Orono W.ekiy Times, Wednùday~ Oeaember 14, 1094 - 8 Mackie & Reid pummel arch-rivals As Santa is busily preparing for the big day, Orono beat Newcastle 7-1 on Newcastle ice on a beautiful, crisp starlight Thursday night. Bonnetta set the tone early with a wicked slapshot in the top hand corner. Other goals were scored by Maartense (2), Bonnetta (2), Richter, Esier and of course, the highlight of the night, Frew's amazing goal. It developed deep in the Orono zone. Defenseman Hackett rushed out past the blue line flipping the puck up to Tousignant with a no- look pass. Tousignant made a spinarama between the legs pass that found Witheridge open at the top of the circle. Although Witberidge was tripped from behimd he stii managed to make a firm pass suspended in mid-air on to the tape of Frew's stick. Frew slid the puck between the defender's legs, bounced off a check and ripped the puck through the mesh with a back hand while on bis knees. At the end of the gaine a Newcastle player broke in on Sawyer oniy to be thwarted witb an unhelievable glove save. SUMMARY lst Period Orono - Bonnetta (1) 13:52 (B. Logan) Orono - Maartense (5) 6:35 (Esler) Orono - Frew (3) 4:30 (Witheridge, Tousignant) 2nd Period Orono - Maartense (6) 8:51 (Esler) Orono - Esier (5) 0:53 (Maartense, Drury) Penalties Orono - B. Logan 6:52 (Too many men) 3rd Period Orono - Richter (1) 13:58 (unassisted) Newcastle - Norton 11: 10 (Sausedo) Penalties Orono - S. Logan 0: 16 (Charging) Rink Ramblings - Jarnie (pink tights) Richter and Josh (hairy legs) Bonnetta got tbeir first goals of the season .. . Have a good one Chris, in your new location ... Guy (holey socks) Tousignant leads the teain in points with 12. . -Scott Sawyer bas an out of this world 1.12 GAA . . Next gaine in Orono against Newcastle Tuesday night at 8:30... Hackette may bave looked when he made the pass. Family Auto edge Manvers in busy schedu After suffering their largest, defeat in almost two months, a 6-2 exhibition deficit in Port Hope against Century 21 November 27, Orono 's OMHA Pee Wec Leafs quickly got back on track Monday, December 5 saw Orono visit Sunderland to play the Red Wing. The Leafs held a 2-0 lead after the first period and a 4-1 Wings edge after the second frame. Orono outscored the Red Wings 2-l in the final period coasting to a 6-2 deci Sion. Fainily Auto netininder Ryan Leddy got the win credit. Sunderland actually outsbot the Leafs 23-18. T'hursday, December 8, Orono visitedthe Lindsay Recreational Complex to square off with Pizza Hut in an exhibition match. These two clubs were evenly matched as tbey battled to a 3-3 tie. Pizza Hut led 2-1 after two periods, with tbe Leafs grabbing a 3-2 lead witb .iust two minutes to play. Lindsay fougbt back bowever and got the equalizer with just 35 seconds left on the dlock. Friday, December 9 saw Orono host tbe BRHL Selects in their second exhibition encounter in as many nigbts. Lecading 2-1 after two periods of hockey, Family Auto emerged Swinners as no less than- six b-.aàs were scored in the final 15 minutes of play. Highlightmng the match was a three goal performance by Orono's Bobby Witheridge. Sunday, December il Family Auto travelled to Manvers for a league matcbup. Orono edged Manvers 5-3 in a bard fougbt affair. The Leafs led 2-1 after two periods and outscored Manvers 3-2 in the final frame (including an empty-netter). Leaf's Tyler Robinson figured prominently in the scoring department with a three goal effort. A road-weary Family Auto club suffered a 4-2 set-back at tbe hands of Mariposa Ligbtning in Little Britain Monday, December 12. Missing tbree regulars from the lineup, Orono were outhustled and outsbot 24-18 in this league encounter. Wednesday, December 14 sees the Leafs bost a tough Port Hope Century 21 club in exhibition play at 8:00 p.m. Sec you tbere! Leaflets: . . . In il exhibition gaines tbis season the Leafs are sporting a 9-1-1 record .. following the BRHL Selects gaine, teain members and parents beld a surprise party complete witb cake and refreshinents for club sponsor Stan Gylytiuk on bis birtbday Friday, December 9 .. . also celebrating a birthday on tbe saine day was Chris Robinson ... belayed congratulations! . .. D.S. GAME 0F THE WETEK Leafs 5 Manvers 3 SUMMARY First Period 1. LeafsRobinson,8 (Shetler, Caruana) 7:42 2. Leafs, McGlynn 2 (Witberidge, Brennan) 5:30 3. Manvers, Prentice 1 (Gimer) 5:04 Penalties: Manvers - Notenboom ELB 4:154 Second Period No Scoring Penalties: Leafs - Caruana TR Manvers - Bernard TNT 9:5 1, Gilmer HS 4:33 Third Period 4. Leafs, Witberidge 4 pp, Pine