12- Omno Weekly Times, Wednesday, Mardi 1~ 1995 G,-anaraska AuthorÎty operates wÎth surplus The annual meeting of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re-elected Gerry Houston for a sixteentb term of office as cbairperson. The Autbority operated during tbe year witb a surplus of $40,000 baving an overal expenditure of $1.127 million. Government grants amounted to $489,3 12 down siigbtly from 1993. The eigbt benefiting municipaliti es paid levies totalling .$403,560. The winter trail fees amounted to $13,246 with forest membersbips amounting te, $ 14,000. The Ganaraska Forest Centre operation brought in revenue of $82,8 19 a reduction from $91,158 in 1993. Administration costs amounted to $256,405. During the past year 706 students were recorded to attend the Residentiai Scbool at the centre wbiie 1060 were in attendance of the Day program. Weekend visitors numbered 888 wbiie campers numbered 429 during the period. The Autbority bas been involved in 24 projeets tbrough the Clean Up Rural Beaches program (CURB) of whicb 21 were sewage system replace- ments. Four were projects to restrict cattle in streams. The province provided $60,000 for the project. In November of 1994 tbe Autbority bired tbe firm of Marsball Mackiin Monogban to undertaken a study towards establisbing a business plan for the Ganaraska Forest. The plan is expected to be presented in September of 1995. A community-wide Search Conference is being beid on Wednesday, March Sdi, 1995 in the Port Hope Higb Scbool relating te the plan. Those interested to attend are asked to pbone the Autbority at 885- 8173. The Authority bas also undertaken tbe First stage of a Ganaraska River Watershed Plan. The plan is expected te be completed in 1996 providing it gains support from the benefiting municipalities. Tbe Autbority is holding a Maple Syrup day at the Forest Centre on Saturday, April 22nd. A tour of the maple syrup operation will be available along witb the serving of pancakes and maple syrup. Memorial continues as a community The Durham Acute Care Study released last week as te the future of bospitaiizing in Durhamn Region has set Memoriai Hospital in Bowmanviile to continue as a community bospital. Furtber the Oshawa General Hospital and tbe AjaxlPickering Hospital wili be designated ful service care facilîties while tbe Wbitby bospital will become a state-of-tbe-art regional rehbhili- tation centre. The Acute Care report called on tbe public and beaitb providers to be responsible for development of a plan to coordinate acute care bealtb and reiated services to meet conditions in the northern area of the Region wbere service is provided by the Port Perry Memorial Hospital andi the Cottage Hospital in Uxbridge. Botb will provide basic and primary cure services. - The study predicts over the next eleven years a number of new programns may be added to tbe program at Memorial while others may be trimmed. Mucb will depend on population growtb. A member of the steering hospital committee and chairperson of the Hospital Coundil of Durhamn said the report brougbt about a great day for all hospitals in tbe region. Jean Acbmatowicz said the report was a long time in coming. The report, cosfing $375,000 and takng 20 months to prepure, is directed te move towards a regional hospîtal systemn cutting out duplicate programs and thus reducmng costs within the Region. Witb the report receiving approval from tbe local bealtb council it will now bce sent off to the Ministry of Health for their consideration and approval. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, retains its emergency department and its surgical unit as in the past. The beart program will consist of cardiac rehabilitation anti adult cardioiogy. The cancer program consists of screening, palliation , pain control anti cbemotberapy. Also inciuded at Memorial will be medical andi surgical intensive care, day treatment for psychiatrie patients anti generai medicine and surgery for children. Knox shifts Family Auto into overdrive in tourney win Friday, February 24 saw the Orono Pee Wee Leafs bost the Osbawa LNHL Bruins in exhibition play. Orono picked up their thirti win in as many outings over the Bruins tbis season edgîng them 4-2. The score was 1-1 after the first and deatilocked -,at 2-2 after two periods of ho ckey. The Leafs prevailed however as they tallied two more in the final frame. The goaltending tandem of Ryan Leddy and Dusty Stapleton sbared the netminder duties with Mister Stapleton getting the win credit. Orono edged Oshawa in shots by an 18-14 murgin. Saturday, February 25 the Leafs travelled te Sunderlandi for Pineridgle Atoms meet Canadian Statesman In regular league play on February 