OrunoWeokI Time, Wecne5Ua,.......r...1~ St. Saviour's Penny Sale table Last Saturday St. Saviour's held their annual bazaar and tea witb a gooti turnout creating brisk sales, purcbasing lucky, draw tickets and relaxig witb friends over cookies, cakes and tea. On Monday afternoon, when the Ontario Legisiature resumed sitting, it didn'ttake very long for things to seule down in the same routine as before - namely taking cheap shots. What a way te begin. 1 blarne television, for it seems as if everyone is playing te the unseen audience. What other reason can be given for the actions of Mike Harris, Leader of the Progressive Conservatives, who createti a halloween type atrnosphere in the House with the production of two shopping bags rnarked, "Trick and Treat" wbich be then useti as aids in cbastising the governrnent over jobsOntario programs. Would this bc tolerated at meetings say of a School Board? 0f course not, so wby shoulti it be tbe norm at Queen's Park? I say, take away the television cameras andi then perhaps people wiIl start acting more norrnally - perbaps! And then perhaps the visiters, chiltiren especially, would cease to confuse their visit with the building previously on the site - an insane asylurn. One of my evenings last week was spent down at the Ontario Police College in Alyrner, speaking to about 200 selected e-d!,-ators and police officers frorn à" s the province to discuss practical methotis of ensuring a safe scbool envirofiment and to provide a botter understanding of how justice and education systerns can interact. This bigh profile serninar dealing with violence in sebools was irn my opinion very timely given the recent sbooting of teachers in a Toronto School. ,On August 15, 1994, the Liberals at Queen's Park made a request under the Freedorn of, Ryan Dempsey gets into the swing of tbe activities with a hanti-fuil of tickets for the Penny Sale table. He is accompanieti by Carole Hooey of Pontypool. Information and Protection of Privac y Act, for access to the budget andi expenditures for each Minister's Office in our government. As Parliarnentary Assistant te the Solicitor General &. Minister of Corrections, my own.budget and expenditures were included in the request. Actual spending for all ministries is down from 1992/93 in both salaries anti operating expenses by approximately 12 per cent. The ministries budget projections for 1994/95 totalled $26.6 million, but baseti on actual spending to date, this fiscal year spending will be about $17.9 million - $4,7 million less than budget. Since we are the first government to keep clear, centralized records - and the first government to make' these records 'av ail able for _public scrutiny, we are unable te compare current spending to previous governrnents. What we do know is that by 1989, the number of people in the Liberal Minister's offices had grown by 53.18 per cent, and the Liberal staffers received a 10,2 per cent wage increase in 1989 and another 5 per cent inecase in 1990. Since rny election in Octeber 1990, I bave significantly underspent my constituency budget, and last year 1 returned over $7,000 'to the Ontario Treasury. 'Me MPPs salary and expenses have been frozen. at the 1989 level, ahl of our staff have bad their wages frozen since 1991 and their real wages have gone tiown due to the effects of the social contract. Despite this, rny staff continue to provide a very bigh level of service to the Vue Pers of Pauufne" Siting in the back office having coffee, 1 along with some friends, listeneti to some of the antics happening on the local election campaign trails. Always looking for sornething constituents, andi also represent me at functions outside of their woring day when I amn detained at the Legislature, without any overtime charges. They ail go that extra mile, and feel good about it too. I'm proud of them. On Monday last week, I also took part in the 5tb Anniversary of the United Nations in Ontario at Queen's Park. Hundretis of school chiltiren took part in the ceremony which was attended by the Consul General of every nation with an office in Ontario, along with the Lieutenant Governor, the Premier, and the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations in New York. The complete ceremony was filmed by TV Ontario and should be watched out for. On Thursday afternoon in the Legisiature 1 was again honoured to be asked by the Premier to speak on behaif of our government to Remnembrance Day. 1 have now spoken on behaif of the government on five