14-OrnWekyTmsWeedaarh I9 <ý ppl1e Blossorn Shop w FLOWERS & IS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don tjust specialize - We make every order special. "Hair With Flair" For LADIES andi GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electr.ic ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. Whte Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Barina Home Check - Vacation Homne Checking - Lt us make your homne look lived in *Wedding Day Services Reiable References INSU RED Bart Shater lu-ina Cox NEWTONVILLE J (905) 786-2996 _ FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLI N 1 5 George' Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work in Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 98348674 Bryon Grundy Grlst IiIII Auct Ion Centre Newtonvillie FRIDAY, MARCH 3RD 6:00 PXM Selling the attractive contents front a Cobourg home; queen brass bed; extension walnut console dining table; 5 Pc. round bridge set; single pine bed; pine bookease cabinet; antique rocker; old piano; antique chairs; telephone table;s office chairs; stereo; Limited Edition art; Persian carpets; and many, many other good articles. Auction is Friday night 6:00 pan. Plan to Attend. TERMS: Cash, Approved Choque, Visa, Infsrac AUCTIONEER Frank Stapieton 905-786-2244 1'"c Blue Tick dog, white and black in colour, lost Crooked Creek area. Finder please cal (905) 786-1068. 1a KILPATRICK, Marian Aberta - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Friday. February 24, 1995. Marian Alberta Kilpatrick aged 72 years. Beloved sister of Doris and ber husband Oscar Wollstein and the late Kathleen. Dear mother of Carol Gainforth of Kenora, Susan and herhusband Ross Derry of North Bay and'John Kilpatrick of Belleville. Dear aunt of Paul Buckley and is wife Susan of Brampton. Dear grandmother of Rebecca Kilpatrick. Daughter of the late Albert and Lilian Dudley. Rested at The Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Saturday. Funeral was held i our Chapel 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Cremation. Memorial donations may be made to Memorial Hospital Bowmmaville Palliative Care. I,ac CDA (1988 Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studioo pen Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. - Other times by appointment - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 e llng upplies n Hardware *Bam Steel - Sikkens Stain ~ J ?pino *Hemlock for Fencos tua JIj., b and Stalis V -A Ceafmtor (A# YourBullWkgNeWd paRTpa(IiI7F~ (705) 277-3381 or ->ttoVf'-~M«r ~(905) 4344665 <.n.en)s ON HWY. 3,2 MILES NORTH 0F HW. 1"S WHITE, Mldred Helen - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvile on Wednesday. February 15, 1995 i her 83rd year. Mildred, beloved wife of William "Art" Whiite. Loving mother of Marjorie and her husband Gord Lowery of Orono and the late Doreen Harding. Also remembered by her son-in-law Jim Harding. Dear grandmother of Lynn and her husband Chris Robinson, Marcia, Dianne and Peter. Lovingly remembered by her great-grandchildren Tyler, Curtis and Brittany. Loved sister of Florence Covert of Oshawa, Queenie Turner of Mallory Town and the late Ivy, Mabel, Ernest and John. Friends were able to cail at the Morris -Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bowmanville on Friday. Funeral service was held in our Chapel on Friday at il a.m. Cremation. Donations to Memorial Hospital Foundation would be appreciated. i.ac The War Ampes ags: Ifs flime for... The War Amps SHEET METAL DESIGNS Custom Made Sheet Metal Work Galvanized, Stainiess Steel or Black Iran Tig and Arc Weiding Barclay Crozier 983-9311 NEW - NEW - NEW. You need a riew connection f0 eamn some extra incarne. FREE INFORMATION, cali (416) 631-4774 or write The Nu Connection, P.O. Box 199, George- town, Ontario L7G 4Y5. START VOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins is today's best business oppartunityl For free infor- mation contact - Independent Mar- keting Director, 218 Megiund Ores- cent, Saskatoon, Sask 57H 4Z6 (1 - 800-263-2999). NEW IN CANADA. SuccessfulI mc. 500 company recenfly entered Canada. Laoking for enfrepreneurial individuals ta market lino of environ- menfaliy sensitive home hygiene and persona] care products through unique consumer direct purchasing program. Generous performance based incarnie, car alîowances & profit shaning available. Part-Urne or ful-tUme immediateiy. For info. 800- 790-4532. CVARPE ER TRHAININ LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Saufhwestem School of Auctioneer- ing. Next Class: JMARCH 18-24. Information , contact: Southwestem Ontario Schaol of Auctioneoring, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Leamn Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspondonce. Eam your certifi- cate now. For free brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Services, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1 -800-6665- 144, over 20 years of fax ftraining expenence. EMARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- Spm year round. A real inside flea market, good dlean merchandise from crafts to collectibles, solid wood fumîfure. S ESHLP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money seîling chocolate bas . NEW $200,PRODUOTS. Nothing ta pay in advance, fast delivery 1 - 800-38-DELUX. ISCELLANEOUS.â POETRY CONTEST $24,000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or less: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1369, Owings Milis, Md 21117. 1U CL INTERES LEARN TO PLAY Musical Instru- ment s "h new, easier way, with Self Teaching Video Tapes. Free cata- logue. Besf prices on ail musical instruments. Musicare Inc. 1-800- 361-3323. PANTELEPHON-E SERVICES (*A cosf will ho incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS. Police use us... Hamess your destiny. Vour present and future revealed. *Love *Success *Money. Find out now. Cail 1-900- 451-4055 $2.99/min. 18+. ..P......... SEXUAL enhancement for seniors. Improve your sexuality righf now with sexual fitness for life. Over- corne ail erecfion problems. Wrife/call: Performance Medicai, Box 418, Vaiemount, B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1-800-663-0121. ADOPTIONýý*kf CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We are a couple wifh one child and wouid like fa, adopf a new baby f0 expand our ioving family. Please cali 1-613-542-0275. REAL ESTAT.E GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/imeshare? We'lI take if! Ameri- ca's Iargest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Tiresharerentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDîNGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Win- fer Specials S Series Straighfwaîls 20x3O $4.780., 25x32 $6.154., 30x36 $6,933., S35x40 $8,652. lncluding Ends. Sliding Doors, GST & Freight, cail 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SALE.. .Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Guaranfeed Iowesf prices. Sizes 500-15,000 sq/ff. Sfraightsided quonsef with ends. Example: 30x4O $6.994., 30x48 $7,794. Cali Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top Quality Sf raightwall Wood/Steel & AI/Steel Buildings, CSA Certified, Workshops, Bams, Arenas, Stables, Etc. Large or Small, Contracting & Financing Available, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. *ftIsAffordabIe aeIts Fst * tsw Easy 9 On. Bill Do..M Alil -Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 - WYe8ýtern Ontaro $162 - Central Ontario $168'- Ail Ontario> $380 -National Packages Available Cal this paper for details! Canachan w~id1iÇe réeeration, r Stephen Crozier 983-6301 IIF YOU CAN DRA W IT, WE CAN mAKE irj S Simpson Memorials lI'M No w I owa il L.J 121-King St. E., Bowmanvllle 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope 905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions eindoor 1 Outdoor Dsplays eExcellent Prices *Guaranteed Workmanshlp *Etchlngs - Personai and Scenes eWooden Sandblasted Signe Try us before you decide by visiting our new Sales Office, or oeil us and arrange for an appoinbrment in 9hw comnfort of your home. The Canadian Wildiife Feder- ation works hard to ensure a heaitby future for Canada's. wild animais and plants. CWF sponsors environmental research and works with governments to heip develop sound wilife legisiation. Become a member of CWF, Canada's largest conservation organization, and you'ii be helping wildlife in more ways than you can. imagine. Cail or write today. 2740 Queensview Dr., Otawa, Ont. K2B 1 A2 1-800-563-WILD C LASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 1Advertise Across Ontario arA cross the Country" Conservi n< for, jou! Burrowing Owl Threatenecl .- bI canadian ',Federation CALLTOLL FliËE-, ýýl ..ýeRANITE M0NUMEMT>ý", MARKER wd :'ýtÈM ETERY LEl-rERli4Ô;.-' PRIVATE HO E SHOWROOW, APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITH REFERENCES AVAILA, 0 N R E QU E ST. 4ý.ji t.dYE tree fiowèr 'and Monter ISA ACCEP l 1 1