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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Mar 1995, p. 2

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2- Orono Weeldy Tinies, Wednesday, March 8~ 1995 O roua <Jeekfy 'I&nes 53110 Main Streeit, PO. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 41 6-Q83-5301 Roy C. Forrester, Owner-Edltor Subscripion $1 7.00 perannum (ýncçIes GI Somewhat surprisi'mg A proposai by the Durhamu Non-Profit Housing Corporation to build a tbree storey, 60 unit complex in the middle of Bowmanvile raised some concerus for some residents both of a physical nature and it would appear as to the desirabiity of a non-profit housing in the area. It was somewhat surprising to bear of the objection but this is notbing really surprising. 0f a physical nature the proposai would transformn a large sore in the middle of Bowmanville that bas been a gapping hole after the razing of the former Specialty Paper building or for some the old piano factor building. 1As to it location in the downtown it would tend to boister the business scope of the downtown area with needed residential numbers. If downtowns such as Bowmanville are to survive there is a need to intensify residential development witbmn walking distance The proposai for the location across from the Library was ideal for the 60 unit complex. Much better than expanding further to the outskirts of Bowmanville wimh anomher step in tying a knot in tme downtown area. There appeared teobe an undertone in some of the debate as to the desimabüity of Non-Profit Housing and mhat in this case it might attract other than seniors. On a number of occasions counicil members were lead to point out that mhe development could not be tenned a seniors only complex. This is now a matter of law and of course wby would not omhers be interested in accommodation through mhis Corporation. They have righîto bepart of the system. No one has the right te deny mhat to tbem. Non-Profit and Ce-op Housing along witb omher such bousing has played a big part in providing needed accommodation te both seniors and, yes, single parents and their children. Would we deny mhe opportunity. Unfortunately somewould. The Durbam Non-Profit Housing Corporation bas a good record as in now evident in Bowmanville wimh two omher developments and in omher Centres ion mhe Region. 0f course mhe issue of mhe senior centre on mhe first floor of the bousing complex bas to be settled between mhe Mumicipality and mhe Housing Corporation. Clarington bas a number of proposais on mheir plate and funding will be a matter te be considered in number of projets being considered by mie municipality. On mhe omher hand notbing should defer mhe residential development of living accommodation mhe downtown area of Bowmanville. Red Cross Charity Gambling The Canadian Red C ross Society is but one more cbarity to step into Cbarity gambling to offset a declining source of revenue mhat bas existed for many years. As of Monday bie Red Cross is in the gambling business and hopes te raise some $1 million tbrough the new venture. There are a number of prizes>to mhe draw with mhe top prize being $ 100,000 with an overail payout of $250,000. It i stated mhat mhe odds are better mhan l in 20 of winning a prize which doesn't seem too bad. It is not tmat we support gambling as a means for raising funds but it is a siLnn of mhe times. Rezoning approved (Continued from page 1) to the rezoning application so mhat application could be made te both the province and the federal government. Althougb there bas been consideration of a first floor seniors centre in tbe complex this was not a consideration of the rezoning of -th lands. The Municipality of Clarington and the Non-Profit Housing Corporation are 10 continue discussion of the seniors centre in the building which would be of considerable cost for the municipality. Some councillor expressed concern as to'costs of the senior portion of the building and the effect it would have on the municipalities budget in coming years. Ail members of council witb the exception of Counc. Pat Pingle voted in favour of the rezoning application. Counc. John O'Toole was absent from the meeting. It was an understanding at die meeting that the Housing Corporation would proceed even if the Municipaiity pulled out of the Seniors Centre proposai Kendal Column Perhaps spring is on the way, afler yesterdays snow and fog and rain, water is running down the yard towards the ditcb. There shouldn't be as much water running off tbe fields tbis year since mhe snow at the present time is pretty sparse. In driving around the country mhere seems to be very little snow at least within 50 kms. of the lake. Wbemher tbis will be good for mhe wells that were s0 low or flot only time wîll tell. 1 guess mhe weather is the -las.t tbing we should complain about mhis part of the world. When you hear about the floods in Europe, the