23, Pineridge Atoms faced off against Canadian Statesman. Canadian Statesman opened tbe gaine witb 2 minutes for booking. While having the man advantage Rick Howe, Nick Lucyk and Mike Knapp combined for Oronos first scoring autempt. Knapp took offence to being hooked on bis seoring chance and went off 2 minutes for elbowing. The first shift for Pisani, Dejohn and Wood netted 2 or 3 scoring chances but the goalie was bot. Canadian Statesman's best cbance for a goal was a kick in so it was a Pee Wee tournament competition. They successfuily emerged as champs by winning ail three of their matches. With two forwards absent from the lineup the team's offensive production was bolstered by an uniikely source. Defenceman Mike Knox was allocated te front line duties. "Knoxy" promptly responded contributing no less than five sconing points enroute to bis club's cbaxnpionship spoils. In game one Orono squeaked by the Minden Monarchs 3-2 before trouncing the Uxbridge Bruins by a 6-0 score in game two. Game tbree pitted tbe Leafs against a familiar Mariposa Ligbtning Club. Tbe Ligbtning led 1-0 after the first before Orono tied it in the middle framne. Mariposa briefly ju;mpedabead 2- i early in tbe third. However the Leafs bad a stronger finish producing three unanswered tallies te take tbe gaine 4-2 while earning themselves the championship! The Mariposa Lightning have an opportunity to redeem tbemseives in an exhibition encounter bowever as they play bost to the Leafs Monday, February 27 in Little Britain! Leaflets: . .. Stili with the Sunderland tournament: Randy Brennan got MVP Honours for Orono . .. the defence corps of Neil Borutskie, Paul Landers, and Jamie Parry factored largely in restricting their foes to only 4 goals in ail three matches!... witb limited icetime diminutive winger Andrew Beacock stil manageti to impress witb a goal and two assists . .. get-weil-soon wisbes go out to aiiing forwards Kyle Beacock (flu) and Brandon Kettela (tbroat infection).. coach Pete Landers is recovering nicely from eye surgery he received two weeks ago . .. tearn manager Ray Bester was quoted as saying the Orono Hockey Parents' Valentine dance raîsed over $3,000.00! ... once again congratulations to ail who participated . . . statistically speaking: (after 57 games).. .Bob Witberidge is club points leader witb 76 including 37 assists . .. Brandon Caruana is second best in goals witb 30 ... Tyler Robinson leads in game wînners witb 7 ... <reg Shetier ieads witb 4 shorthanded talles .. . blueliner Greg Bester ranks second overail in tbe plus/minus departinent with +23 ... D.S. called back. With seconds ieft in the period Howe does everything but put it ini as be deked tbe goalie but couldn't lift it over him. With the score 0-0 Jef Siemon bad to be sbarp in net as Canadian Statesman got around Orono's defense and camne ini for the sbot. Orono reacted by coming back in a rush. J.P. Pisani took the original shot witb DJ. Boardman putting the rebound away at 13:20 off the goaiie's glove. This seemed to anger Canadian Statesman and tbey created 2 chances te score but Jeff Siemon stood up to them, even the 3'on one to make tbe play of the gaine. the second period was full of penales as Canadian 9tatesman took 2 minutes for slashing Chris Bouley, Orono's Matt Gregg 2 minutes for booking and Mike Knapp 2 minutes for hîgb sticking. The period ended- 1-0 Orono. Kevin Pritchard, playing defense, used a second effort to save a goal as be cbecked a Canadian Statesman player going for a breakaway. Kevin, playing heads up hockey passed te Shawn Dejobn wbo was almost in the clear himself. Canadian Statesman fmnally tied the gaine at 11:01 of the third. Orono fought back hard on the powerpiay as (Continued page 13) COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS. DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK RR. 1, ORONO. ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1Mo ON HW.115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 À M D- W BALL S RADIO & T.V. REPAUR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.S AND V.C.R.S P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 IMASARU KAnRTE CLUB Classes for Children and Aduits NoÂvial ata rsSple Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 SN Northcutt Elliott ~jEFuneral Homie THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaîd Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerais - Out of Trown Sbipping Cory Kulpers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z8ý 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING G-ANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Phone aheador by chance 8335 Hwy. 351115, Orono LOB3 1 MO (905) 983-9540