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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jan 1995, p. 7

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- Orono Weekly TMmes, Wdnsday, -January,y119- Thoughts From The Top: What do stiidents have against school dances? Cover Story: This question is asked by every member of student council. 1 always thought that the reason was students have to attend school during the day, so why would they want to go to school at night. 1 was wrong. Next 1 thought it was the price, but I was wrong there too. Students have their own individual reasons why they don't go to school dances. It's up te you if you are going to enjoy yourself at a dance. It is your decisien te either sit tip against the wall and bce bored or enjoy yourself.' The Much Music Dance on Friday had an amazing turn eut. Everyone I knew had a good time - including myself. Th e music, the lights, the people, everything was awesome. Wiseman's Advice: For tic Valcntine's Dance, how about some spot dances or door prizes. Critic's Corner: There should be a transportation te and from dances. Yeu migbt actually get a better turnont. - John Kwaschen, Gr. 11. Lotsa Complaints: For the prizes wc have te pay at the dances, why can't they make tiem longer, instead of threc hours. - Derck Barton, Gr. Student's View: Dances are enjoyable because you get toelie witi your friends This Saturday was really fun becanse I went to picket with my Grandma. It was ber first time picketting and it was my flrst time picketting. We picketted at Glaziers Mecical Centre, and my sign said I SUPPORT MY GRANDMA! My Dziadek (that's my Grandfather) is also supporting Grandma. Like I said, it's Grandma's first time picketting. It's Dziadeks first time wasiing dishes. 1 think they've been married about 37 years, and tbey bad 6 children and THIS IS lIS FIRST TIME WASHING DISHIES! Irm proud of him, too! Anotier thing my Dziadek is doing te support Grandma is grow a beard. Most men have enough hair te grow a forest. My Dziadek grows se little hair he couldn't grow a dead lawn. l'in supporting Grandma also by letting my peach fuzz grow thicker. Mom says it's more busiier thmnDziadek's! After yeu walk about a million miles up the street and down the strect and up the street and back, I jnst liked te bang aronnd tic fire in the barrel whici kccps yen very warm. And 'tien, the and listen to the music. - Nick' Hand, Or. 11. Eight Bail: The students who come to the dances have a good time. I just wish more students would attend the dances. - B. Heeringa, Co-op Teacher. Feedback: When I ask a student if they will be attending an upcoming dance and their answer is ne. Their reason? - No one goes to those dances - their boring. Obviously if they thonglit about what they had just said they would understand my frustration. - Trish Dubean, Clarke Prime Minister. Flashback: At Clarke's Much Music dance, there was a prize for the person wbo could do the cheesiest '80s dance. Do I smell cheddar? In Other News: Schools from around Orono, Newcastle and Newtonville stopped by to see the Clarke's Semi-annual Career Fair. There was a little bit of everything there. Everything from Bank Clerks to Mecbanics. Hard work went inte making those projects. Nothing good gets accomplished without hard work In the Future: Smile - Friday is the last day of classes for this semester. Frown - exams are next week. Famous Lasi Words: Fun is what you niake it . .. bottom lime. picketting nurses werc very kind and caring about my appetite. My vcry linge appetite. Ticy bad boxes of chocolate. Very big boxes of chocolate witb very big chocolate. Very delicieus chocolate. Enongli te fill my stemaci, that I told mom I didn't need supper! Yup, those nurses took really good care of me on the picket line. Boy, I can't wait until next week, and I hope they bave more chocolate for me. I miglit even share some with My mom .. . well, maybc net. 1 tiink the doctors must miss my Grandma. Tbey even had te close the clinic for a twe-heur lunch break. 1My Grandmna is ACE! She just gets ont there on the picket line and says: "Alrighty, then, let's march!". And, away we go, np the street, and down the street, and, back te thc flaming barrel. Boy, my Gyrandma knows how te strut ber stufft Butthie pays net ail that great. She is, iowever, getting reaily goed at geuting up early te start that darned fire in the barrel te keep ber, and her union sisters warm. Maybe sie ceuld change careers. Bnt, 1, heard firestarters end. up in jail, and I weuld miss October 1988 Tickets are stili available for the Big Band Dance at the Orono Town Hall Saturday night. The seunds of Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller are te ring eut with the sounds of the 1940's. The Orono Town Hall Board of Management now