The old Potato Sack event The Potato Sack race is flot really a newiy invented race or event for kids. It is one that had been handed down through tie ages. New inutissoak-up Claiington idstllspace Beavers at the rment Winter Activity Day ail had a try at Sack Racing and from al appearances it is a tricky to-day as years ago. Letter to the Editor January 19, 1995. Dear Roy, In last week's edition of the Orono Times you published a letter from a Tom Henderson of Orono, who complaîned about receiving "unwanted propaganda" from My office. Let me begin by saying that the Legisiative Assembly are the governing body responsible for setting the rules and authorization on the type of information and indeed the frequency for the sending of information to constituents in a fiscal year. These rules and regulations apply to ail MPPs of every party. No one is allowed to exceed their limits wbich are of course subject to close scrutiny by officers of the Legislative Assembly. Mr. Henderson made reference to the distribution of unwanted propaganda as being an inexcusable waste of taxpayers money. Let me remind Mr. Henderson, who in 1991 by way of a mail-back card, requested our office to provided him with information about the Ontario Liberal Party,, about their spending. In the last fiscal year the Liberal caucus overspent their caudus budget by $336,000 then refused to voluntarily repay the money. As a resuit, the Legisiative Assembly have docked the Liberal caucus 1995- 96 allotment to recover part of their unauthorized spending. Also, the Liberal MPP for St. George., St. David., Tim Murphy spent more than any MPP in the entire Legislature during last year. The focus of the information which I send out is naturaliy to keep people infor med about programs, legisiation and the way the province is being governed. 0f course I expect this, information, in the main news about how programs are doing, to be considered in many different ways. To some one like Mr. Henderson, who bas been hostile over most everything the govemnment bas done since we were elected in 1990, I expect the good and factual information to be considered by him as unwanted propaganda. On the other side of the coin many people consider the information in another way. People get on the maiing list at my office through sending in mail-back cards in which they request information on any number of issues to be sent to them from time to time. Mr. Henderson did that too. So since 1991 we have sent him information on the issues hc bas told us by way of the mail-back cards are of interest to him. We are more than pleased to remove bis name from our mailing list but a check of the records bas failed to uncover such a request. 1 always find it such a pity when people write letters to tbe news media over something that could be fixed by a caîl to my home (listed in the telephone book) right here in Orono. But alas somne people just like to make political hay over really simply issues. I suspect that the 'burr under the saddle' of Mr. Henderson is some lingering dissatisfaction with the Social Contract. I would question if many people living, in the real world would agree that cutting the cost of government, aibeit through the Social Contract or other ways, is seen as being an irresponsible decision. Finm hearing most people still demanding more cuts in governmnent. Gordon L. Mils, C.D., M.P.P. Durham East Agri-Tourism Topic for Annual Meet Agri-tourism - trends, challenges and opportunities wil be the theme of the keynote According to the Report On Clarington, a quarterly publication by Clarington, eight new firms took occupancy of more than 200,000 square feet of industrial space in 1994. One large addition to Ciarington's industrial base was the creation of the NCR Indu striai Centre at the former Delta Faucet site on Baseline Road in south Bowmanville. New City Resources, an environmentai research and development and plastic recycling technology firm, began ful operations earlier this month. The new owner of the property is Mr. Au Bak Ling, chairman of the Blauson International Group of Hong Kong. NCRs Director of Global Operations, Keith Platt, helped attract the new company to Clarington citing the municialitys strategic location as a major plus in its relocation decision. Plant manager Kevin OYKane, formerlY of Vancouver, oversees the operation for 32,000 square foot plant. New City Resources bas created approximately twenty fuil-time jobs. New City Resources shares the NCR Industrial Centre with another new Ciarington business. Clarington Wholesaie, a food warehouse and distributing centre. The Centre empioys tbiry-three people and is operated by its general manager, Mr. Don Culmore. These two above businesses arc but two of a number of businesses that have made their way to Ciarington according to the quarterly report- Rushwood Truss, Akorn Steel, Micro Precision Plastics, Kelly Atlantic and Animal Milk Products are also new firms entering Clarington in the past year and now located in former vacant industrial space., The 50,000 square foot expansion at the Bowmanville Mail in itself brought seven new businesses to the municipaiity including Met Mart which created 30 new jobs. speaker at the Durham Region Farmu Fresh Marketing Associa- tion Annual Meeting, February 1, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. at the Port Perry Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Mffairs boardroom. Michael Haywood, Acting Director, School of Hotel and Food Administration, University of Guelph, bas just completed a study of agri-tourism froin botb an Ontario perspective and an European perspective. He will be showing some of our similarities, differences and tourism trends. Tbe Durham Region Farm Fresh Marketing Associations 3rd Annuai Meeting wil follow Mr. Haywood's presentation. Committees have been active in promoting Durham Regîon's Farm Fresh Products. Details of their activities will be available on February 1, 1995. In total over seventy new businesses opened operations in Clarington in 1994. St. Marys and Ontario Hydro continue to create expansion in the community with investment of over $3 million in new construction Iast year. MICHELLE'S GROOMTNG "For thefour-leggecl memrbers of yourfamily." Certlfied Master Groomer 20 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario L1B 1H6 (905) 987-1870 iFREE* Whoppera Mà M *Buy a Whopper* and Medium fries at the regular price 3 * and get a second Whopper* FREE! Mî *Lr 1 à à EXPIRY ATE: FEUR2819 * F»6 M. FMC EBRE IGCROAIN019 DUHA MEI Peoaepreseintethisdcoup o beor cosdern. No eso ln eM *r evaiceshan other ff or ocsh idviaue. Applicable iy.Yo poiin taxesabe by barer.eolwocid onyha e ecatend eedln *er Bur erice; Highwa ctyae ivrs401.r amlyorfie o eol * ihpyia iaiiis tesaerpeettvso uiia rrgoa TThe NW CNDIATE foracordtw condumesibandongotersector" ctegorhies on the The PurRose regona pnin temmewl aed p otonsme adcnthprovifloaer ln mcare service dotheneetted idivreduasfthe Dcrhmunit ou I sh o ealeofth e Dsoit e ar oximat l 0to r30 h iour pr onth to the poersitn. lC n tsrs reenle rham reei ohaerecntiy r ceie ongte Dterictaresrithenir dfiece gv)rs3-4eitherfapictior nsri nd orteop wihp ysic sabi ualicti onhers a e f ree a f2uniiplr9 rg5n. wl ominsru;mult- crlou;thadocacty gop nebr of theDuhmRgo H aned a uhwl esbet h rvsos of the Durham Rofgionoasaaiohoand logtercaino r servict. ettedvreneso h uhmRgo 2