Oroo eeky imes, Wednesday, Novemnber.9i 1 994 --1.3 Display an array of medals ,Kaitlin andi Adam Colvile of level of skating. Jillian Lemieux, another active the Orono Skating, Club display They placed 3rd at Thornhill, summer skater placed 2nd in the an array of medals from their lst at the Autumn Skate in Kawartha Invitational, in Junior competing throughout the Ottawa and lst at the Oktoberfest Skate. summer at the provincial pairs in Woodbridge. Alex Shepherd Report (Continued from page 8) objective of insuring sovereignty for their nation. But where does this leave us and those of us who don't know what conflict is ail about? How have we worked to protect and foster the freedoms so many gave their lives to protect? How have we reflected on Canada and how we can make it a better country. Have we taken the time ta be involved in our countrys evolution as opposeti to reacting to it? Have we been prepared ta wear our nationalism on our chest andi try to change those who would dîsmantle Canada? We must-neyer forget those who gave their lives ini the Great Wars. And whose who fought andi were lucky to make it back home. WC must flot forget their thoughts in the lonely trenches and the cold North Atlantic. We are now the trustees of their values. We must use their suffering to give us strength to continue building this great nation. We must neyer let their Ioss of life be in vein. Weremember th em, their thoughts and tremendous courage as we move forward in building Canada. IN THREE DAYS! With the Supplementary ~~. Diet Plan I U Using ail natural ingredient Available at Participating Pharmacies & Health Foodt Stores For more information cali: 1.800-361-4720 by Helen MacDonl TMis past spring 1Iclapeti inte a course 1, neyer imagined taking at Trent: an English course. Although I derive great pleasure from reading and writing, my experience with high school English was one of frustration. I useti to wonder at the arrogance o f teachers who analyzeti the structure of poetry and writing to death, without letting it speak for itself -- who would take a writers work and look for, among other things, the trappings of metaphor, alliteration, connatation, andI whether the writer was a structuralist or a deconstructionist of language and form. This kind of 'attack' upon literature was very off-putting because 1 simply enjoyeti reading, but diti not understand the neeti, in the greater context of life, for deep, structural analysis. 1 thought ... silly me . .. that reading was supposed to be fun! Thus, in high school, by the time we finisheti analyzing a poem to death, the words no longer danced on the page, but were transformeti into an exercise in academic analysis. 1 resenteti the conformity a class of us were requireti to adhere to in 'explaining what the writer was trying to say' . .. without the benefit of the writer having any iniput in the discussion. All I ~atdto do was to reati what the 'writer wrote, consîder what they might be trying to tell me, and move on to other work. Instead, 1 collected Coles notes, looked at the literature not as art, but as form -- and hated it. But,' there I was this spring, wondering what 1 was dong in an Englîsh course. A previous professor who was frustrateti with my style of writing, suggested that 1 take tiis particule, course: Canadian Women Writer -- ail of whom are post-modern (meaning, simply, most of them are alive and under 60) andi have carried, ideas andi language beyond the Margarets (Atwoodi and Laurence) in an attempt to create their own language and meaning in text. Some students of this literature caîl it 'writing the (female) body" in a world weighted heavily with a large body of male writing. Often, the writing is of two or more voices, like a conversation . . . a convergence of ideas. 1 liketi this idea ... conversation with the writer herself. Andi I loveti the course. 1 loved the reading .. . I even loveti the analysis. Even more importantly, the writers we studieti 'spoke' for their own writing. Through interviews, through films (much thanks ta the National Film Board) and through their own writing, they tolti us, the readers, what they were trying to say. They entered into conversation with their readers first, by challenging us with provocative ideas, and second, by revealing something of themselves in their writing. Some go as far as blatantly arguing with others in their text . . . so that one writer might open a discussion in hier poetry, and another might responti in hers . . . the conversation begins . . . and continues ... 1Here I am, at home in the country, with my chiltiren and my books and a blank computer screen demanding me ta speak through my fingers,_feeling isolateti with my ideas and words, neyer knowing where they go. Wondering if they even go anywhere; anti, suddenly, 1 find other voices, having similar (private) conversations, exist ... Guilty of defrauding hospital A former Ajax medical worker has been sentenceti to 45 days ini jail for defrauding Oshawa General hospital of more than $8,000 earlier this year. The woman has also been orderedti t perform 100 hours of community work over the next year and to repay the hospital the $8,268.00. Wendy Lee MacDonnell pleading guilty to the charges laid. 0MB hearing date set The decision of the City of Oshawa ta rezone a portion of Alexandra Park for hospital expansion has been taken to the Ontario Municipal Board by an organized group of area citizens objecting ta the use of the park landis for hospital expansion. A Pre-Hearing conference was held on September 16th with another to follow on November l7th. The full hearing is ta start on January 4, 1995. No move towards the expansion will proceed until a decision is handed down by the Ontario Municipal Board. and they, too, are searching for more voices. How do I know this? 1 had the good fortune of meeting one of those great Canadian voices-in- writing last week at Trent University . .. Nicole Brossard. She spoke at the annual Margaret Laurence lecture which is a highlight of the academnie year. She spoke in many voices, and while her'lecture might have seemeti schizophrenic on the surface, it only revealed the truth of conversation . .. we converse at many levels. Even through our silence, do we say something. Tcday, I am feeling less isolateti. My computer screen cannot keep up with my fingers. And, maybe, 'somebotiy is 'listening to my writing ... Wards1 - 2 -3 E:LECT Paul RESOR for HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSIONER (November 14,1994) "Ift is a pleasure ta have the opp ortunity ta contri bute ta the great municipality af Clarington'- PaulI Reesor. My ancestors travelled tram Pennsylvania ta, the region in 1804. I share their cammitment of always investing back inta- the cammunity. I have 10 years service with a large municipal utitity and work in the areas of energy management and cammunity relations. It is my persanal goal ta sustain enviranmental respansibility thraugh the good management of electricity usage. If elected, I will do my utmost ta guard your interest ta deliver electricity ta yau at cast. AUTHORIZED 8V THE C.F.O. FOR THE PAUL REESOR CAMPAIGN