E Construction toys (NC t Playing, with a construction toy will imipiove a chld's co-ordination and dexterity as weil as stimnulate the imagination. When seiecting- a con- struction toy choose carcfully. it should present a challenge but not frustrate tlie child. Toddiers and pre-schoolers are bcst with building blocks, stacking toys and prirnary construction toys. Natural Science Industries miakes a quality fine of wooden building blocks. They are available in bath natural and coloured wood. Sets include twelve dilferent shapes and feature rounded edges for sate play. Blocks are available in 26 or 52 piece boxes. The new Meccano Junior sets are wonderful. Tliey are made with a higli quality plastic ta ensure durablity. The Meccano Junior range consists of nine progressive tool box sets for kids ages 4 ta 7 years. Meccano Junior provides an excellent introduction ta construction sets and is fully compatible witli metal Meccano sets. Meccano now has ful range of sets ta suit beginners ranging riglit up ta the advanced builders. Irwin Toy has two unique con- struction sets on the market. Girder and Panel Building Sets, originally intro- duced in the 1950's, were a huge success. Irwin is now introducing a new generation of kids ta building with Girder and Panel. Kidscan bud basic buildings and with a bit of imagination can create amazing skyscrapers. The snap together parts raake it easy for junior architects ta, build away. Techno Zoîds are a motorized construction system. You first bud these futuristic creatures and then bring them ta fle (with batteries or a wind up mechanism). Each of the completed creations will walk. Sets range from the small Ar- moured Gator and Evil Scorpion ta, the ultimate set, the Electronic Battlesauras. Tays and Play is designed ta heip you provide the best play opportun/t/es for your chId andi oftrs some suggestion s ta guide you with your shopping. Creativity toys (NC)-Very young children enjoy expressing themseives by using their imagination in simple activities. Basics sucli as crayons, chaik, paper and play dougli are appropriate. However when choosing a craft kit for an aider chiid, you shouid select a kit that presenits a challenge and produces a pieasing end tesult. New this year in the craft/activitv,, category is the Amazing Bead Machine from Natural Science Industries. Kîds can create fabulous costume jewelry using coloured paper, wrapping paper, magazines and newspaper. The kit includes ail of the necessary equipment to faslîioîî rings, carriiigs anîd îccklaccs. The recommended age range for the Amazing Bead Machine is 5 and up. Ohio Art has introduced Blush Art tis year. Kids can create heautîful pastel drawings wîtli the Blush Art kits. The Deluxe Blush Art Kit includes six scented blusli fashion colours and an assortimcnt af stencils. A simple stroke ot colour over a stencil wîth the loam applicators inakes blush pictures easy ta create. The 4-in-i Powcr Toolsliop tram lrwin loy is a proven winncî with kids 8 and up. Tbis battcry operated toy con- ssts otf tur woodworking tools: jigsaw, wood lathe, drill and sander. The unique jîgsaw cuts wood but will ot cnt skin. The kit includcs wood, sandpaper and compreliensive instructions, When purcliasing a craft or activity sct, reinember that ahovc alit should lic fun. A child's introduction ta a craft or activity cauld lic fthc eginning aI a long-tcrm intcrcst. I ov s aid l'la y r s de i'acd Io lic/p \00u pro vide iii' hesi play oppoia(ni1i / or ,Vour(hliid îîîd //rs on srpc oI g'ude VOu iI/ or~o))I Stocki ng stuffers l-hc 1(o1 w i ng suggestins ail >aritheli $5- $201 catcuîry and aie smnaill nough-tii lit casily inia a child's stuc k ing. Efastiks: A lantaistic cl,îstic play- gri u nd gaine, c an lic pI aycd any whec c anytinmc. piipulai sitl k ids iof aIl igcsý TIhe 'W2hiz: A diasviig touil thait cicaetccdss excitiig dcsigiis iii a t- a ss ci i'liice <il sxilliiig pattcerns. (ieate coiîiilcss lasciuiatiig patterns alt flticfIîck <l'a switelî () d c : A n---i.e..d...glà. ..iv.. ty -623-6000- «IJinkt:ng of seffng? caft me for a free appraisaf of your property - or te view your potentia( uew home! SALLYr STA&PL E S associate broker