O Orono WoekIy TIni., W.dn.sday~ January 4,1995 ~ Donut Gallery enti The Donut Gallery located on the south lane of Highway 115 were kept busy over the This holiday break I have been ail over the world. Ottawa, London, England, Sweden, Turkey and from there to Washington to visit the U.S. Senate. Are you shaking your head in disbeliet? Well I did this frent my home at no cost to the taxpayers! 1 traveied via the so called "information highway." Over the hoiidays I took the tinte to hook my home computer onto the system. The information highway focuses on one of the major objectives of our government which is to get the highway out to ail high schools - the next generation so-to-speak. .Why is this so important? With the information highway knowledgc knows no borders. For your children and mine the highway wili be essential for us maintaining our position as a leading world nation. The information highway is the slide rule of my fathcr's generation and the calculator and computer of our generation., In simple terms it is one tool for knowiedge and prosperity. The quickcr we master the benefits dhe better. At a recent meeting with representatives of Nofthern Telecom I learned that Canada is the second Iargcst serviced ai-ca by population on the information highway. 'Me first is Singapore. But the goal for Canadians is to use the service. How will tiis systemn assist us as a society? The book I bought, "Internet for Dummies," - which gocs to show you what I think of my ability - points. out that much of thc internet is stili in ils infancy. Even now there are files set up for information on astrology, fixing cars, iandscaping and financial planning. This is not surprising for a system that is growing by 50% per month. Eventuaily we wiil be shopping for groceries, cars, other consumer items and sclecting movies to watch on television. But Uic bigger picture is that ertains seniors Christmas'holiday with a number of activities planned for both kids and seniors. globally knowledge is power. The information highway ailows everyone access to the greatest minds in the worid. Emerging nations, witnessing economic growth, have discovered this and use thc information highway to put its social and cconomic building blocks ini place. Do wc want our kids to be leaders internationally or left behind scrambling for low paying or even minintum-wage jobs? Que of Uic things I did on Uic information highway was broadcast a message to our fellow Canadians in Quebec telling them how ludicrous it is to set up a national goverament in thc province when in fact wc have the technology to talk to each other one-on-one. The federal government has set the establishment of the information highway as its priority and I can sec why. In the New Year I will bc investigating ways our local community coIiege can become what is known as a "server" on the PinlegNews Report Santa was on hand on two week-ends greeting ids and offering refreshments. According to Nick the visits were well attended. Such was the case for the annual senior's party held at the Donut Gallery a few days prior to Christmas. Some of the group are shown above leaving the party. Lindsay Muskies The Lindsay Muskie Juniors wil be playing one of their league gantes in Port Hope this February. It has aroused some talk that the club could consider moving to Port Hope from Lindsay where the fans have been somewhat ficklc this year. Millbrook makes snowmobile decision Milbrook council has given their approval to allow'snow- mobiles to enter the Village via the Medd's Mountain trail. The proposai was made by the Ganaraska Snowmobile Club but had met with considerabie objection. information highway and how schools and public can get on it. It is a great opportunity for us and in particular the next generation for knowledge, for business and future prosperity. PUBLIC NOTICE TO AIL RESIDENTS 0F THE MUN1CIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON Applications for the us e of ail bail fields, soccer fields and Orono Park picnic areas are now being accepted by the Community Services Department. Deadline date for requests of bail field or soccer field use by boîth children and adult groups is: FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1995 If you have questions about the use of any Municipalîy operated faciîity, please caîl 623-3379. Dates of Publication. Wednesday, January 4, 11, 1995 P.O. 4877 Students and staff at The Pines have been very busy with both academic and extra-curricular activities this month. PEER HELPERS This month the Peer Helpers, under the guidance of Mrs. Gibson, conducted a "Thumbs Down to Violence" cantpaign and sold white ribbons to staff and students on December 6. The origin of this day was studied as a day to moura the use of violence in our society. The proceeds wil bc donated to Denise House. A food-toy-clothing drive is also being held to hclp the underprivileged. Each class is having a contcst to bring in the most donations and these will bc given to the Saivation Armny for distribution. THE PINES BAND Under the expert conducting of Mi-. Menheer, The Pines Band demonstrated their skilled playing at their presentation for The Newcastle Health Centre. The residents enjoyed their Christmas renditions and even had an impromptu sing-along! Well donc! TORONTO TRIP On December 14, the Grade Eight students spent an enjoyable, educationai day in Toronto. In the morning they visited The St. Lawrence Market to sample the sights and tastes of the various cultures displayed during this festive season. In the afternoon, the students viewed an excellent presentation of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" at the Young Peopie's Theatre. The day ended with everyone skating at Nathan Phillips Square. A heai-ty thank you is extended to the parent volunteers. CHRISTMAS DINNER On Wednesday, December 21, the staff and students of The Pines enjoyed their fifth annual Christmas dinner together. Students wii hfelp to prepare the dinner ftm the stuffing down to the carrot sticks! The turkeys wil (Continued page 9) THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Specialîty FamiIy Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings - Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey - Basebail - Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1Mo ON HWY. 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