER PONDS- PERENNIAL GARDENS . CONSULTING* Orono WeekIy Times CLASSIFI ED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" COMING EVENTS SrMI TH S FA LIS FL EA M aRKýET 6 13- 283-8448 qeerï Sun a 9am pfiyea.r round.î A r,ý1 'ruîde ti.a riark-t, r, dleain mrhndsfrnm craitst i- tectîb'Ies, solid o untr PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES 'A rost vwilI be in, urred.] CFIAFT SHOW VS AND ANi QUE MAR- KETS. Cati190-5-44for Lisinn Ootarjo.$2 00 per minujte Cuitera us be 18 years, 1 889-59 BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITIES EtEALERSHiIP A'V ALABLF -[ilpeai ty lubricants f0 Frmo, Trsçkg ad C dirýct saie e1e1ece 11lu 1Hg incomie, iii rin, inimu neim en ESTABLISHEO PIET1 F000 !ýCOMPANY requires distributaors Deveiop Frepeait routes withincredib]e ongirgi anig Prime ritayaalbeMiiu ne ment Earn 3K .P/T ta 121K FT c905-738- 0141 TAI 'COMPANY WetI estabtihed 7 emptayeosradil el, r qîpe Moicnthty acc untsan lo ' n canîrputer.i W rite P O.Box1127 iaThe PertiCouri- e r. . L, e uise, Perth, nuraK7ÏH CAR EER TRAINING BE AN INTERIOR DECOR)FATOR . ,wvitn Our great om tuycOu[rs. Cïufit tr a FREE B00K. -0-6712.The, Sheftield School 983-38 McAýrIur Ave. ttwa (DOntuýrtio Ki1L 6R 2 EARiN A LtVING P REPARIN(O TAX RETURNS, BASIC AND[) COMPUTER course s by sett(-studiy. Free brochure Cati 1-800-563-EARN, Pas 1 204.049- 9429. Jacks Insltiue 9217Lombard, WinnîppegMuntolaa RB 0V3 LEARN ACîOERNGu he ou western Schaat iAcînern.Neuf Ctass: N. .19-25.no1t, notc Suuthwestern Onitaria chofutAuc ion- eering, R R.85 WodstCOnfaria fN445 7V9, (5ý19> 537-2I119 EMPLOYMENT OPPS. TRAVEL AGENCY RýEPRFESENTATîVES NEEDED. Earn income and reniay travet benefits. Part tîne or luit time For incfor- matIon, ttehne63-5ý25-05ý25 INTERNATIONAL ARCLUA EXCI-IFANGE - Ages 18-.30 ithgiuir ut esparience ta tve/mart wth tarmiy in Austratia, New Zeaîýund Europc, Japan Cos. /etata- 180-6-12 20e, 1501 - 17 Ave., S W Catgary, AB, T2T 0E2. FOR SALE GREAT Cýi-IISTMIAS STOCKING STUFFERS, urder nom, IndiduiJat cootu- bookçs on souipu.Itlinseataa dînrs cfe,-ncS 4.90 eac-h, postage $1,40 Pthone (519) 749-3850, 24 hours. Cheque, ViSA/,I C- lin House Kitchens. HELP WANTED EXPEF(IEI4ED REPORTER/I5PHOTOG- RLAPIER requtred tor awýarct-wirnning newspaper. Send cartuptete resumne mth reterences Ita MichuetHays.Edfitr, The Record Nemu. P.0 Bas 158, Stniths FaIts, Onitaria K7A 4T1 SALES HELP WANTED SATTENTION STUDENTSq$ make a lot ut mroniey settîng chrcotate bars n .yuur area iii your spare lie. Nuthing ta pay nl adevance, tuaat detivery 1-800-38-DELUX MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24000 in prizes yearly. Posilble publication, Send une original poemr 20 uines or tuas: Naional Library (-tfPaetiy, Box 704-1365, Owings Mis, Md 21117. TLELEVISIOI4 SERtES seekîng ltters, diarie, photos tramr Second Wartd War Cati 1-800-5ý24-35ý28 or senid to No Price Too HFigh, 95 Penetang SI., Orittia, Ontari, L3V 3NJ4 MUSICAL INTEREST LEARN TO PLAY MUSICAL liNSTRUJ- MEN tS the nem, easîer may with Selt Teacýhîng Vîdeau Tapes FREE catalogue Best price ý-s on ait musical instruments. Musîcare nc 1-800-361-3323 PERSONALS 000SEX tor snor.Overcomne ait erciarotemfs causedi by agîng, med- cuins surgery. diabetes etc. Cet the tacts Performance Meical, Bas 418, Vatemaurit, B.C , VOE 2Z0 1-800-663- 0121. S1JINOL? Dis(over hue thousandu have met, talen in lave or marrîed thruugh TOGETHER. Cai us today and get a great reiatiinshîp Togetheri 1-800-667- 0117. WVHAT MAKES PEOPLE TICK? Find oui' Buy IANJETiCýS.The Modemn Science af Mental HeaittS - AS SEEN ON TV - $39 59.Cati 1-800-561-5808 REAL ESTATE COT A CAMPGROUND miembershîp/tîmeshare? WetIl fake Or~ Amnericas targes, oldeuf resale cîearing- hause. ResaitSaies Iternational 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare renitais needed. CatI 24 haurs a day 1 bedroom ihanse eulh fridge, afove and ather turniture. tutly modern on 2-114 acres. Inctudes 3 sheds $25000 Phone 807-852-3278. 20 ACRE OCEANVIEWV AND3 WATER- FRONT LOTS, al Rodega Beach Vine- yard, on Glaino stand near Vahcouver. Futty sereiced, drited wetts, easy ferma.- Front $199.000. Gene - <6S04) 537-1139. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - UONSETS 21x30 $2,179 00, 33x36 $3,741,00, 35 xSO$S6,037 O , 42 x56 $7.157 00, 45Sx66 $7.894 Ou, 48 xâO S10,588 00, SOsxi1O $14.970,00. Many te choose tram. Endsoptional Future 1-800-668- 8653 STEEL BUJILDINGS. VOUR CHOICE. . Straightwalta with Ouonsef Rgol or High Sîdecaît Ononsef a. Facfory Drect - No Middteman. Exampfe: Stralghfwall 30 Wx4OL now $4,899.00. Ends ..pi.nat Ot-)hers. Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422.. VACATiON/TRAVEL FLORIDAS GULF COAST. Ninefeen day eqcoleed coach four Ia Clearwater Beach, $1.399 per persan. Detaîts: 1000 Isands Tours nc. Toti free 1-800-267-9497 or 382-3226 *It's Affordable - ts Fast - It's Easy - One Bill Does It Ait -Norilhcrn Ontario $63 E- astern Ontario $91 WVesýtrn OntiarioS$162 * Cen ta 1 Ontario $ 168 - AIl Ontario $380 Natimnal PackageCs Aalbe *Cajl! Ibispaper for dletails! SimsonMeiuoriaIr 121 King St. E., Bowmanville - 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2ZWest, Port Hope (905) 885-6434- Monument~s, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Incdoor f Outdoor Dîsplays -' Excellent PrIcés Guaran;eed Workmanship Etchîngs - Personal and Scenes -Wooden Sandblasted Signe T'y us before y.ou decide by visjling our new Sales Office, or calf us anid arrange for an appointrment in the com fort of your home. We md

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