Major Novice gives it al and take three wins Orono Majors dump Newcastle 6-1 The OMHA Novice Rep teain venturcd dewn 35/115 Thursday te seck revenge te an carlier loss te their Newcastle rivals. Hardwork cf ail contributed te a 6-1 success. Seemingly endlcss practicing cf break-eut drills paid dividcnds this night as Uic Majors had littie problems exiting Uiir zene. They head manncd the puck throughout, kecpingtheir epponents a stride behind. Midway tbrough Uic first, Brian Bicle opencd the scoring from such a pass by Matt Caruana. Bickl's strong wrist shot feund the mark under the cross bar. Early in Uic second, Oreno's Kyle Allia scered on a backhandcr what would bc Uic game winner wiUi assists gig te Caruana and Pricc.Caruana and Bicklc would each score, with Robinson and Martin aiding rcspcctivcly, before Uic second period as eut. With lcss than a handful cf secends rcmaining in that middle fraine Newcastle got on Uic board on a tip-in off a centring pass from Uic deep corner. Entering the final ten minutes ahead by tinte Uic Majors wcre net about te coast. They continued te press and were rewardcd early with twe quick goals from Uic sticks cf Allia and Mercier. Assisting thc goals were Caruana, with bis fourth peint of Uic night, on Uic Allin goal, Bickle and Robinson on ic Mercier goal. And finally, the Best Non Confermiag Body Contact Award for a Non Contact Age Group goes te Brian Bickle who giviag way te a size advantagc sent an on rushing defeaceman flat te is backsidc. Keep your hcad up Chris, even yeur own players are peteatially dangereus. Orono Novice's struggle past Port Hope Ia a return exhibition game with Port Hope, the Oreno Novice's strugglcd te a 7-3 win. Thursdays impressive play agaiast Newcastle did net continue into Uis Friday nights game. ia the prcvious meeting betwccn these two teams, the Oreno Majors had little ifficulty with their oppenents. This cadeavour, hewever, had the boys make the wia look more difficult Uian they should have. Matt Caruana was one cf thc few who continued from where he left off on his streag play cf the past, this time collecting a goal and twe assists. Brian Bickle centributed with a goal and one assist. Curtis Robinson, Justin "Eddie" Szymczak and Kyle Allmn each netted lone goals. The only defenceman te pick up a peint was Nathan Adegeest who added a singleton te his assist total. Orone outlast Bewdley for a 7-2 win Orono Novices travelled Sunday te Bewdley in their last meeting cf the regular season. After the previeus meetings where the Majors handly beat the team in blue. This outing was just as conviacing a win as were Uic past victeries but thc beginning was net. Bewdley opened the scoring wiUth just twenty seconds ticked off the dlock. A corner shot bounced off thc head cf goalie Ian Crashley dcwn his shoulder and into thc net. Matt Caruana, with Kyle Allia assisting, would tic Uic gamne thirty seconds later. Being tied with Bewdley going inte Uic second peneod was net as in the previeus scripts. Brian Bickle put Uic majors eut i front when Jesse Price relayed a Curtis Robinson bchind the net pass te the uncovered Bickle. But Bewdlcy had some luck remainmng and lied thc gamne with 2:32 remaining in Uic middle frame on a deflected shot that caught Uic Major goalie fiat footcd. Matt Caruana showed he wasn't fiat féotcd as hc teck Uic puck from Uic rcsulting centre ice face-off and netted Uic game wianer semne 7 seconds later. And that was the end of Bewdlcy's luck as Orone's Adegccst 25 seconds later put-a point shot te bcd with Price and Caruana assisting. The Uird was owned by Orono as Uiey baggcd ancUier trie cf goals. Collecting the goals were Robinson, wiUi his first of Uic aftemnoen, Caruana, with Uic hat-trick, and Price, with his fourth peint of Uic affair. It was net a prctty win but a win nonc Uic less. Had Bewdley could have kept Uic wheels going in the second haif the outcome may well have been different. . W t.i. . . ... . FIight NRw It is a tradition Uat bas been in vogue for birders for a number of decades, diat of a Christmas Day ceunt cf birds. It's one way cf bumning off Uic turkey dinner induced-calories if indeed yeu get âime te have such a dinner. For the committed Uic event will'take up all the heurs from daybreak te dawn as the challenge is always there te break the record set last year. Pcrsonally there was ne challenge and the Christmeas Day outiag was ne more than a leisurcly walk frem home downtowa, into the Sid Rutherford Park and then south into thc Trec Nursery property. >No effort was made te drop into the scnior's citizens area where feeders arc gecrally wdll patronized during the winter scasen. The whole walk was a total blank as far as birds wcre coacerred. But Uis has been par for Uic course cf late as our own feeders bas been totally vacatcd No increase in water rates The Region cf Durhamn