realty ltd. realtor Super spacious, and beautifully kept, this 3+1 bedroom country bungalow features a fuliy finished walk-out basement with woodstove and second bath ... $169,000. making spacemen, animais and whatever else their imaginations dictate. Good value with over 150 pieces in each kit. Tiny Baby Bubbles: 7" baby dolis that arrive dressed in a three piece outfit, boutle and two fun play accessorie". Feed Tiny Baby Bubbies water, squeeze her ieg an she wiil biow tiny bubbles. Power Ranger Spin Fighters: Coilectible spin fighters for the Power Ranger fanatic. Each cames with a nower laîtncher and two collectibie spin fighters. Eighteen different spin figliters availabie kids can colect them, trade them or wear them. Micro Games: Assorted hand-heid LCD games. Micro Games offer a game to suit ail interests-Power Rangers, Star Wars, Cinderelia, Beauty and tlic Beast and a complete range of sport gamues. For the aider player, gambling games such as Keno and Poker also available. Mighty Max Shrunkein Heads: Smaiiest versions of the wiidiy popular Mighty Max Doom Zones and Horror Heads. Each includes a unique Mighty Max figure. Toys and Play is designed ta heip you provide the best play opportunities, foryour chid and offers saine suggestions ta guide you with your shopping. Planes, trains and automobiles (NC)-Wheel toys are basic to every chiid's play. Chldren under three should not be given littie cars and trucks with smail parts. Best for toddiers are the iightweight vinyi or sturdy plastic vehicies. Radio control vehicies are now availabie tor toddiers. The Tomy R/C Buggy and Dump Truck are rohust and exciting radio controlled vehicies for littie kids. Both teature two speeds (plus reverse), power stecring and furniture friendiy soft bumpers and tires. Aiso from Tomy are Motor Blocks. Interchangeable parts simply push together to create a train, plane, car or any weird and wonderful vehicie your chid cares to create. The motorized red block powers the parts to whïcli it is connected-turning wheeis and spinning propellers. For older children, Nikko lias introduced the Championship Go Kart. This Go Kart is sa realistic that the driver actuaily icans into the turns. The Championship Go Kart is a /16 scale full function (forward, reverse, left/right tomn and stop) vehicie. Worth noting from Nikko is their Turbo Road Burner that includes re-chargeabie batteries as an extra value. Irwin loy lias brought the reaiism and excitement of super scale racing to Canada with the introduction of Scaiextrics. Scaiextrics lias long been popular with racing car enthusiasts in Europe and i s considered number one in siot car racing. The cars and track in these sets are considerabiy iarger than those in conventionai oa race sets (Scaiextrics cars are 1/32 scale versus 1/72 scale in traditionai road race). Five sets are available from Irwin as weii as a full line of accessories. Toys and PIa v is designed to help you provide the best p/a - opportunities for vour ch/Id and offers soute suggestions ta guide von w/tiivainr shopping. 'h7e f8inbow 'WedIingq Invitation fEnsemb les help make your wedding dreams corne true View the latest selection of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weekly Times Main Street, Orono Phone 983-5301 * B.M. Bradley /&~Ç(~ ~WELDING LIMITED '~ >1 (905) 983-6753 "Mobile Service Truck" GENERAL REPAIR - HEAVY EOUIPMENT CUSTOM FABRICATION - GENERAL CONTRACTING BRUCE BRADLEY ORONO FUNERAL CHAPEL SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID '<J&Fere Trofrssiona('Etiqu-ette 1$ Important' Funerai Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Willams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWER1NCy YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE Co' '1 me to buy or sel!... Orono and area's real estate rep. 4 Krystyna Jones Z> 9836Ol;3 >1Reaity-Net 1050 SIMCOE ST. N. #103 -OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 wn nla Strivîng to sticcesstully serve YOUR reaf e stat e needs. RE/MAX CORNERSTONE LCompletely re-done Inside and out this fabulous four bedroom century charmer cornes complete with workshop/garage on a huge, private, Hampton village lot... $229,OOO A