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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jan 1995, p. 2

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2 - Oronu Weekly Times~, Wodnesday, January ~5, 1905 Qi-anc Weekfy 2inws 5310 Main Street, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 416~-983-5301 Roy C. Fonoester, Owner-Edito4' Su bscription $1700 per annum (nwkids G0T) Letters to Editor important I know of nothing in a newspaper that is more universally read dma that of Letters . to the Editor. At times they may cause problemns for the editor but that is part of the job. It could be argued that few things in a newspaper reflect more clearly the vitality of the community than that of letters to the editor. Their popularity does speak loudly of this point. It is our understanding that although we may do the work in publishing the newspaper, present our viewpoint editorially at times, report meetings and perhaps collect a féee bucks along the way mhe paper really belongs to the comniunity. It is, in the end, the community miat sponsors the weekly editions. Letters of opinion are a bright spot in any publication and the Orono Weely Times should bce no different. It may take some effort to take pen in hand and scribble out a view point but in the end it wrnl fmd interest across the board of one manner or another. There is an opportunity for what might bu called verbal debate no bloodied or broken noses. The Orono Times is here to bu a soapbox for members of mhis community to stand on. No matter what is wnitten by those who choose to write letters to a newspaper, the reader lias something to leam. At the very least he leamas how is neighbours thinks. The opportunity for omhers to express opinions through the written word is a responsibility of the local press. Reader interaction is one of the vital signs of a healthy community newspaper and therefore, of a healmhy community. Send in your letters of opinion we would appreciate them. Before signing off on mhis issue bu sure to read the letter to the editor in mhis issue of mhe Orono Times by Wihma AlIEn. in sure you will agite that letters to mhe editor are important and interesting. Comning event The Canadian Red Cross Blood donor clinic is being held on Wednesday, February 1 front 12 noon until 8 p.n. in mhe Bowmanville Lions Centre, Beech Street. AHl new donors welcomed Kendal Column by Phyflis Lowery As 1 look eut the window while I amn writing this, aiî I can sec is snow. After ail the rain and milder weather I think we have been spoiled, 1 had to use the snow blower before getting out wo church. 1 didn't sec anyone at the ski hilI, perhaps mhe snow is too wet for bhem to groom. The scencry around looks so whibe and dlean but driving can be a little wouchy. Despite the weather, there was a good turnout at church. Thse service opened wimh Rev. Black weicoming everyone and bringing the coming events wo our attention. Thse opening hymn was, "The Church's One Foundation" followed by the Invitation to Worship, the Prayer of Approach. The hymn, "On This Day of Celebration". The Prayer of Self- Examination and the Words of Assurance were given. The children were called forward, David asked mhem what would mhey do if they came wo an intersection and a policeman was there and he held up bis hand? They ail said they would stop. What wouid they do if the policeman was waving his hand? They answered go forward. David then asked themn why they wouid obey the policeman? They answered because he boid them wo do it. They would do it because the policeman knows what he is doing, he wouid keep mhem safe. David mien boid them mhat Moses was like that as he led his people, but he feit tmat there should be limits set, David asked what limits were? The answers were, ruies, rules and commandmenbs, God gavc Moses 10 Commandments. These were s0 mhe people would bc kept safe and faithfui w God's will. The children's hymn was, "Jesus Loves The Little Children". The seripture was from John 1:35-39. The sermon was titled, "Called Like Andrew,". Do you remember when you became a Christian? Do you know what being a Christian is? Are you a Christian? t is flot really important to know the answer to these questions, except for the first question. An answer to when and how is in the story of Andrew. Andrew as a disciple of John mhe Baptist. Andrew was one of those people who knew mhat there was more to life than just eating and breathing, had he lived in another century Andrew would have probably been a follo wer of Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. or Robert McLure. Andre found in John, some of the answers but even the vision of truth that John the Baptist could share with him was not enough. John knew mhatone was coming after him who would bc worthy of following. When Jesus came, John gave Andrew his blessings when Andrew wanted to follow Jesus and learn more. The most terrible moment in a true atheist's life must be when he holds his first born child in his hands and says, "Thank you Lord" for in bis heart he is denying that he is really an atheist. A woman who dlaims to be an agnostic, utters a prayer for the safe return of her son from danger. she prayed to God oblîvious to the fact that she believed neither in God or in prayer. Dwight Eisenhower said, "There is no athcists in tbe trenches." We were created to bu friends with God, to live in His love. We do not always live this way, some people don't know this, they try different things. They become self-centered and egotistical, their world revolves around themselves. But they soon find themselves empty and mnadequate. Some try drugs and alcohol, when they are on a high they feel fine, mhe world is okay ib is easier to cope with reality than when they are sober, but they must come down sooner or later and face mhe real world. They are only hiding from it. Andrew was a Christian, he could say that he became a Christian mhe day that he decided to follow Jesus, instead of John the Baptist. Jesus asked them what did mhey want, they asked, where do you live. What they really meant was that they wanted to spend time wimh Jesus, to listen to His teachings. Andrew did this, he listened to Jesus and made his own decision to follow Jesus and become a Christian. This is the only way we can truly become a Christian, listen and read His words. Some can tellitme exact time this happened to them, jusb as some cari tell the exact ime they feli in love. You may be able to tell the exact rime you felt truly cbmpetent wo drive a car, but cari you tell the exact time you became a Christian? Andrew knew when he became a Christian. We were born able to be a Christian. We Teachings of Jesus", you cari find them in the New Testament, in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This is your choice to make. 'Me hymn, "Everyday People" was sung. The Prayer of Thankfulness andi the Prayer of Concern and Commitment given. The closing hymn was, "In Christ There Is No East Or West". The Newtonville Pastorate are once again holding a "Time and Talent" auction, in mhe C.E. room at Newtonville Church on Saturday, Mar Ch il at 7 p.m. Frank Stapleton will be auctioneermng. Watch mhe paper in days wo come for lists of what you can bid on, always lots of good home baking and crafts and services. GIad w hear that Burns Hoy is home from hospital once again. Margreta Stevens is n ot in mhe besb of health but has been able wo reburri to hier apartment in Newcastle. Susan French is presently a patient ini Bowmanville Hospital. We wish a speedy recovery wo all. Lately 1 have buen trying to do some research so that 1 cari put together a family hi.story. Lt is truly amazîng how you cari get caught up in doing this, the names you keep coming across, the ties you may have, even though distant, mhat connect you with other families. It can give you a headache but mhe more you find out the more you want to learri. One side of the tree may bc open to see, but omher branches are hard to find. If anyone has any knowledge of how bo go about this in an easy way, please let me know. I would appreciate any data regarding the Lowery family prior wo 1900. Question . . . What's in a narne. Answer . .. You wil find out when you try tracing your ancestors. This is my own personal answer. St. Saviour 's Anglican Cljurch MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interim Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHO0L and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAIL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. *Mervyn Russell S Marlene 0 -~ Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 9815502 SUNDAY, JANUARY 29TH Kirby United 9:30 am. Orono United il1:00 a.m Leskard United Church 6:15 p.m. Potluck Supper and Service Supper 5 p.m. -Service 6:15 p.m. Everyone Welcome EXPLORERS Wednesday, January 25th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. ANNUAL MEETINGS Kirby United Church Tbursday, January 26th Pot-luck Supper 6 p.m. Meeting 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church Thursday, February 2nd Pot-luck Supper 6:30 p.m. Meeting 7:30 p.m. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. 'Stutt.'s Pharmacy r- j

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