a Lîmited action for Donut Gallery Leafs 1The Donut Gallery Leafs saw limited action over mhe Christmas break wimh only one gaine taking place in Sunderland on Tuesday. Unlike the first encounter on mhe srnall ice surface, Orono took command of the gaine early and jurnped into a two goal lead before Sunderland managed to score ridway througb the mhird period. The Leafs seemed to tire late in the gamne as tbey allowed Sunderland to tie it twice in the last five minutes witb tbe last goal coming from a scramble in fr-ont of die Orono net wimh only a little over a minute left in the gaine. The Leafs now bave three weeks to prepare for mhe playoffs. They are starting to come together as a team wimh a series of good efforts over mhepast month and sbould be optimistic about mheir changes. SUMMARY First Period 1. Orono, Hills (Alin) 7:05 2. Orono, Tresise (Hilîs, McAlister) 2:50 Second Period No scoring. Third Period 3. Sunderland, B. Teefy (N. Teefy, Jeffay) 7:24 4. Sunderland, Jeffay (B. Teefy, Doble) 5:19 5. Orono, Webb (Hills, Tersise) 3:18 6. Sunderland, Jeffay (Laarakkew, B. Teefy) 1:34 Final Score Orono 3 - Sunderland 3 Tbe Orono Hockey Parents are bosting their annual dance February il in the Orono Cornmunity Centre wimi proceeds going to minor hockey in Orono. Tickets are now available from eacb of mhe team representatives. Santa brings win to Roughley Novice, team The week before Christmas hustie continue as the defence the team played an exhibition came up with big checks and game against a team from Port clearing passes. #12 Colin Perry. Orono opened the scoring Maitland saved a goal witb bis in the flrst on a goal by 414 Brian checking and #4 Matt Barnes was Pisani assisted by #10 Steve bot. At 7:20 Horners scored as Gregg and #*7 Mike Teixeira. the goalie was secened. Orono Orono would not see another goal wanted tbe win badly and worked until late in the second when #9 bard to regain the lead. Tbey Kevin Martin waiting alone in scored two quick goals, at 2:57 front of the net popped it past the Paul Richter scored unassisted goalie on a rebound sbot by #*8 and at 2:10 Steve Gregg scored Paul Richter. This would be their off the face-off to make it 3-1. Iast goal as they lost 6-2. Brian Pisani was called on to Christmas seemed to pump the make a big save as a Horners boys up as tbey sbowed up player got through the defence December 28 ready to play and got bis sbot away. Homners Petro Canada in a regular Tbe third was scoreless as league game. In net for the first Orono continued to play bard and time was #10 Brian Pisani who put up good defence. Tyler Gregg was ready for tbe. challenge. played well as mhis was bis third Orono showed good hustle in mhe gamne of the day., Pisani in net first as Steve Gregg, Tyler Gregg faced 15 shots and sbowed be can and Paul Richter swarmed around still play net. Tbe coacb was tbe goalie. Greg Dunbam bad pîeased wîtb the boys play and it several good shots and finally put was great to get back on tbe on in at 9:40 assisted by #6 Tyler wmnning road. Gregg. -Congratulations. The second period saw the Geraldi Financial undefeated in '94 The success of Geraldi Financial Tykes continues on inte 1995 as the tearn shows great drive and cornpetitiveness. The last garne of '94 was played on the 3th against Skylight Donuts. Orono's Geraldi Financial downed the Donuts 12- 1. Skylight scored their first and only goal seconds into the first, then Jason Geraldi sweeps in frorn the side and scores unassisted. 1 - 1. Then, stili in the first, Taylor Doyle snapped a quick one in from Doug De Boo and Ryan Knox. 2 - 1 Orono. We start the second period when Taylor Doyle gets bis own rebound and shoots it in to make it3 - 1. Minutes later Jason Gieraldi accepts a pass frorn Joshua Flynn to make the score 4 - 1. SÛRl in the second when Shane Winters passes to Ryan Knox who then passes it to Taylor Doyle and goes down on net and lifts one over the goaltender to make it 5 - 1 Orono Leafs. A minute later, Matt Baxter delivers a smooth pass te Jason Geraldi wbo flips one in to make it6 - 1. We are stili in the second wben Taylor Doyle maneuvers the puck frorn the face-off te Zak Snowden who gets bis second goal of the season te now put the Duffeiin Aggregate enters '95 wîth winning streak On Fr, December 30th Dufferin Sr. Tykes bosted P & P Lift Truck in a contest that allowed them to finish tbe calendar year on a bigb note. Stiff from a holiday sabbatical, Dufferin's garne got off te a slow start. P & P Lift Truck opened the scoring on David Landman (# 17), who mhen stood steadfast between the pipes for mhe remainder of bis inaugural appearance in net. At the'5:00 mark, P & P took a penalty, and one minute later, score ahead 7 - 1 Orono. The last goal of mhe pecriod was- provided by Taylor Doyle, when he takes the face-off and goes down on net and scores unassisted 8 - 1 Orono. Matt Baxter starts the third witb a pass from Jonathon Koerssen when lie wrists one in 9 - 1 Orono. Taylor Doyle gets bis fifth goal of mhe game when lie steals the puck from Skylight and shoots it in 10 -1. Midway through the third and Matt Baxter delivers a great back band sbot, te mhe net wimh a quick pass from Jason Geraldi. 