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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Dec 1994, p. 17

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Iî Wodn.sdsy~ O4ombr 21, t~4 l'Y News from Otw With Alex Sliepherd, MP Durham On behaif of staff, family and myself, I would lie ta wish you and yours a Mery Christmnas and a prosperous New Ycar. Nineteen ninety-five wiil bc a pivotai year for Canada. Because we are spending $120 million more than what we are taking in each day, we have ta ask whether or flot Canada can maintain the confidence of the international financial community. We must change and I understand change is always difficuit. And although many of us try ta escape the consequences of change and feel goverfrnent cuts will not have an effect, wel you are about ta get a wake-up call. The reality is that govenment spen.ding cuts, in one farma or another, impacts on us al. We al will feel die pinch. For most of this country's histary Ontario bas been Canada's economic engine. It has sputtered fram time-to-tirne, but this time it has not recavered from the battering it has taken. Couple that with gavernment spending initiated ini good econamic Urnes and one quickly concludes we can na longer live beyand aur means. Spending cuts are a must. 1 must sound like Serooge, but 1 tell yau know, UI wiil be cut along with funding ta post-secondary education. The cost of past-secondary education will bc shifted ta the users and colleges and universities will beasked ta use information technology ta become more efficient and ta streamline operations. Funding ta special interest groups is going ta be slashed as wil MPs pensions, (and it's about time this fraud stopped). With regard ta small and medium-sized' business, the federal government is moving ta get rid of many regulations that impede the growth of this industry that supplies most of this cauntrys jobs. We are also cutting back on foreign aid and grain and transportation subsidien. 0f course the hiring freeze in the civil service wiII remain. Havimg said that, what is it Alex Shepherd wil be doing in Ottawa ta serve Durham? I wil continue ta impress on ministers the importance of making spending cuts. As vice-chair of the Public Accounts Cammittee 1 will demand the civil service show how they are making themselves mare accountable ta tax payers and more-efficient when spending taxpayers- money. Progris that privatize certain ,-s1cts of the civil service, like "ý,-prsons, and intraduce incentives for doing a good job are some of the ideas I wilpush. Making money available ta small and medium-sized business through access ta equity markets is an idea I have before the Industry Committee now. 1 will continue to push for this and assistance for business formation Iocally. With the help of Durham citizens 1 hope we cari launch a Youth Services Core project ta assist youth who have dropped out of high school get off UI and social assistance. I hope small business will help me accomplish titis. 0f course ail of this wiil take place under the backdrop of a Quebec referendum. 1 will continue ta make the Block Quebecois accountable for every negative utteraflçmadçe against Canada. They are nPt only hurting themselves, but à f s Through ail of this my New Year wish is Jiat Canada will survive and bé a stronger and heaithier place for ail of us to live. Objection iodged against jogging Ganaraskà forest Mrs. pat uâwson, Port Hope, and a member of the Ganaraska (&ontinued page 18> SER"'ING DURHAM REGION SINCE 18411111] FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "WIlere fProfessionc ('Etiquette is important' Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Wiliams Gary M. Conway. Doug R. Rutherford ANS WERING YOURk CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE WELDWOOD TrýTvr Z PARADIGM TRAVEL Your local Travel Consultant for the Durhâm Region Minnie Kaldeway Offers a wîde range of personalized service at yqi0 home or office. 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COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1iMo ON HWY. 115 & 35 - PHONE (905) 983-9151 NNorthcutt Elliott lSEFuneral Homne THOUGHTFIULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kupers - President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanviîîe, Ontario LiC 2Z8 OFF STREET PARKING Tb2anf< ý0i4 Oromo for hsiness... Loo(<in() forwarà to workinqjwid, pou4 in tW~ New Year. Kyjstýma joncs eIt Is Aflordable - It's Fast - It 's Easy e One Bill Does It AUl - Nortlîerni Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 *Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontarin $380) ~aiio aI Packages Avail.ilc al iis paper for details!

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