- 'éO..- ~ -Crane Weekly Timeso1:Wednesday, Novemberr2, 199 Popcorn and hot eider tastes best outside Wants escape route from Clarke and Pines schools It was a warm sun that greeted many many families to the Clarke Museum, Kirby, on Sunday aftemoon te take part in a what was called a Pumpitin Bee. Don Robbins, a big supporter of the Museum, is shown above If you have a Mountain Ash tree in the back yard you will more than likely be well aware of the attraction this tree now lias for Robins and as well for s malt bands of Cedar Waxwings. TMe birds will bc flying i and out of the tree nipping off the reddish-orange fruit and in many cases can strip the tree of the fruit quite quickly. Every year about this time robins from the north fly înte the, area with the main food source being Mountain Ash fruit. This same fruit la also an attraction for Ceclar Waxwings. Between both these birds the traffic can get quite heavy into the Mountain Ash Crees.. The Robins Chat raised their young in the area during the summer have weeks ago travelled south. Those presently flying about are not to be confused with what we might cali the summer robins. Also maling their appearance in the past week are the Siate- Coloured Juncos whidh cati easily be identifled by the flash of white with a couple of young visitors who were fascinated over popping popcorn over the open fire. The smell of freshly popped corn and the aroma of steaming apple cider camne to be a ireat no on both sides of the tail as, they fly about. They will now spend thýe rest of winter with us with the exception of a few that may travel farther south. Tipping up te Port Perry on Sunday it was a number of American Widgeon ducks that created some interest as well a lone Myrtie (Yellow Rump ) Warbler that must be some late hi ils travel te the southern climate. Warblers have long left this part of the country. The Golden Crowned Kinglet, one of the smallest of birds is also on its way soulli and their movement is recorded at this time of year. Incidentally Bill Bunting is still looking for his 300th bird and a sighting of a Wild Turkey would make it three hundred. Donna was a little late in telling me that Jim Ards phoned the house recently slating that a Bald Eagle was spending time near their- home of the eighth concession. I understand it was there for a couple of days. I got the word just a littie bit too late. one could resist. There was pumpkin carving, and the story was teld of the use of the pumpkins in the 1830s and 1840s when strips were cut and dried for food during the long winter months. Want an outdoor ice rink? The weather over the past month has been other than an indication that winter is approaching. On the other hand the Community Services Department of the Municipality of Claingten is preparing plans for winter and is ready to ssist with any group te assist with an outdoor ice rink. To dûs end the municipality is looking for volunteers to undertake the wor k of flcoding and maintaining the ice pad. SMr. Cameron, of -the department points out that the municipality la responsible for the liabiity insurance, for putting up the timber retainers and as well the plastic lining. The rink would be arxund 50feet by 1900 feet. The plan has been reasonably successful especially in the past two years. Up to the present time a voluntary group out of Orono bas flot come forth to undertake such an enterprise. Unorganized groups have however cleared off spaces on the ice at the mil pond over the past couple of years. If interested te volunteer for the municipal plan phone the Community Service Department 623-3379, Ext. 232. The Northumberland Clarington Board of Trustees at a recent meeting held in the Lockhart Public School denied a request te transfer a student te the Durham Board of Education system. Mr. John- Whitehead bas requested that his daughter Alison who attends Courtice Secondary School be allowed to transfer to lhe Durham Board of Education High Sdhool in Blackstock. Alison Whitehead now travels 20 kilometr es to the Courtice school taking an hour while the Blackstock school is but 6 km away from- her home. The Operation and Finance committee of the Northumberland Clarington Board stated that the request £0 transfer the girl's educational fees to the Durham Board could not be justified according te the Education Act. Alison Whitehead could attend the Blackstock School if she but lived across the road in Burketon that would place her in the Durham Board of Education jurisdiction. Some school boards do have boundary agreements that allow students living on the edges £0, choose which school they will attend. Trustees Wilf Day and Bob Willsher spoke against the Whitehead request stating that they should be cautious of setting up a policy that could have unforeseen effects in the future. SuS Courtice Motel to be demolished The former Oshawa Motel located -in the west end of 1-, urtice on the north side of Vutghway 2 la to be demolished. The Clarington council authorized the demolition to be undertaken by the municipality. The motel has been open te vandals and trespassers for a number of years. Mayor Diane hamre said she is pleased with the decision to remove the eye sorei the community. The municipality will'be calling tenders for the demolition. Want training in fighting forest lires Fire chiefs in the Northumberland County area are asking the County to supply forest fire fighting training. The chief of Cobourg points out that firefighters are trained on structure fires but that is flot the case with forest fires and that that does cause concerns.' Concemn was also expressed as far as the road system is in the forest, Northumberland and Ganaraska, were concern and the availability of water. ELECT WARD 3 COUNCILLOR 987-4458 (Home) (Off ice) 623-0677 Authorized by tIhe OFO for the Bonnie Cunningham Campaign ELECT REG WILLATTS For MAYOR -of CLARINGTON Good Government Requires 1. Ability to work with people 2. Accessibility 3. Strong Leadership 4. Commitment to the People 5. Accountability 6. Protect the Environment For information or help cali 623-7084 x A - Authorîzed by the CFO for the Reg Willatts Campaign