11 -1. The last -goal of the game was scored by Jason Geraldi, bis 4tb of the game, with a nice pass from Rildd Palmateer. Strong defense was sbown by Ian Knox, Sbane Winters, Matt Baxter and Jonathon Koerssen. Helping to the win was Jonathon Gregg. .Playing a stmong game between the pipes was Matt Bester. Notewortby : Orono's Geraldi August 1978 For a day of good old fashioned fun, corne to the Old Kirby Scboolbouse Centennial Reunion. It takes place on Saturday, August 26, 1978, beginning at 1 p.m. The official opening is at 1:45 p.m. A ful scbedule bas been prepared from opening rernarks by dignitanies te dancing to live musicians. On July 27tb the Goodyear plant in Bowmanville donated $ 1,000 to both the Orono and Newcastle arenas. Plant manager, Jack Taylor, presented a cheque to Charles Gray for the Orono arena and Production Manager, Dave King, presented a cheque to Ed Majors for the Newcastle arena. Eacb arena will receive an additional $1,000 nextyear bringing the total donation to $2,000 for each arena. Mr. Clare Gunter, the present rnanager of the Orono Brandi of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, started bis banking career 42 years ago in Coîbome. Clare bas been the bank -manager in Orono for 9-1/2 years and was bonoured at a retirernent dinner party at the Coach and Four Restaurant. August 1988 Chris Boyce (#4), weaving bis way througb P & P from bis own blue lime, notcbed a pretty power- play marker on a pass from Brent Vanstone (4*1. Mark Kelly (4*8) next scored wim 1:51 rernaining in mhe period from Garett Wood (4*12) and Chris Buttonsbaw (#16). The period closed with Dufferin leading 2-1. Kyle Johnsten (#14) played a steliar defensive gamne on mhe blue line, as well as consigning bis energies in delving for the elusive Pinancial were in a tournament December 27 in Newcastle and sbowed great tearn determination. Witb their coachi Gary Geraldi and tearn mate Jason Geraldi down witb the flu, tramner Dan Doyle took over, wimh Manager Bruce Snowden and Darrell Knox belping out. Orono won their first gaine against Bewdley, Taylor Doyle scoring bomh goals and went on te play Newcastle, whicb they know would bo a bard gamne. Josb Flynn and Taylor Doyle scored and it was neck and neck, to tme last 5 min. wben Newcastle spurt ahead and knocked Orono out. Two bustle awards were given for botb games going te Zak Snowden and Taylor Doyle. Superior goaltending in both gamnes by Matt Baxter. Congratulations to Orono's Geraldi Financial. Next regular season gaine is Saturday, January 7 at 3:30. The Orono Minor Tykes wish tbat 1995 be bappy and prosperous for ail. Doug Moffat of Clarke Township was elected on puck along the boards. At tbe mid-point of the 2nd period Mark Kelly (#*8) scored bis second of the nigbt on a pass from Ryan Campney (#5) when be blasted tbe puck between -the P & P goalies' weary legs. Before the period closed, P & P scored once more on, a bigb shot which deflected off David Landrnans' (#17) trapper into the twine. The period closed witb Dufferin sustaining a one goal lead. In mhe third period, botb tearns stepped up the tempo with Landman bandily turning everything aside in Dufferins net. With 5:23 remaining in mhe gaine, Evan Moore (#9) scored the insurance marker from Garrett MacDonald (#*10) putting increased pressure on P & P offense. wimh just over 2 minutes left, P & P pulled their goalie in wbat proved to be a fruitless effort as Doug Garlick (#*11) cemented' tbe gamne witb an emnpty-net marker on a pass from Justin Caruana (4*15). Final score: Dufferin -S5; P & P- 2. Doug Garlick (#Il1) scored bis first goal of tbe season October 21, 1994 and continues to cernent bis reputation as an all-round teain player. Tbursday evening to represent the Durham Rîding Liberals in the next federal election. 319 delegates attending the meeting from the riding made their cboice between Doug Moffat and Ivan Grose of Courtice. 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