Vol. 58, No. 48 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4,1995 Santa attends lively Newcastle party Clrington garbagefée reduced. by 35 percent t was a ively Chrisutmas Party for those parents and children invalvcd with the Newcastle Family Connection group a few days before Uic arrival af Santa. 0f course Santa was Uic big attraction for the maorning pragrara but treals were also on Uic menu. The group operates aut af LU Newcastle Cammunity Hall pré- mises wiUi a comrmunity resource centre for parents, caregivers and their children. t is a non-Profit graup and operates an a volunteer basis. The goal of the group is ta provide families with the opportunity for personal growth and enrichment as wcll as ta meet new friends and ta feel comfortable in Uic community. The group operates a Drop-In Play graup for children up ta six years of age. The program allows parents and childrcn ta socialize and play together. ,Tays are, available and an art and craft centre is always open. Snacks arc included for the children. The play group operates Tucsdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. with Uic centre closed fmom 12 noon till 1 p.m. The group also operates a Tay/Rcsourcc Lcnding Library. t allows a child ta have a tay ta try before Uic parent wauld make a purchase or just for Uic novelty of a new tay., Toys may bc on boan for a twa wcek pcriad. The library also contains child care and rclated reading materials for aduits ta borrow. During the pcriod from October through ta May the Connectian Group aperates a Morning Getaway program an Thursday mornings. The pro gram gives parents and caregiver Uthc apportunity ta participate in adult programs of gucst speakers and crafts while the children move ta a more structured play prograni At the present timc thc Newcastle Family Connection group arc secking furthcr members fraom tUicocmmunity. A family membcrship for ahl pragrams cosns $40.00. Further information can be sought by phoning 987-4830. It bas not been that often Uiat anec an start off the new year with a 35 percent reductian ini thc cost of a necessary municipal service. 1 t is ta happen in Clarington Uis year and it takes place with thc first sighting of a Laidlaw garbage compactor. Laidlaw was awardcd a five year contract for garbage pickup'in Clarington bcing the lowest bidder of five fms seeking thc contract. Laidlaw submitted a first year bid of $727,247.80. The bid was $126,000.00 less than the third place bid made by BFI who has hcld thc contract for thc past cight yemr. -Millar Wastc submitted the second place bid in an am nount of $772,836.00. Millar has the contract for the Blue Box program in Durham Region. The highcst bid for garbage collection came in at $1.175 million. t cost Clarington an aniaunt close ta $1.2 million for garbage Urban Bluie ]Box Came April Ist rural residents in Clarington will bc favoured with a full Blue Box rccycling program sitnilar ta that avaîlable in the urban areas of the community for a number of years. According ta Mr. Grant Ashton, of Clarington Public Works, ail mumicipalities offering rural garbage pick-up must include Uic Blue Box program. Clarington had sought Uic program for its rural tesidents and- collection with BFI in 1994. The saving of almost $437,000 with the ncw Laidlaw contract has cffected a reduction in charge ta residcntial units thraughout Uic municipality. Same thrce ycars ago the annual rcsidcntial charge of garbage pick-up was $ 150.00 which was reduced ta $145.00 and last year a further reduction ta $140.00. For Uic ycar 1995 residential units will bc charged a fixed fe of $ 100.00, a savings of $40.00 over Uic 1993, fe charged. The reductian is Uic resuit of Uic, ncw tendered agreemnent wiUi Laidlaw and ta same cffect a reductian ini garbage disposal costs at the Mctro dump at West Brock. Coundil has also passcd a new by-law which restricis Uic number of bags of garbage ta, four as appased ta Uic five bags Uiat were allowed in 1994. Originally the maximum bags ailowed was six. The reductian is raUier unusual but it is happening. comidng Apr&jil will pay Uic cost of tipping fées whilc Uic Region will pay Uic cost of pick-up. The i loduction of Uic Blue Box progLtf will eliminate the nced for the drap-off Igloo centres which are located Uiroughoult Uic municipality anid w il! be remnoved. it is expcctcd that the rural pick-up will cventually be fromn anc side of Uic road only. Ontario Municipal Board agrees with Municipality approves West Bowmanville Commercial area A proposcd commercial devclopment plan first set out i 1988 in the 'west end of Bowmanville reccived approval from the Ontario Municipal Board last weck. The approval from Uic Board generally confirmed Uic intent of council of Clarington and the planning conditions of ic Region of Durham. The decision affects three proposed commercial de vclop- ments located an Highway 2 wcst of Regional Road 57 in Uic west end of Bowmanville. The decision approves a planned development by Mark- borough Properties of 200,000 square feet which will accommadate a major department store and a major food super market. The development would bc located just west of the Canadian Tire store. The devclopment is ta be an open mail. The decis ion also gives approval for a 40, 000 square foot development on Uic north side of Highway 2 and directly west of the new fire hall. The planncd development has been praposed by Willsonia who has said Uiey are ready ta move. The third approval affects lands at ic souU-west corner of Highway 2 and Regional Road 57. A portion of Uic site has been cansidered for a MacDonald's restaurant. The board did place some restrictions as ta Uic type of retail space Uiat can be undertaken in Uic variaus locations. Mayor Hamre lias said that she would hope that construction could start in 1995 and that she is pleased with the decision that runs along Uic uines of the intent made by council. t was also pointed out that residents in the Municipality are suppartive of local commercial development of the nature being considercd for the west end of Bowmanville. Christmas tree pick-u1p Residents of the Municipality of Clarington will have their discarded Christmas Trces picked-up on Monday, January 9Ui. The tra= are ta bc placed out at the curb by 7 a.m. for thc One- day pick-up. Residents should remave all decorations from the- trees before placing it out at thc curb. Hawppenings.. Public Skaing There wiil be Public Skating at the Orono Arena on Thursday fr1.30 - 330. Stepping out briskly The Walking Prograru for Clarington Older Aduits will begin again on January 4th and will be meeting at the Miracle Mart entrance at the Bowmanville Mail. Times 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The wallc talc e place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Further details by calling Doreen German 623-1863. Oddfeflow Turkey Draw Winners The Orono Oddfellows'held their Christmas Card party with 16 tables of play. Draws were made for their turkey draw with the following lucky winners: Linda Taylor, Orono; Susan Jeffery, Oshawa-, Annet Fegan, Bowmanviile; Aprili Peckett, Port Perry; R. Chater, Leska-rd; Kim Rowe, Whitby, Gordon Cotter, Oshawa; George Moore, Bowmanville; J. Potter, Newcastle; and Douglas Cathcart, Kendal. Enebre Resuits Orono Town Hall euchre results for Wednesday, December 28th - high scores: Marie Couroux 103; Hilda Caswell 97; Arvilla Partridge 84; Vi Hayward 83 and Lomna Croçkett with 80. L ow-score Lena Grahamn. Draw wininers Charlie Campbell, Elaine Doty, Helen Thompson, Walter Murphy, Shirley Gordon, Joyce Cowan and May Tabb. Euchre is held every Wednesday ýeývening bgininýgat8 pý.m.Lnc supplied. Vol'. 58, No. 48 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4,1995