Q Orono students thoroughly enjoyed the above theatré groujj There was ne less of attention span last week at the Orene Publie Sehool when the school body was entertained with some live theatre and certainly geared te the likes of public schoel students, It was the "We Are One Theatre" greup of Terento, whe were entertaining at the scheel presenting Mime and dance with the student intent on catching every meve ef the four characters enacting the story "A Cat and a Letter to the Editor In the Highway 115/7th-8th Concession Read area, on Menday, February 20, 1995 areund 11:00 a.rn., ene ef rny neighbours shot and killed rny deg because the deg allegedly killed his poultry. My deg was wearing a distinctivecellar, 1995 tags and therefere ebvieusly was a pet. What this man did is perfectly legal under the Livesteck, Peultry and Honeybee Protection Act. Because he called in Animal Centrol te pick up the deg after sheotmng hlm, 1 arn in the position of net being allowed te know where and hew it happened. What is ironic is that 1 was searching my property when ail the degs didn't cerne back frem their run that morning, and then was driving around the neighbeurhoed, ail the time dreading what I right fmnd In the seven years I have lived here, I have receîved ne cemplaints about any ef rny three degs. Should I have received any, I weuld have taken corrective measures because net enly de 1 look after my dogs, I aise respect my neighbeurs. My dogs are loved as much as seme people love their children. They were trained se as te hopefully flot be a nuisance and te respond te cornrands for their ewn and others' protection. They were exercised regularly se that they wouldn't run wild, even though we have 274 acres en which they could romp. They were gentie and loving dogs. I arn a responsible persen, and completely accountable for the actions of rny degs, both rnorally and by law. None of this was eneugh te prevent this tragedy. If my dog did îndeed kil this rnans chickens, the dog didn't know that what he was deing was wrong and the fact is that the chickens were already dead and nething could change that. Was exacting the full punishment that the law allows for what was, te rny knowledge, a first effence ab solutely necessary and did it make any of this any better? 1 would have paid rnany more times this man's damages if he weuld have just rnade the effort te let the dog live, and let me tiy te correct the situation, even if this would have rnmeant that rny dogs would net be let loose for the rest of their lives. I arn a farmer tee and have had numerous- stray and neighbourhood degs on my preperty harassing rny pets and near my cattie, but I have neyer reserted te shoeting, though under this law 1 would have been allowed te do se. Until 1 fmnd eut what transpired, 1 will always wonder which neighbeur ceuld be se callous as te kili a ioved pet, ever a paltry financial less fer which he would be compensated regardless, and in fact has been compensated by me threugh a intermediary, because he wishes te rernain anenyrneus. 1 arn geing public with this issue because I sincerely hope ne one ever has te go through an erdeal like this. This is like a hit and run accident that haunts you for the rest of your life. Werse yet, 1 know one of rny neighbeurs is involved. A copy of this Livestock Act will be left with the edîter of this paper. Dog ewners should make themselves familiar with this piece of provincial legisiation. While the original intent rnay have been te protect. farmers from lesses incurred by degs, whereby ewners of degs denied respensibility for either the dog or the loss, this iaw ailows for yeur deg te be shet under many ether non-livestock contact scenarios. This law does net require the farmer te exercise any discretion. Many deg ewners are, unfortunately, completely irresponsible, and dracenian laws such as this are the resuit. Knowing what happened would help me put this incident inte perspective. 1 do net want revenge because that wouldn't bring my dead dog back, and any negative action after the fact is poîntless. This man insisted that Animal Control relay a message te me about how sonry he was. 1 wish that he would tell me himself. Linda Gasser Best Road, Orono Deg" written by Marvin Ifhrnael. And adding te what was befere the students they aise became particpants in the play edf being respectful of ethers as well as for eneseif. Authorized Sales & Service Centre for:, Elusive busing agreement The development of busing arrangements between the public and separate schooi boards is stili well in the distance. The Separate Scheol Board at a recent meeting refused te pass an agreement that would have allowed students from the two systems te ride in the sarne buses. The agreernent being sought would include students from three public boards.-The probîem is that of walkng distance te school for the varieus age greups. The separate board will just net make a change. It is reported that there is rnuch te save with joint use of buses. - Camcorders - VCR's Stnce - M icrowaves 198Z - TVs - Accessories - Stereo Systems - Telephones -Top 100 CD's & Tapes PANASONIC - SANYO SONY - JVC - GOLDSTAR (JiI~WILDWOOD PARADIGM TRAVEL Vour local Travel Consultant for the Durham Region Minnie Kaldeway Offers a wide range of personalized service at y=..U home or office. Business, Corporate & Personal Travel featuring " Domestic & International Air Travel - Hotels/Car RentaIs " AIl Inclusive Resorts - Cruises " Last Minute SeIl Offs - Ski/Golf Packages - Group Packages - Travel Insurance Fax 905-983-5916 or caîl Toll Free: 1-800-563-8111 Ext. 411 Ont. Reg. No. 4244372 PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS At a meeting held on April 11, 1994, the Ceuncil of the Municipaîity of Claringten passed a resolution which states that once each quarter, one regularly scheduled Council meeting wil be held at a suitable location in either Ward 1 or Ward 3. Accordingly, the Council meeting scheduled te be held on Monday, March 13, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., will be held at the Tyrone Communitýr Centre, in the Village et Tyrone. ONTARIO Date of Publication: Patti L Barrie, A.M.C.T. Municipality ef Claringten 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontarie Ll C 3A6 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanviîle, Ontario Board of Education Leaders ini earn:ng REQUEST FOR TENDER FOR VARIOUS PROJECTS SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents, addressed to The Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education, c/o Centroller of Plant, wiII be received f rom Contractors at The Northumberîand-Clarington Education Centre, Receptien Desk, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L-2 until 2:00 p.m. local time,, "Dates as noted beIow". MANDATORY SITE INSPECTIONS wiIl be held and contractors wishing te bld must attend the Site Inspection. Bonds and Insurance requirements wilI be noted in the -specif icatiens. Tender documents must be obtained at the Site Inspection or at The Eduation Centre, 834 DArcy Street, Cobourg, Ontario upon receipt of a Certified Cheque in the amount of $100.00 per project made payable te the Board, which wiII be refunded upon return of documents in good order within two weeks of tender closing. Wlndow Replacement: At C.R. Gummow Public School, East Campus, 311 Cottesmore Avenue, Cobourg, Ontario. Site Inspection 10:00 a.m., 14 March 1995. Tender Closing tîme Is 2:00 p.m., 29 March 1995. HeatIng System Replacement: At Dr. L. B. Powers Public School, 64 Ward Street, Port Hope, Ontario. Site Inspection 9:00 a.m., 7 March 1995. Tender Cleslng time 19 2:00 p.m., 23 March 1995. Heating System Replacement: At Cobourg District Collegiate 1Institute West, Cobourg, Ontario. Site Inspection 2:00 p.m., 7 March 1995. Tender Closing Urne Is 2:00 p.m., 30 March 1995. Lowest or any tender net necessarily accepted. R. T. (Dick> Maîowney Director cf Educatien Diana Stewart Chairperson cf the Board These projects are funided through the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works Program. Cauai!<* rooWeekly Tîmes, Wedmesdity, March 1, 19Pl -o: ...............