has the approval of council to sign a contract te replace the windows in the Orono Town Hall. The council bas given the board $7,292.00 in funding. The new windows wifl be maintenance free and Fersina Durham of Oshawa have the contract. Residential building in Newcastle continues te set new record with 1387 units se far this year cempared to 1108 in the sanie period last year. The Orono Figure Skating Club congratulates Tanya Clemens who passed the Starliglit dance at the Faîl Scbool in Oshawa. This completes the Senior Silver Dance Category for Tanya. The club also congratulates Tracy Eames who passed the American dance at the Faîl School in Oshawa. This completes the Junior Silver Dance Category for Tracy. Orono Cubs and Beavers last Saturday polisbed and sold apples in Downtown Orono for their annual Apple Day event. Thle Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono Brandi, is holding a cake draw in aid of the Osbhawa-Whitby-Newcas tle United Way. The draw is being held October 28. Branches in Newcastle and Bowmanville are holding similar draws. Laura Bridgett of Kirby Public School placed third overail in the girl's division of the recent Harrier Run while Andrew Hansen also of Kirby Public School was the first overaîl for boys. Eleven members- of the Orono Patiinders along with five Orono Girl Guides took to the hilis over the past weekend for a somewhat frosty campent at the Aluin farm north of Orono. The group arrived on Friday evening to make camp and in the rain of course and stayed until noon Saturday. October 1978 The Planning and ber, se weuld have te bide a shovel in a chocolate cake se she could escape. 1 neticed when Grandma ate dinner after picketting she was hungry. Se inngry she conld have caten a herse and cbased the rider. But, sie's getting lots ef fresh air, wbich is geod fer the appetite. Her appetite is almost as good as mine new. But, I want these nurses te know that I like chocolate a wboe lot more than my Grandma dees. Alrighty? I SUPPORT MY ORANDMA. And, I hope yen do tee. Yonr fereign correspondent, Oshawa Burean, the enc-and-only Kyle MacDonald. Development Committec of the Town of Newcastle on Monday night recommended to counicil a report from the planning director concerning lands owned by the Town in the Orono Estates. In a report it is recommended that Lot 21, at the south of the Orono Estates bce used te establish a pedestrian walkway and that the remainder of the lot be developed as a tot lot. It was also suggested that the Town erect a fence on the west and east side of the lot to protect abutting owners. Repairs and renovations are underway at the old Kirby Public School wbich late in August saw the celebration of the one hundredth year for the school. The estimated cost of the exterior Tales ToId Twic e THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddfings Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey* Basebal Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont LOB iMO 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES -CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK RR. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB iMo ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 CK AUTUREffRA1L- NNorthcutt EIIiott {î~Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street1 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z OFF STREET PARKING SmKELDING e'FUEL LTDS SINCE 1958 SPECIALIZING IN FURNACE FUEL DELIVERIES BESIENIuAL' " AUTOMATIC FURNACE OIL DELIVERY " 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HEAT SERVICE " SENIOR'S DISCOUNT " EQUAL BILLING PLANS " PARTS PLANS AGRICULTURAL à CONSTUCTION " OAS " DIESEL " OUALITY TEXACO LUBRICANTS " MOTOR OILS - GREASES " HYDRAULIC & GEAR OILS " COMPETITIVE PRICES " EXCELLENT SERVICE LOCALLY OWNED &'OPERATED BY CHRIS & ROSEMARY COOPER COME SEE US AT OUR FULL SERVICE GAS BAR 26 CHURCH ST., NEWTONVILLE 786-2502 ýbriants@ work has been set at $9,200.00. Hockey registration has taken a cip in Orono as it bias all across the nation. Up to this point a total of 125 boys have registered to play hockey under the banner of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association. This compares to a figure of 180 during the 1976- 1977 season. There bas also been a dip in registration for figure skating. The Durham Senior Citizens Lodge are -looking for the completion of their complex around December 1. To this date 25% of the forty units have been rented. Members of the fundraising committee for the Orono Arena and Community Centre complex feit that with the number of money raising projects being undertaken in the area that they would continue with a canvas rather than sponsoring meney- raising projects. More ]t~ ef ec ~by Kyle MacDonald

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