10 - Oromo WeekiY T1s, Wednesday , ebruary 21995 Bringing the Garden Indoors vinery. Battenburg lace on the windows sheds a dappled pattern of light on the French Country baskets and ýneedie-point cushions. An elegant wrought iron table is set for t'wo beneath a matching candelabra. Tail plant stands brimming with life-like ivy, wall sconces with tailing candie rings, and colourful garlands replete wîth fruit and foliage add drama to the custom painted armoire with its sweeping curved top and blocked and stencilled cabinetry. The adjoining studio room contains twig and wicker furniture, painted chests and unique accent pieces as well as It's easy te forget the winter blalis when you enter the door of Newcastle House on Highway 2 in Newcastle'. Its a combination of spring scents and summer bouquets that fill the nose and eyes with wistful thoughts of the garden. Anu Thorne, proprietor and Interior Designer, has spent the last few years planning and preparing for a specialty store in the Home Decor/Gift line that specializes in. "bringing the outdoors in". Located just west of town, Newcastle House was given a major facelift this past summer i preparation for the new business. It has been a combination residence and retail store for over 40 years and was known Iocally as the "Hollows" or as "McCrimm'ons Antiques". The- shops are at the back of the white wood dwelling and stepping inside is like enjoying the best of what your summertime garden has to offer. Honey-coloured, planked floors are decorated in painted ih e oportio of e CLARINGTON ANIMAL CONTROL REMINDER - PROTECT YOUR DOG 1995 DOG LICENCES ARE AVAILABLE NOW ALL DOGS ARE REQUIRED TO BE LICENSED ANNUALL Y UNDER CLAR1NGTON B Y-LA W 87-156, SECTION 7 A. LICENCE FEES: $20.00 FOR THE 1ST AND 2ND DOG PER RESIDENCE $30.00 FOR THE THIRD DOG Heip us return your lost pet. Save the worry and the cost of impound fines and additionai board fees. We regulariy return icensed dogs home without needing to impound themn. Ciarington encourages owners to buy their annual dog licenses with discounts: SAVE - $ 2.00 FOR EARLY PURCHASE - BEFORE MARCH 1ST SAVE -$ 2.00 WITH PROOF 0F CU RRENT RABI ES VACCINE SAVE - $1 0.00 WITH PROOF 0F NEUTER Owners who purchase a license for their neutered, vaccinated dog before March lst wiii oniy pay $6.00. There are severai outiets seliing Municipal tags for your convenience: Micheles Grooming in Newcastle Roiph's Hardware in Orono Courtice Pet Clinic Licence Bureau in Bowmanville Municipal Administrative Centre Animal Control i , MUNICIPALTY 0F ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, February 22, 1995 PO. 4889 the sample boards of stencil work and blocking that Anu offers hier customers. This is a full1 service interior decorating "house" offering everything from "consuitation" to "design and instail". Over the past eight years Anu has helped hundreds of new homeowners coordiniate their interiors and lias decorated model homes for several local bulders. The ýmusie takes you to a summer place; your eyes take in the roses, sunflowers and poppies; and the air has the balmny scent of springtime forgotten. les the indoor garden at Newcastle House. by Troy Young STEDMANS 987-5187 21 SKin S t. W ., Ntewc987-1978t The War Amps saga: If's fime for... i The War Ampsi PUBLIC N011CE WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS MARCH 1, 1995 TO APRIL 28, 1995 Weight Restriction Regulations wili be in force on ail roads under the jurisdiction of the Municipality.of Clarington from March 1, 1995 to, April 28, 1995. Vehicle Ioads are restricted to FIVE <5),TONNES PER AXLE, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, cH8, s1 22. Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Municipaiity of Clarngton 40 Temperanoe Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 1,MUNICIPALIfY 0 ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, February 22,1995 Wednesday, March 1, 1995 P.O. 3997 SONY _TELEVISIONS SANYO L CAMOORDERS PANASONIC VCs HITACHI ' hEOE FISHECOMPUTERS TECHNICS GOLDSTAR SEE YTM IBM MICROWAVE OVENS COMPAQETC ETC JVC jo lp9 MRW 9 ElFRI '1 'j ______________ _______________ VISA - MASTERCARD __69 - 3 O INTERAC BANK CARD 697-0310_____ AMERICAN EXPRESS 1982 15 King Street W. VERICHEQUE - CASH 'Bowmanviiie, Ont. Authorized Servicentre For 10DIOSIACK :Most Major Brands 0f Electronic Equipment Dealer VISA