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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Mar 1995, p. 13

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Ot~rio Weelcly Tlmes~ Wednesday~ Maroh 8, 1995-13 SAL-LY STAPLES associate broker 'Thinking of se((lingP CaIEl7me for a free appraisaC of ycur property - or to view your pote ntia( new Ifwme! REIMAX CORNERSâeTOâNE realty Itd. realtor 623-6000 Spacious, restored red brick century home - new kitchen, glowing pine floors, Ioads of character - huge lot - excellent commuter locaton. $135,000. Kendal Hiall News The men of Kendal L.O.L. 405 met on Wednesday, March 1 when two members rceived the Blue Degree. The Junior Lodge met on Thursday, March 2. Plans are well underway for their trip to Ireland ini July. They have raised most of themoney and are busy selling tickets on a quilt. ThIis will be a wonderful experience for these young people. The Ladies will be meeting on Thursday, March 9 when plans will be finalized for their Penny Sale and Bake Sale te be held at the Hall on Saturday, March 25. There will he lots of baking in the afternoon and the drawing for the Penny Sale Prizes will begin at 8 p.m. This year there will be a quilt and an afghan going out to some lucky people. If you can flot Region sets Direct Bank be there in the evening, don't let0 that stop you, corne down in the [IUosit aftemnoon, put your tickets around General Welfare recipients in on whatever you would like to Durhami Region will soon note an Win and then leave your ticket improvement in the distribution stubs with your name written oni of welfare payments. it, with any member of the Lodge On March lst the Region of and anything you Win will be Durham gave their stamp of delivered. approval on a system of direct On Friday, February 24 there bank deposit of welfare monies. were 9-1/2 tables in play at the It has been stated that the card party. High score went tO system is a money saving feature Norma Moffat with 89; 2nd high reducing banking charges and Theresa Langstaff with 83, and saving administrative staff time. James Lowery and Frances The Direct Bank Deposît wil Cathcart tied for 3rd and 4the eliminate loss of time that can with 77. The wirmer of the draw happen in the mail and will cut was George Mercer and the free down drastieally on lost 'eheques. admission for the next card party Bank service charges of 46 went to Lena Clysdale. Next card cents is expected to be reduced to party, Friday, Marchi 10. an amount of 4 cents through the P. Lowery use of the Direct Bank Deposit system. Nature's Miracles Monte Hummel Prestdet of Worid WihUif Fund Canada Blue Jay deserves its reputation for sharp intelligence T-" he big, brash Blue Jay at the1 feeder is an exceptionaiiys capable mimic. He aiternately chatters like the Chiekadees lhe hass just chased away or screams like a( hawk, perhaps te keep them away while hie dines. Jays copy a %-Mee vari ety of natu- rai and man-made sounds, incorpo- rating them inte their reperteire. This abiiity hbas gained the jay a reputation for high intelligence. While impressive and entertain- ing te us, the Blue Jay's talent for iicry is net proof of high intelli- gence. Yet, it does împly a degree of attentiveness and mental agility. Members of the crow family, inciuding jays, as weil as ravens, magpies and more than 100 other species, are net only among the iargest songbirds, but are generaiiy considered the smartest birds of ail. The Common Crow, for instance, can be taught te count te three and te imi- tate human speech. Laboratory experiments seem te confirm the Blue Jay's abiliies. Jays score as well as cats and squirrel mon- keys in tests of their ability to Iearn simple tas", and recognize objects. However, it is probably the occa- sional reports of what appears to bc creativity or reasornng that give the Blue Jay its brainy reputation. These often involve the bird using a tool - a shred ol paper, perhaps, or a twig - te gain access te a food source. Sometimes, the technique spreads te other jays that have, been watching and, presumabl,, learning. A cdue te the Blue JaN 's actual intelligence may lie in its diet, which includes just about anything edible. The feeding patterns of many other birds are much more highIy programmed than the Blue Jaý 's. Their behaviour is less v'ersatile and more instinctual than the Jav s, and this both restriets what they recognize as food and limits the means b which they can obtain it. To a Blue Jay, almost anything is a possible meal. Fruits, seeds, insects, bird's eggs and young birds, mice, treefrogs, smails and even f ish are on the menu. It has an active curioitv that allows it te experiment with ways of obtaining tasty morsels, and an excellent memory that lets it learn from it.s experiments. For now though, this noisy Jay s assertive nature is the only tool he needs te kecp the bird feeder ail te himself. WWF HIGH TIMES IN THE SUN NOT HIGH PRICES For years, talk of "high season" prices have kept people tram even thinking about winter travel. But the tact is that you can go anywhere, anytime just by shopping carefully. In generai, you will find your best buy among packages that include round-trip airtare and lodging, oten for less than you would pay for a hotel room alone at regular rates. Picking the right place is the key Io winter travel heaven, and this year the right place is Mexico. With 6,000 miles of sunny coastline, 59,000 hotel rooms buit in the last f ive years, modern roads and communications, and a culture that goes back thousands of years, Mexico has'a place for every budget and every taste al year round. If you want more than just beachtime, there is a whole world of gorgeous Colonial cities, world class museums and mysterious archaeological sites less than an hour away from the resorts. Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Min 623-0005 Coe i: me to bull or seil.. Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones Z ~983-6O13 Rleoity-Ne 1050 SIMCOE ST. N. 103- OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 y Travel Taih with Elizabeth Belanger-Lnkietter CTC Canaclan Veceration Sage Thrasher '~'Endangered Con5ervin<S wlliIfe lfor ýjou! The Canadian Wildlife Federation, works hard to ensure a heaithx' future for Canadas wildlife. CWF sponsors environmental research and works with goxernments to help develop sound legisiation. Become a niember of CWF, Canadas largest conservation organization, and you'll be helping wildlife iiniore ways than yoLI can imagine. Call or write today. Cainadiain WiIdIife 'PFederation 2740 Queensview Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2B 1 A2 1-800-563-WILD wn HELP PAY THE MORTGAGE! RENT OUT THE 1 BDRM. APT. & LIVE IN THE MAIN HOME! ONLY $1 19,500. Ili jjmý j Ili :: . . , ý , " "... .. . . . . ......... ,

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