bas set water and sewer rates which are unchanged from that cf 1994. The water charge for Orono will remain the same as in 1994 which charge was the same for the previeus tbree years. Hope puts trail future in bands of provincial agency Hope Township is censidering handing the develepment of the waterfront trail in the south of the municipality back te the provincial agency involved, the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. The Trust bas-supported the use cf Lakeshore Road as the possible trail, Council on the ether band suggest the road is tee narrow and is in great need cf upgrading te allow both vehicular and bike/walking trafflc. The Trust is banking on municipalities te undertake the development of the trail and that it be in place by the spring cf 1995. The public works department of Hope note that the road in places is ne more than 19 feet wide. it was suggested that Hope ceuld take the same steps as Clarington who refused te allew signs te be placed on Lakeshore Road designating the route cf the trail. Clarington did hoecver allow the map to include a portion cf the trail te be noted running on Lakeshore road. Hope Township is te obtain a price for the upgrading of Lakeshore Road and then te allow the Waterfront Regencration Trust to decide if they wish te previde the funding. by the birds and the level cf s unflowcr sccd and niger secd is remaining constant. But f or Uic committcd it is a différent story and a total of 73 species wcrc chartcd by the Oshawa Cbristmnas Count which takes in an area of a fifteen miles radius from Uic centre cf Uic city. The 73 number is six short of Uic record for Uiat particular arca which bas been scanned for Uic past 40 ycars. The red-breasted Heuse Finch topped Uic list in Uic count with 1116 birds charted. This bas been a grewing nu mber ever since Uic first recording of Uic species ia this area. The ceunt of 519 Robins swamped Uic previous record cf 59 couats in Uic Oshawa area. The Oshawa greup did chart threc new species for the Christrnas count. This lncludcd a Thayers Guil, a Dunlin shore bird and an Orange-Crowned Warbler. 0f course the Amnerican Trec Sparrow was wcll in existence for the count as is always thc lively Chickadec. Aise includcd in the ceunt were Carolina Wrcns and a lone wintcr Wren, a lone Winter Wrcn and a loac Rufus Sidcd Towhee., O SITING TASK FORCE Low-level Radioactive Waste Management GROUPE DE TRAVAIL Choix d'un site de gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs THE CLARIGTON COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP 1995 MEETING SCHEDULE Wednesday, January 11, 1995 Wednesday, February 8, 1995 Wednesclay, March 8, 1995 (tentative) 7:30 p. m. Newtonville Community Hall Church, Street, Newtonville Everyone Welcome For Information Phone Harvey Thompson: 983-9555 SALE 0F LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL TAX SALES ACT Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time) on January 12, 1995, at the Office of the Treasurer, The Corporation of the Municipality ef Clarington, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Ll C 3A6. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at the same Municipal Administrative Centre. DESCRIPTION 0F LANDS MINIMUM TENDER AMOUNT 1) No. 18-17-010-160-04700-0000 $44,447.28 Part of Lot 32, Concession 5 formerly Township cf Darlington Municipality cf Cîarington in the Regional Municipality cf Durham as Iast described in Instrument No. N38727 as -registered in the Registry Off ice for the Registry Division cf Durham, Municipally known as 5411 Langmaid Road, Hampton. Zoning: Agricultural Exception 2) No. 18-17-030-060-07100-0000 $20,429.81 Part cf Lot 30, Concession 7, formerly Township cf Clarke, Municipality cf Clarington, in the Regional Municipality cf Durham, as last described in Instrument No. N29583, as registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division cf Durham. Municipally known as 3403 Concession Road 8, Orono. Zoning: Agricultural Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form cf a money order, bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province cf Ontario Savings Office payable te the Municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent cf the tender amou nt. The Municipality makes neo representation regarding the title te or any other matters related te the land te be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rest with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under the Act. The successful purchaser will be required te pay the amount tendered plus accumulative taxes and the relevant land transfer fax. For further information regarding this sale and a copy cf the prescribed form of tender, contact: Address of Municipality or Board: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 (905) 623-3379 (extension 268) .. . . .. . .