différent occasions in the Ontario Legislature, a responsibility usually given only to those in Cabint Bright and early on Friday morning 1 was at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital for a round table discussion witb Cornmunity Care Comrittee members. And then off to the opening and dedication of the new "Ken Hooper" Fire Station in Bowmanville. Many people deserve a lot of credit for this, and to name tbem ahl would take up more space than 'm allowed. However, I want to pass along my thanks to Ontario Hydro for making this valuable addition to the safety of ail of -as, possible. Their contribution was enormous. The past weekend was a busy one, Courtice High School Graduation, Remnembrance Dinner at Port Perry, Charter Night Celebration for the Knights of Columbus - St. Francis of Assisi, Sunday mornîng Remembrance Parade in Port Perry followed by an afternoon Rernembrance Parade in Orono. This week, "Constituency Week" is booked solid witb events and meeting constituents. The Toronto Star writer Thomas Walkorn bas said the job of an MPP is really a part-time position. He may be rigbt in the case of some MPPs. 1 have made itra full time job with tons'of overtime as well. I couldn't do it any other way. Until next week - remember, even the Lion has to defend bimself against flies. to Write about I thought ... yes 1 coulti write about that - a "Sequel to the Perils of Paulîne". Ail of a sudden I hati to wonder where does this "Perils of Pauline" corne frorn. 1 have te be sure of my facts and was the Perils of Pauline a book, a movie or what. Believe it or not 1 had to ask around wbat was witb the Perils of Pauline even though it had came to my mind without any besitation. For those with memories as bad as mine and, the younger generation the Perils of Pauline was a continuous movie series of some years back possibly before the talkies. If you get the picture Pauline is the young maiden always about te faIl over the dliff, bce mn over by the steam locomotive only to bc saved by her hero. In the story being tolt ini the back office local politicians and workers coulti well be Pauline anti the hero of course might just be the Ward Three electorate. The first report bas Reg Willatt, a mayoralty candidate, visiting rural Ward Tbree tapping on doors. All went well until a German Shepherd decided Reg should be off the property and taking a nip at the pant leg went a little too deep cutting into the flesh requiring four to six stitches at die bospital. It tben seerns that Kaye Gustar dropping leaflettes for Diane Hamre felt it was time for a coffee. Leaving the door to door visits she drove off to the coffee sbop only to bc detaineti when broadsided causing some $5000 damnage to ber car. Fortunately no injuries to any of the paries involved. Cirole Bernie is another worker for the Hamre teamn. We are flot sure if she was trying to one-better Kaye but on ber way for coffee to the new Burger King on Highway 115 she backed over a cernent divider. There she tettered and had to cal in the Mercer towing service to lift the car over the block. - Could it be that Ann Dreslinski could flot be left out for it was off to rural voters in the north-east corner of Clarke with two female teenagers as campaign helpers and drivers. No problem with the first couple of visits up the country laneways. In about the third or fourth visit the trio were greeted by a pair of cute and friendly small sheep dogs. They were very pettable. No one at home other than the dogs whîch made for a return to the car and off to the next possible supporter. Those cute dogs had other ideas and had bit into one of the back tires to the point-that air could be heard leaking out. Back to the last stop to sce if there was help there. The wife, Iikewise as the trio, had neyer changed a tire but then the neighbour on down the road had and the trio made it back into Orono on a donut. «bhat littie tire in the trunk for emergency cases). 1 had a littie trouble bclieving this story and did check it out with Mercer and indeed it happened and a dog did bit into the side of the tire. They tell me the side walls are penetrable by a dog andi it has happened before. You might ask Lorna Davey, Bowmanville, another Hamre supporter, if there are other stories and she might say yes. Using a frozen cut of cheese to take the pain away fromn a bit in the eye but still losing a day at work. Ail a sequel to the Perils of Pauline. SHOP AROUND, GET YOUR BEST PRICE THIEN CALL US FOR YQUR BE.. eRIC