to Public Ace Durham Liberal M.P. Alex ~Shepherd was the unanimous choice of the 12-memnber federal Public Accounts Comnmittee to act as their vice-chairman. The commiutee chaired by a member of the opposition party operates beyond party lines to keep taxpayers informed on how the governmecnt is spending their )unts group tax monies ini the amnount of $162 billion. M.P. Shepherd was first elected to the house of commons last year and has been a mnember of the Finance committee and associate - of the Industry Commnittee. He will now be an associate member of both committees. ools. rIys the way w ;hi, follo'wed This week YMCA in Or Premier Bob, the Cabinet and Retreat. We pic tie hope that n( are living it expense, even our way. 1 can' govemnment gt the "Y" unless or sometliing1 the Toronto something tos coming days. Speaking of Pierre Berton opinion. He sa ieet the Norton in seventh place. Other 1in a teamn members were: Ashley Poirier, Tracy Shillings, Natasha ho teamn Hiîls, andi Jackie Green. Sother The Grade 8 boys also won the perger team championship. Michael place Patrick led the way with a new Nicole Park REp ort d Mils, MIPP Durhamf East at the insurance companies were g with allowed a one-time 5 per cent rest of increase to cover the start-up our Fali costs and impioveti benefits of dCA i Bill 164. For any larger increase Say we they have to prove it to the paiyers Insurance Commission. To date all pay the Commission hasn't approveti iy other any increase relateti to Bill 164. ther at So, if your insurance company is a swim telling you that Bill 164 is m sure proving very costly, don't believe 1have them. I any war, truth is the very me for Finance lartin as to just Is to rein in 1995 budeet. 1 -ground discussion it always seems tic ness to savings must be achieveti over dic 's their backs of the ordinary people. label it Bothi Mr. Martin and Mr. ýr of the Axworthy remain focuseti on cuts former to old age pensions, health care, 11e also education, andi unemployment Costs of insurance benefits, and ending y'Dome, subsidies to farmers, to achieve Ontairio their deficit cutting goals But Uiey pay the neyer ,speak of cutting out thc loopholes for the rich, who for 1 wrote some it means paying not one y' ever plan tW on just about ng that would impact on Uic heeleti" segment of our y. Why only those who îe least targeteti ail Uic Lrne ficit reduction plans? What o need is a thoughtful iction of our social ams, including a process ,il go about Uie task wiUi a of iustice, tolerance and meet recbrd ifi a trne of 11:27. H1e beat Dan MacDonald's nid record by one second. Tlhird place went to David Ellis. Other team members were Zack Fiddis, Eric Turner, Garret VanDykec, Mike Harper, Nathan Ward, Colin Kaji, Mike Smith and Scott Partner. 'fie Grade 7 teamn was a strong showing. ln the Grade 7 girls Stephanie Boyd led the way with a third place finish. Other team mnembers were: Jennifer Thiele, Elke Schroeder, Nicole Cave, Dana Sparrow and Erin Moore. In the Grade 7 Boys, Ryan Tresise led the way with a fifth place finish over ail. Other team members were: Janiie Parry, Mau MacDonald and Tyler Robinson, Congratulations to ail the runner who took part ini the event. assistance. 'Me six-month decline for those seeking social assistance means that since march 1994, there are nearly 25,342 fewer households, or 40,705 fewer indivîduals, receiving assistance in Ontario. The Liberals and Tories claim to have found nothing good in jobsOntario, yet the scheme has seen the participation of 20,000 businesses so fax. Many local businesses in this area have taken advantage of jobsOntario and they have told me just how pleased lhey are with the program. Some media reports have said that the Ontario goverfiment is negotiating with labour to repeal the Social Contract or make big changes ini it. ibis is not true. The government will flot repeal the Social Contract. What the Social Contract has done is to bring some breathing room to the Broader Public Sector in order to help people adjust to the fact that tije public sector cannot continue to be funded at the level it has been. 1 know 1 would far sooner be in the public service i Ontario than in Ralph Klein's mean spirited Albert, in a Clyde Wells' Newfoundland or in Gary Filmon's Manitoba, where the strong are strong and who cares about the weak, just govern by ultimatum and to heck with everything else. Until next weelc - from an exercise vicwpoint, we should bc glad the T.V. and fridge are so far apart. HARVE ST TO UR C.OMPOST a.itfs as easyas 1,213. 2. Add compost to garden. cZiD K- For more informotion on Compostng or Grosscycling coll the Region of Dtirhom Works Deportmrent (905> 668-7721