Ridge Atoms notch two more Pine Ridge Atomhouseleague teain opened the week with an exhibition gamec against a Port Perry group, tbe Wbitby Auto Wreckers. Orono sbowed great speed and determination as tbey pressed and scored on tbe first shift. Tbe goal went to #10 Matt Gregg with assists to #16 DJ. Boardinan and #7 Jake Bonnette. The second period was scoreless but Orono went abead by 2 in tbe tbird, #15 Rick Howe made t 2-0 from #12 Scott Wood and $14 Nick Lucyk at 9:47. Tbree minutes later a lead pa ss from #17 John Halik to #8 J.P. Pisani put them ahead 3-0. Port Perry got their cbance with 23 seconds remaining to end the gaine, in a 3-1 victory. Orono played a penalty free gaine. Pine Ridge resumed regular league action on December 10, travelling to the Garnet B. Rickard Complex to play Carnation Flower Sbop. Despite the bad weather ail the boys showed up to play and made it worthwhile for'tbe fans. Tbe teams played even early on but at the 10 minute mark, a perfectly positioned #2 Shawn Dejong scored off a pass froin $9 Aaron Robinson at the point to #12 Scott Wood. Jake Bonnetta, Scott Wood and Sbawn Dejong put a lot of pressure on the C.F.S. goalie througbout tbe game. Passing drills paid off as $5 Kevin Pritchard dug the puck out of tbe corner and $16 D.J. Boardinan laid a perfect pass on the stick of J.P. Pisai. 1He got a clear shot at the goalie but failed to score. $17 Jobn Halik sbowed bis offensive side as he mad a rush for the net and let a good shot go. Orono's shooters were bot as #15 Rick Howe let one fly to the net wbere $6 Mike Knapp was waiting for a rebound but tbe goalie was awake and smotbered the puck. At 2:30 ail the bard work paid off as $3 Cbris Bouley let a stinger go from the point and #7 Jake Bonnetta picked up the puck as it lay in the crease and put it over the goalie to end tbe period 2-0. Early into tbe second $17 John Halik let a bot shot go from the point and $16 D.J. Boardinan deflected it into the net. 0rono's first penalty went to Joh n Halilc for tripping. Tbe teain played good sbort-hand positioning (McGlynn, Parry) 13:46 5. Manvers, Gallant 1 pp (Gilmer, Prentice) 4:55 6. Leafs, Robinson 9 (Borutskie) 3:51 7. Manvers, Flynn 1 (Gilmer, Notenboom) 3:06 Penalties: Leafs - K. Beacock RO/M 5:47 Brennan HLD 1:46 Caruana HSMP/GM 0:00 Manvers - Gilmer H-LD 14:43 Notenboom SL 9:36 Bernard RO/USC 0:00 Shots on Goal Leafs 8 6 7 21 Manvers 6 8 9 23 Goal: Leafs - Leddy, W (6-3-1) Manvers - Cameron, L (0-2-0) Att. at Manvers: approx. 62 during tbe penalty and killed it off. Carnation had $30 Jeff Slemon sprawling in the crease as Orono left the puck loose. Carnation later skated tbrough the defense but Jeff got a piece of the puck and sat on it. A close call for Orono, came as Chris Bouley sbot, from the point to J.P. Pisani who scooped it to D.J. Boardman in front of the net. The goalie just (Continued page 10) $ 75,000 grant for access program The provincial govemiment is providing a sum of $75,000 to the Durham Supervised Access Programthat is supervised by tie Durham YWCA. - The program has been successful in providing a safe and impartial place for non- custodial parents to meet with their children. Sixty-six familles are already enroiled in the programn with a waiting list of ten. The funds will employ one permanent worker along with two part-tune workers. BY-LAW NO. 93-144 FORMAL NOTICE TO CLEAN SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS Occupants and property owners are required to remove snow and bce f rom the public sidewalks in front of, and beside-their properties w thln 12 hours after a fall of snow, freezing rain, or hall and ta keep them clear. These requirements apply whether or flot a house or any other building is erected on the property. Hf you fail to clear and keep clear the entire surface of sidewalks abutting your property, the Municipality wiIl remove the snow and ice and charge the cost of such remnoval to the property owners realty taxes. Clearing snow and ice makes the Municipalitys sidewalks safer for ALL pedestrians. Your co-operation in keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice AT ALL TIMES will hé appreciated. .0-% NICIPALITV OF Date of Publication: Wednesday, December 14, 1994 P.O. 5413 You asked for it- Now here it is!. Hunier- A Mamifadurer of qu4a&zY 75-/% bealing ezqunpment for over 3Oyears SAVINIGS OVE A Canadian Company EL CTRICfor over 30 Years *No Fuss *No Muss80+ *No Duct Work required *Simple Installation Available through 905-623-2956 34A King St. W., Bowmanville eFIREPLACES - UNAE AIR CONDITIONINO