rain and mud slides on mhe, west coast, mhe snow mhat bas been bitting B.C., the earthquakes in other parts of the world, makes one thrnk of how lucky we arc, what's little thing lilce a bit of an ice storm, a short snow st orm, I've only had te use the snowblower 4 times this winter, so far. Sunday 'was a dull day, but until early evening il was dry. Tbere was a good turnout at cburch, Rev. Black welcomed ail, the opening bymn was, "No Weight 0f Gold". The Invitation to Worship and the Prayer of Approacb were given, the hymn, "Immortal, Invisible" was sung followed by the Prayerof Self- Examination and tbe Words of Assurance. The cbildren came forward, David asked them bow good was their memory? How many were bere last week, he asked them? He told them mhat what he wore around bis neck was a, stole., He asked them what colour isit, mhey asswered purple, he asked them if they could remember the colour of last week? They answered green. He asked them if îbey knew wbat last Sunday was, somecone answered Epiphany. Epiphany is die celebration of the birtb of Jesus. David told them tbat this is the first Sunday of Lent, this is the season leading up to Jesus' death. He asked them if they could remember the symbol that was on Orono United Church dininer (Continued from page 1) He spoke of mhe large number of volunteers and an active Sunday School as well as interest by a number in taking part as Lay Pastoral people. ."We have a message and a witness te gîve", he said and that a partnershîp leads to the fullness of life. Rev.Russell spoke of the intent to make the church wheelchair assessable so that everyone is able to participate fully in the life of the church. The project bas the support of the congregation, he said and there was need to move ahead on the project. "Let's strengmhen our church and thus strengthen ourselves", said Rev. Russel "where mhere are no stairs to climb." The rest of the evening irivolved viewing the past, to v!ewing die present, the future as well as enjoying the social aspect of the evening. the stole last week? One littie girl said two fishes. Tbey could al see the symbol this week, someone called it an A and a horseshoe. David told mhem mhat the two fishes were mhesymbol mhat was used in those days sbowîng mhat you were a Christian. Tbe A., is tbe first letter in tbe Greek alphabet, meaning Alpha, tbe beginning. The borsesboe is tbe. last letter of mhe Greek alphabet, meaning Omega. Ihis symbol on tbe stole means Alpba and Omega, Jesus was mhe Alpha and Omega, tbe beginning and tbe end. 'Me first and last in our life. Tbe cbildren's bymn was "Trust andObey'., The scripturcs were, taken fromn Genesis 12: 1-10; Deuteronomy, 25: 5-9, Hebrews 11: 1-12. A long time ago, in a place far away, at home witb bis family, after a good meal, a man walked outside for a stretch. As be waiked, he looked up at mhe sky, there were more stars mhan could be counted. Perhaps it was at this time that Abrahama began to, marvel at mhe sight, mhe beauty of the night. Perhaps be gave mhanks, perhaps it was then that be realized mhat mhere must be one, wbo made the order, wbo created ail order and beauty. It was at mhis time mhat mhe Lord spoke te Abrahamnfot in reality, but somehow He communicated witb Abrabam. We bave been learning in mhe past few weeks of how Peter, John, Andrew and Mary Magdeline and omhers came te Jesus. We don't know how God came te Abraham, perhaps it was just a feeling. Perhaps mhat is bow Jesus felt at times when God communicated with him. When Jesus learned of mhe ilness of bis bromher, he did flot burry te turn around and go back home, he took two days before be retumed. He was tbinking, wrestling wimh God. Abraham, was not a poor man, aman alone, be bad a large family, servants, animais. Can you imagine what bis wife Sarah said when Abraham announced that tbey were going to pack everything up and go, flot, with mhe others but with only their w family. Abraham told ber God bad told bim to do it. This was flot a rational move. Where were mhey going? Tbeý, were flot sure, mhey bad only their faith to guide them. Isn't mhat what bappens to us in our life, don't WCwewsb We had visible guides to our life and future? We don't know bow often or bow long 'Abraham bad been going out and looking at mie sky, (Continued page 14) St.Saviour's Anglican Church *MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARTO Interlm Minlster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUF 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE ~WÀ\ Rev. Dr. M~7 Mervyn Russeli 4 Marlene .~Risebrough, Secrtary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERNICES SUNDAY, MARCH 12TH Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m EXPLORERS Wednesday, March th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Frgirls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pi. eýý

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