Orono Weekty Times, Wedn esday, Feb rus ry 22, 1995 - 5 Letter to the Editor It is often said that "People get the kind of government they deserve." I don't know what we ever did to deserve Bob Rae's N.D.P. but I would like to thank them! Thanks to the N.D.P., in general, and Gord Milis, in partieular, I got involved in the political process for the first time. This past weekend, myseif and 400 other P.C.s nominated Mr. John OToole as our candidate in the, soon to be announced, provincial election. This timne, we will get the kind of govemment we deserve! Peter A. Etmnanskie Coimcil Br:iefs Clarington issued a total of 16 new home building permits during January comparing with seven in the same period in 1994. Property fires were down in Clarington in January 1995 to 20 comparing with 27 in the same period in 1994. Likewise false alarms decreased as did miscellaneous calîs. There was an increase of 2 calîs to 17 in rescue calis and an inerease to 16 from 4 on medical calîs this past month compared to a year ago. General Purpose has approved the construction of a landscape projeet for the Riekard Recreation Complex in Bowmanville at a cost of $ 130,000 of which amount Clarington will pay $43,333.00. The plan includes a sidewalk into the complex from Martin Road/Highway 2 in tersection with a central focus centre using paving stone, overhead lattice and landscaping. Trees are also to bc planted and to be decorated with twinkle lights and morality lights. The largest to get even bigger The largest resort centre in Northumberland County on the shores of Rice Lake, Golden beach is hopeful of getting even bigger than the present 57 cottages and 300 trailer sites which are servieed with water and for sewers and satellite TV. The owners vision a further 265 full-serviced sites and after a number of years in the planning stage hope to start this year to phase in some of the new trailer sites. No thought of annexation Hope Township bas told Port Hope that Hope has no intention of allowing Port Hope to annex the Welcome Low Level Nuclear waste site. Port Hope-had suggested that it be annexed by the town to Sharing gift of reading Port Hope High School seniors students are eaming extra '94 Buick LeSabre Wht ,,D lae '93 GMC Jimmy 5300 k. .24 e9. credits this term. They are active in being reading tutors for children at two publie sehools. Eachi tutor is assigned four students and they work one-on- '94 Buick LeSabre One. The High School students attendcd to pre-training for the reading at the READ Centre in Cobourg. The Centre has 98, '94 Pontiac Maroon,........ e volunteers and 68 aduit students taking part in the Centres program as well as assisting the students. PONTIAC iev Astro Bon neville '94 Cf Black, oacle. -1- t '93 Pontiac Grand Arn '93 Lumina Z34 Green,4 cyl. 20,0k. $ 52 . Whit, lade 18,000 m'. $1 e65 192 Regal LT D. '92 Chev Astro '92 Buick Park Avenue '92 Pontiac Bonneville '92 Lumina APV '90 Buick LeSabre '92 GMC Pickup SLE '90 GMC SLE Ext. Cab '92 GMC Jimmy SLS 1 W hite le O.d '93 Chev Silverado Ext. Cab 4x4 '91 GMC Jimmy . e., kt Bluefule i h Chck Olit the Ail e ,2271, pe222th Su fre *Capital Cost Reduction $3,000.00, +Taxes, Licence, Freight, Security Deposit, OAC, 36 months S'S~ Ifeo h ekcrs brer hopig ave.. $$ he ead .. -*.- ..e .FRANK L .UIA PONTIA 1-0-6-85 rloa .0-8585 PETERBOROUGHN ~~ FRANK LAURIA f PONTIAC BUIÇK PORT HIOPE HWY. # 2 COBOURG LA U114 '92 Pontiac Transport e. '94 GMC SLE Ext. Cab .uly.oddd.o ýâ